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autofilter (version 2.0)

Automatically mitigate layer 7 DDoS attacks.

Automatically mitigate layer 7 DDoS attacks by adding abusive IPs to nginx blacklist. IP considered as belonging to bot when passed a threshold of requests per minute. Custom thresholds can be set for every country code, CIDR subnet or single IP. Different request weight counted for requests to static and requests to dynamic content.


  • cd /opt
  • git clone autofilter

Also you need to install python3, unbound, dnspython and netaddr:

# yum install python3
# yum install unbound
# vim /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
        do-ip6: no
# systemctl enable unbound
# systemctl start unbound

# pip3 install dnspython
# pip3 install netaddr


  • cd /opt/autofilter
  • git pull


Configuration file /opt/autofilter/autofilter.conf is optional.

If no config file provided - default built-in config is used:

block ALL 24h

limit ALL 128 32

Configuration file allow comments, from symbol # to end of line.

Configuration file has only two directives: limit and block.

limit directive has syntax: limit <entity> <total_request_count_threshold> <one_uri_request_count_threshold>.

<entity> can be ALL, or country code, for example, UA or RU or CN. Also <entity> can be IP address, ipv4 or ipv6 or IP network in CIDR notation.

<total_request_count_threshold> is total request count after which specific ip address will be blocked.

<one_uri_request_count_threshold> is request count to only one uri after which specific ip address will be blocked.

Each threshold is integer number or special value none.

Request count measured as one-minute sum of request weight for each request from each ip. One request to static resource or one nginx-level redirect measured as weight 0.01, all other requests considered as requests to backend, and has weight 1.0.

If some specific ip generates load above threshold - this ip will be blocked as bot.

Search engine bots from Google, Yandex and Bing are detected automatically and will be never blocked.

By default limit ALL 128 32 if other value not specified in config.

block directive has syntax: block <entity> <time>.

<entity> can be ALL, or country code, for example, UA or RU or CN. Also <entity> can be IP address, ipv4 or ipv6 or IP network in CIDR notation.

<time> is block time in hours or in days, suffix h or d is required. For example: 24h or 3d.

By default block ALL 24h if other value not specified in config.

nginx configuration

nginx global configuration context:

worker_shutdown_timeout 60s;

nginx configuration in context http for standalone server:

geo $geoip_country_code {
    default XX;
    include /etc/nginx/geo/geoip_country_code.conf;

geo $bot {
    default 0;
    include /opt/autofilter/var/bot.conf;

map $bot $loggable {
    0 1;
    1 0;

map $time_iso8601 $time {
    "~([0-9-]+)T([0-9:]+)" "$1 $2";

log_format standalone '$time\t$geoip_country_code\t$remote_addr\t$upstream_cache_status'

access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log standalone if=$loggable;

File /etc/nginx/geo/geoip_country_code.conf can be generated with nginx-geo

nginx configuration in context http for nginx frontend server:

geo $geoip_country_code {
    default XX;
    include /etc/nginx/geo/geoip_country_code.conf;

geo $bot {
    default 0;
    include /opt/autofilter/var/bot.conf;

map $bot $loggable {
    0 1;
    1 0;

map $time_iso8601 $time {
    "~([0-9-]+)T([0-9:]+)" "$1 $2";

log_format frontend '$time\t$geoip_country_code\t$remote_addr\t$upstream_http_x_cache_status'

access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log frontend if=$loggable;

proxy_set_header  Host $host;
proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-Https $https;
proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header  X-GeoIP-Country-Code $geoip_country_code;

nginx configuration in context http for nginx backend server:

set_real_ip_from   {{ nginx frontend ip }};
real_ip_header     X-Real-IP;

add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status always;
add_header X-Response-Time $upstream_header_time always;

map $time_iso8601 $time {
    "~([0-9-]+)T([0-9:]+)" "$1 $2";

log_format backend  '$time\t$http_x_geoip_country_code\t$remote_addr\t$upstream_cache_status'

access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log backend;

nginx configuration in context server for standalone and nginx frontend servers:

if ( $bot ) { return 429; }
Warning!!! If this line not included in server context - server will be unprotected from DDoS.
Warning!!! If nginx log_format changed - you need to rotate nginx access.log file before starting autofilter.

Automation via systemd service

Create configuration file /opt/autofilter/autofilter.conf and define limits. After it create systemd service, for example, in file /etc/systemd/system/autofilter.service:




After this you need to start service:

  • systemctl daemon-reload
  • systemctl enable autofilter
  • systemctl start autofilter
  • systemctl status autofilter

If all ok you will see what service is enabled and running.


Automatically mitigate layer 7 DDoS attacks








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