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A small GUI for accessing Philips HUE Lamps under any Windows environment.

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  • Setup and pairing with your HUE Bridge
  • Autodetection of your HUE Bridge by using Philips nupnp service
  • You can control your lamps by room or by the individual lamp
  • Presets with config-reader (Writer & Preset Creator is still to come)


  • The preset file is called "presets.cfg" - every preset has four lines:
Line Variable Example / Format Explanation
1 ID 1: / Int32 The primary key of the preset (simple auto increment)
2 Name name:Colour Loop / string The name of your preset
3 Sleep(duration) in ms sleep:500 / Int32 The sleepduration after each iteration (if it's not a loop) or after each cycle (if loop)
4 Commands commands:turnOn:3|loop|campfire:3|sleep:100 / String The list of the commands for the preset - the structure is the following: function:arg1,arg2,...
  • Current commands for presets (basically all functions from HUEFunctions.cs acquired by reflection):
Command Arguments Explanation Limited Range Target
loop - Loops the presets commands after the loop statement - Commands
sleep int sleep Sleeps the execution of the preset by sleep milliseconds sleep: [0-∞[ Commands
turnOn int ID Turns the light with the given ID on - Bulb
turnOff int ID Turns the light with the given ID off - Bulb
briUP int ID Increases the brightness of the given ID by 50 - Bulb
briDown int ID Decreases the brightness of the given ID by 50 - Bulb
setXY int ID, double X, double Y Sets the colour of the given ID to x and y Yes (but not a "common" limit) Bulb
setCT int ID, int CT Sets the color temperature of the given ID to CT CT: [153-500] Bulb
setHUE int ID, int HUE Sets the colour of the given ID to HUE HUE:[0-65280] Bulb
setBRI int ID, int BRI Sets the brightness of the given ID to BRI. BRI:[0-254] Bulb
setAlert int ID Flashes the given ID one time - Bulb
pulsate int ID, int sleep Sets the brightness of the given ID from 1 - 254 sleep: [0-∞[ Bulb
campfire int ID Imitates a campfire (when looped) - Bulb
setRandomHUE int ID Changes the HUE value of the given ID to a random number - Bulb
setRandomBRI int ID, int min, int max Changes the brightness of the given ID to a random number. min, max: [0-254] Bulb
fadeBRI int ID, int stepsize, int start, int end Fades the brightness of the given ID from start to end by reducing or increasing it's value by stepsize each cycle stepsize: [1-254] start, end: [0-254] sleep: [0-∞[ Bulb
GRPturnOn int gid Turns the group with the given GID on - Group
GRPturnOff int gid Turns the group with the given GID off - Group
GRPbriUP int gid Increases the brightness of the given GID by 50 - Group
GRPbriDown int gid Decreases the brightness of the given GID by 50 - Group
GRPhueInc int gid Increases the HUE value of the given GID by 1500 - Group
GRPhueIncManual int gid, int hue Increases the HUE Value of the given GID by HUE HUE: [0-65280] Group
GRPhueDec int gid Decreases the HUE value of the given GID by 1500 - Group
GRPsatInc int gid Increases the saturation of the given GID by 50 - Group
GRPsatDec int gid Decreases the saturation of the given GID by 50 - Group
GRPsetHue int gid, int hue Sets the HUE value of the given GID to HUE HUE: [0-65280] Group
GRPsetCT int gid, int ct Sets the colour temperature of the given GID to CT CT: [153-500] Group
GRPsetXY int gid,double X, double Y Sets the colour of the given GID to x and y Yes (but not a "common" limit) Group
GRPbriSet int gid, int bri Sets the brightness of the given GID to BRI BRI: [0-254] Group
GRPpulsate int gid, int sleep Sets the brightness of the given GID from 1 to 254 sleep: [0-∞[ Group
GRPsetRandomHUE int gid Sets the HUE value of the given GID to a random number - Group
GRPsetRandomBRI int gid, int min, int max Sets the brightness of the given GID to a random number between min and max min,max: [0-254] Group
GRPfadeBRI int gid, int sleep, int stepsize, int start, int end Fades the brightness of the given GID from start to endby reducing or increasing it's value by stepsize each cycle stepsize: [1-254] start, end: [0-254] sleep: [0-∞[ Group

Example Preset





Things to come

  • Preset-Builder
  • Nicer GUI (hopefully)
  • Cleaner Code

Issues or untested Things

Since I don't own any old HUE hardware (newest Bridge and RGB Lamps only) I can't tell if there will be any bug with older bridges or lamps. However, if you're using the same hardware as I do, you should be fine. Feel free to report any bug.


A small GUI for accessing Philips HUE Lamps under any Windows environment.







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