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ESKIT (Event Sourcing Kit)

Eskit is a collection of microservices built on top of Event Sourcing Idea. It can be useful for people who want to try out event sourcing. As Greg Young mentions in his talks if you write an event sourcing framework probably you're doing something wrong. ESKIT is not an event sourcing framework, it's bunch of contracts (GRPC) with example implementation.

What is ESKIT:

  • Event Sourcing Service (Append, Get operations) with Application Log (from Vaughn Vernon's book)
  • CRUD Service : Uses ES service with predefined event types and does the replay for the user.
  • Consumer Service to track the progress of Application Log
  • Go and Python consumers to process the events from ES and Application Log
  • It's an easy way to have CQRS with consumers and event logs easily.
  • Makefile with lots of cool automations.
  • Supports both GRPC and REST (grpc-gw).

What ESKIT is not

  • It's not an Event Sourcing Framework
  • It's not production ready
  • It's not fast as Kafka.

Architecture Overview

The kit itself consists of 3 microservices and 1 consumer

  • Event Store
  • Crud Store
  • Consumer Store
  • Metrics Consumer

Event Store Service

Event Store Service is an append only service where users can append predefined event data. It supports the usual 2 operations Append and Get. It also adds a new concept called Application Log which is like an event stream (Kafka). Every time a new Append request is sent the event is written to event store and application log at the same time in the same transaction. This is a trade off the service accepts in order to keep things simple instead of trying to implement distributed transactions and etc. Consumers can poll/stream (LogsPoll) on that Application Log and process all the events flowing through the system. The consumers are responsible for storing the offset of their their progress. ESKIT has a reference implementation of consumer client where it sores its progress on Consumer Store.

Crud Store Service

Crud Store service is built on top of Event Store Service and uses it as data storage. It supports 4 basic CRUD operations and some listing capabilities. In general when implement Event Sourcing systems you have to have handlers that replay the events and create the current state of the entities. What Crud Store does is, it has 3 (Created, Updated, Deleted) predefined event types and tries to do the replay for the user. On client facing side the user only sees real objects and no events, it's like a NoSQL database with history. When an update operation is sent only diff of previous state and new state is saved to the event store Event Store. Under the hood Crud Store uses JSON Merge Patches to replay the objects from the diffs. Using Crud Store is totally optional, user can just use Event Store and do the replay by herself. Currently Crud Store doesn't support Snapshotting, something to be added in the future.

Crud Store works with Json Payloads for CRUD operations. ESKIT also includes a Go client which works at Protobuf (Golang struct) level and does all the JSON conversion for the user.

Consumer Store Service

Consumer Store Service is simple service that helps consumers keep the progress when they read the Application Log. Its useful if consumer is crashed so can continue from where it left off.

Metrics Consumer

Metrics Consumer is an example implementation of how to write consumers to process the Application Log. Currently it reads all of the events flowing and saves the metrics to Prometheus. Project all has grafana dashboards which can display some interesting facts about the events flowing in the systems.

General Microservice Architecture looks like :


To Run It Locally:

Requirements :
  • docker
  • docker-compose
Run Tests Locally (in docker compose):
  • make test
Deploy to Docker Compose Locally :
  • make deploy
Deploy to Minikube Locally (requires already running cluster):
  • make deploy-minikube
Deploy to DO (requires already running cluster):
  • make deploy-do

How to contribute ?

  • Create a fork
  • Clone your own fork : git clone<you-user-name>/eskit.git
  • cd eskit
  • Add upstream : git remote add upstream
  • Fetch The latest changes from the upstream : git fetch upstream
  • Merge them to your master : git rebase upstream/master
  • Create the branch you want to work on : git checkout -b <branch-name>
  • When ready with your changes push them to your branch : git push origin -u <branch-name>
  • Before open a Merge Request : rebase against the upstream master branch (if someone did some change)
    • git checkout master
    • git fetch upstream
    • git rebase upstream/master
    • git checkout <branch-name>
    • git rebase -i master
  • Push latest changes to your branch (after the rebase):
    • git push origin -f <branch-name> (Note that we apply -f because of the rebase in prev step, careful !)
  • Create a MR.

For more information about rebasing : - -

Maintainer :

  • Denis Kyorov : makkalot at gmail dot com


  • Korhan Yazgan : korhanyazgan at gmail dot com