Magellan is a full-featured client tool for the play-by-e-mail game Eressea. It displays a map of your part of the Eressea world, supports you in writing orders, performs many complex calculations for you and is available completely in English.
Magellan is only one among many other client programs for Eressea and is in no way related to the developers of Eressea. To relieve them of unnecessary work please contact the Magellan Community in case you have any questions or problems.
Unless otherwise indicated, all files in this distribution are provided to you under the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL License Version 2.0. A copy of this license is provided in COPYING.
Exceptions from the GNU GPL are notified in the source files itself or written down in a seperate file (e.g. src/release/lib/jflap.LICENSE.txt).
If you are not satisfied that EVERYTHING is under the GNU GPL License you should not use Magellan.