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Initial working version with support for some (not all) Markdown blocks.
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malcolmsparks committed Jun 14, 2011
0 parents commit 66c17f1
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,107 additions and 0 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
661 changes: 661 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE

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32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions README.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# A Clojure Markdown library.

The purpose of this library is to provide Clojure with native support for
Markdown and other text-based authoring formats such as Org-mode.

## Rationale

Existing Markdown implementations in other languages are available to Clojure
developers but these all combine a parser front-end to Markdown with a backend
emitter (ie. HTML). For these to be used in Clojure the developer has to parse
the result back into Clojure structures for further processing.

A more efficient and flexible approach is to have the Markdown front-end create
a native Clojure data structure (maps and vectors) that can be manipulated by
functions and emitted into HTML using prxml, hiccup or a custom renderer. This
also makes it easy to support other output formats, for example, DocBook XML as
part of a professional publishing toolchain.

Another possibility would be to include rich text in a web application based on
Compojure (hiccup).

## Extensions

The overall aim is to pass all Markdown tests but while making it easier to
configure and create extensions that can adapt the library to different Markdown

## Status

Currently this objective has not been reached and this library remains in a
work-in-progress 'alpha' state. Once the library fully passes the entire
Markdown test suite a version 1.0 will be released.
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>A Clojure library to parse the Markdown format.</description>
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions project.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(defproject clj-markdown "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A Clojure library to parse the Markdown format."

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]]
:dev-dependencies [[swank-clojure "1.2.0"]]

:source-path "src/main/clojure"
:library-path "target/dependency"
:test-path "src/test/clojure"
:target-dir "target/"
:local-repo-classpath true)
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions src/main/clojure/clj_markdown/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
;; Copyright 2010 Malcolm Sparks.
;; This file is part of clj-markdown.
;; clj-markdown is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
;; terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
;; Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
;; later version.
;; clj-markdown is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY
;; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
;; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
;; details.
;; Please see the LICENSE file for a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License.

(ns clj-markdown.core
(:use clojure.contrib.pprint)
(:require [ :as io]))

(defprotocol LineProcessor
(process-line [this state])
(process-eof [this state]))

(defn process-lines [^LineProcessor proc lines]
"Call a function for each line with a structure that gives the function access
to both the individual line and the remaining lines. This separates the job of
iterating over the lines from the processing of lines themselves. The
LineProcessor function returns the next state, but this defaults to the next
line, thereby reducing the probability that a mistake in the processor will
cause the process to run infinitely."
(let [[yields eofs]
(split-with #(not (contains? % :end))
(letfn [(step [{[line & rem] :remaining :as state}]
(let [new-state (assoc state :line line :remaining rem)
new-state-tidied (dissoc new-state :yield)]
(if (nil? line) (assoc (process-eof proc new-state-tidied) :end true)
(process-line proc new-state-tidied))))]
(iterate step {:remaining lines})))]
(concat yields (list (first eofs)))))

(defn filter-yields [states]
(filter #(not (nil? %)) (map :yield states)))

(defn read-markdown-lines [reader]
(letfn [
(space? [x] (= (int x) 32))
(get-leading [x] (count (take-while space? x)))
(get-trailing [x] (count (take-while space? (reverse x))))
(init [line]
(assoc {:value line}
:leading (get-leading line)
:trailing (get-trailing line)
:empty (= (get-leading line) (count line))))]
(map init (line-seq reader))))

(defn parse-xml-open-token [input]
(letfn [(parse-open-tag [tag] (re-seq #"<(\S+)([^>]*)>" tag))
(strip-quotes [s] (.substring s 1 (dec (count s))))]
(let [[_ tag attrs] (first (parse-open-tag input))
attrs (apply hash-map (mapcat #(let [[[ _ n v] & _]
(re-seq #"\s+([^=\s]+)\s?=\s?(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")" %)]
[(keyword n) (strip-quotes v)])
(re-seq #"\s[^=\s]+\s?=\s?(?:\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")" attrs)))]
(if (empty? attrs)
[(keyword tag)]
[(keyword tag) attrs]))))

(defn process-markdown-lines [input]
(letfn [(fold [stack]
(cond (empty? stack) nil
(= (count stack) 1) (first stack)
:otherwise (conj (pop (pop stack)) (conj (peek (pop stack)) (peek stack)))))
(fold-list-temp [temp]
(conj (pop (pop temp))
(assoc (peek (pop temp)) :content (conj (:content (peek (pop temp)))
(:content (peek temp))))))
(get-trimmed-value [left-trim line]
(let [to (- (count (:value line)) (:trailing line))]
(if (<= left-trim to)
(.substring (:value line) left-trim to)
(parse-xml [stack tok]
(.startsWith tok "</") (fold stack)
(.startsWith tok "<") (conj stack (parse-xml-open-token tok))
(= 0 (count (.trim tok))) stack
:otherwise (conj (pop stack) (conj (peek stack) tok))))
(pushback [state] (assoc state :remaining (cons (:line state) (:remaining state))))
(wrap-xml [v] [::xml v])
(wrap-ulist [v] [::ulist v])
(wrap-li [v] [::list-item v])]

(reify LineProcessor
(process-eof [this state] state) ; TODO
[this {:keys [line remaining temp mode] :or {temp []} :as state}]


;; Initialization
(not (contains? state :temp)) (assoc (pushback state) :case :init :temp [])
(not (contains? state :mode)) (assoc (pushback state) :case :init :mode ::text)

;; Existing mode is XML?
(= mode ::xml)
(let [toks (re-seq #"(?:[<>][^<>]+[<>])|(?:[^<>]+)" (:value line))
xml (reduce parse-xml temp toks)]
(if (vector? xml)
(assoc state
:case :finish-xml
:mode ::text
:yield (wrap-xml xml)
:temp [])
(assoc state
:case :continue-xml
:temp xml)))

;; Continue a list.
(= mode ::list)
(not (nil? (re-matches #"\s*[\*\-\+]\s.*" (:value line))))
(> (:leading line) (:leading (last temp)))
(assoc state
:case :continue-ulist
:temp (conj temp {:leading (:leading line) :content (wrap-ulist (wrap-li (:value line)))}))
;; This collapses the list of nested levels to the correct one
(let [new-temp (first (drop-while #(> (:leading (last %)) (:leading line)) (iterate fold-list-temp temp)))]
(assoc state
:temp (conj (pop new-temp) (assoc (peek new-temp) :yield (:content (peek new-temp)))))))

(true? (:empty line))
(assoc state :case ::continue-ulist)

(-> state
:mode ::text
:case ::ending-ulist
:yield (:content (first
(drop-while #(> (count %) 1)
(iterate fold-list-temp temp))))))))

;; Starting a list?
(and (empty? temp)
(not (nil? (re-matches #"\s{0,3}[\*\-\+]\s.*" (:value line)))))
(assoc state
:case ::starting-ulist
:temp [{:leading (:leading line) :content (wrap-ulist (wrap-li (:value line)))}]
:mode ::list)

;; Heading1
(and (= (count temp) 1)
(not (nil? (re-matches #"[\=]+" (:value line)))))
(assoc state
:case ::finish-heading1
:yield [::heading1 (:value (first temp))] :temp [])

;; Heading2
(and (= (count temp) 1)
(not (nil? (re-matches #"[-]+" (:value line)))))
(assoc state
:case ::finish-heading2
:yield [::heading2 (:value (first temp))]
:temp [])

;; Heading (atx style)
(not (nil? (re-matches #"#{1,6}\s*.*" (:value line))))
(if (empty? temp)
(let [[_ hashes v] (first (re-seq #"(#{1,6})\s*(.*?)\s*#*$" (:value line)))
(assoc state :yield
(case (count hashes)
1 [::heading1 v]
2 [::heading2 v]
3 [::heading3 v]
4 [::heading4 v]
5 [::heading5 v]
6 [::heading6 v])))
(throw (Exception. "Pushback a blank line to ensure the existing temp is yielded properly.")))

;; Start of an XML block?
(and (empty? temp)
(not (empty? (re-seq #"^<\S+[^>]*>" (:value line)))))
(let [toks (re-seq #"(?:[<>][^<>]+[<>])|(?:[^<>]+)" (:value line))
xml (reduce parse-xml '() toks)]
(if (vector? xml)
(assoc state :case ::xml-line :yield (wrap-xml xml))
(assoc state :case ::start-xml :temp xml :mode ::xml)))

;; Code block
(= mode ::code-block)
(not (:empty line))
(>= (:leading line) (:initial-leading state)))
(assoc state
:case ::continue-code-block
:temp (conj temp line))

;; Start code block
(and (empty? temp)
(not (:empty line))
(>= (:leading line) 4))
(assoc state
:case ::start-code-block
:mode ::code-block
:initial-leading (:leading line)
:temp (conj temp line))

;; Line is empty
(true? (:empty line))
(empty? temp)
(assoc state :case ::line-empty :temp [])

(= mode ::code-block)
(assoc state
:case ::code-block
:yield [::code-block (map #(get-trimmed-value (:initial-leading state) %) temp)]
:temp []
:mode ::text)

(= mode ::text)
(assoc state
:case ::para
:yield [::para (reduce str (interpose " " (map :value temp)))]
:temp [])

:otherwise state)

;; Default paragraph
(assoc state :case ::default :temp (conj temp line)))))


(defn markdown [input]
(map (fn [lineno line] (assoc line :lineno lineno))
(map inc (range)) ; 1..infinity
(read-markdown-lines (io/reader

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