#Maltelligence ###a Malware/Threat Analyst Desktop
Maltelligence is a tool developed by Maltelligence Research Group to automatically collect malicious network infrastructure information and malware samples RECURSIVELY from various open source intelligence (OSINT) sources including virustotal, whois, passive DNS, IP subnets, AS number and Geolocation information.
You may run Maltelligence PERIODICALLY to capture and profile the behaviour of malicious group of domain, IP, whois and html content along different stage/time of APT attacks.
Maltelligence is a project from the insight of MalProfile
##Installation If you want to run your instance of Maltelligence locally on your machine, be sure you have the following requirements installed:
Below procedure is tested in Ubuntu 14.04
Mysql installation
The root password configured will be used in MalProfile.ini
sudo apt-get install mysql-client-core-5.6
sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6
- Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev libmysqlclient-dev
sudo apt-get install libfuzzy-dev
sudo easy_install pip
mkdir download
cd download
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/ssdeep/files/ssdeep-2.13/ssdeep-2.13.tar.gz/download
tar xvfz download
cd ssdeep-2.13/
make check
sudo make install
git clone https://github.com/kbandla/pydeep.git
cd pydeep
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
- Install python modules
sudo pip install MySQL-python
sudo pip install ipaddress
sudo pip install pyprind
sudo pip install mechanize
sudo pip install dnspython
sudo pip install pythonwhois
sudo pip install ipwhois
sudo pip install beautifulsoup4
sudo pip install simplejson
sudo pip install prettytable
sudo pip install geoip2
sudo pip install wget
Assume you use ~/Malyzer/maltelligence as the program folder
mkdir Malyzer
cd Malyzer
git clone git://github.com/maltelligence/maltelligence.git
cd maltelligence
mkdir log
mkdir repo
Prepare Mysql database
ONLY drop the "maltelligence"" database if it exists
mysql -u root -p -e "drop database maltelligence"
Create the schema and import the database
mysql -u root -p -e "create schema maltelligence default character set utf8"
mysql -u root -p maltelligence < ./db/maltelligence.sql
Obtain a public API key from VirusTotal and put it on (THIS IS COMPULSORY!!!)(NO single or double quotes are required!!!)
If you have API key in passivedns.mnemonic.no for passivedns query,
VTLIMIT = True means Maltelligence will stop query when VTDEPTH is reached
If one domain query from virustotal returns 4 IP addresses, VTDEPTH = 1(domain)+4(IP) = 5 (If VTDEPTH is too large 100 or more, the query time may be extremely long and the APIKEY may be blocked!)
If you have subcripitons on tcpiputils.com Premium account for AS Number query, use firefox to signin to the website with your acocunt, then copy the cookie.sqlite file from firefox under Maltelligence folder then setup the below parameter.
If you want to add Geolocation based on IP addresses
If you want to display the Maltelligence logo
If you want to disable collection of nonroutable IP addresses (e.g.,
If you want to add additional Top Level Domain
Fill in the Mysql database information under [MALTELLIGENCE] session
- Sample MalProfile.ini config:
Geolocation database setup
Download (and unzip) Geolocation data from MaxMind here: http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/ http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-City.mmdb.gz Put it under the Maltelligence folder ~/Malyzer/Maltelligence/ as
- Setup the shell to include Maltelligence path at the bottom of .profile file
vi ~/.profile
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Malyzer/maltelligence
Database clean up
Maltelligence comes with a sample case from Xecure incident, if you want to remove this case or start from scratch
Maltelligence composes of two main python script: Maltelligence.py and report.py
Maltelligence.py - script for OSINT collection report.py - script for basic reporting
Maltelligence group all data in a case as tag For each case, you need to provide at least one sample, one domain and one IP addresses If you don't have a sample, you could still collect the domains and IP addresses information
- To get help
python Maltelligence.py -h
python report.py -h
To obtain the syntax of specific function, just run the related command:
python Maltelligence.py -d
Batch collection based on groups of domain, IP and hashes in file
For format of data file, please refer to readme/*.txt, any combination of IP,domain and hashes can be used
python Maltelligence.py -m -b --path ./readme/Xecure.txt --tag Xecure
- To update the database with a malicious FQDN/domain/ip (e.g. www.maltelligence.org)
python Maltelligence.py -u --target www.maltelligence.org --tag SampleCase
python Maltelligence.py -c --target x.x.x.x --tag SampleCase
- To create/update the database with a malicious FQDN/domain/ip AND malware samples (e.g. www.maltelligence.org)
python Maltelligence.py -c --tag SampleCase --target x.x.x.x www.maltelligence.org --hash xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- To download a malware sample
python Maltelligence.py -d --hash xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --tag SampleCase
- To recursively collecting the domain/ip information
python Maltelligence.py -q --target www.maltelligence.org
- To update Parked domain from IP (IP can be a subet with format
python Maltelligence.py -p ip --target x.x.x.x/y
- To download the web page of malicious Domain
python Maltelligence.py -w --target www.maltelligence.org
- To show summary of current collected data
python report.py -t
- To show case details in database
python report.py -c
- To show date and IP details of specific domain
python report.py -d --target www.maltelligence.org
- To show date and domain details of specific IP
python report.py -i --target x.x.x.x
- To show passive DNS report of specific domain
python report.py -p --target www.maltelligence.org
- To show whois report of specific domain
python report.py -w --target www.maltelligence.org
- To show domain of same register (search contain input string)
python report.py -r registername (search contain similar string)
- To show domain of same email (search contain similar string)
python report.py -e emailaddress
- To show domain of same case (search contain similar string)
python report.py -s casename
- Command like -d and -i can include --hash to get the malware related to specific domain/IP
python report.py -d --target www.maltelligence.org --hash
- New core engine to improve data collection
- Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana (ELK) migration
Maltelligence has been developed and maintained at Maltelligence Research Group by:
Frankie Michael Dan Leng Frank
If you want to know more about Maltelligence, how it works and future developments, please visit the Blog. For any specific request or comment we suggest you to use Github. If none of these worked for you, you can write us at info@maltelligence.org.
Maltelligence is provided under the GPL (General Public License) v.3:
Copyright (c), 2015 Maltelligence Research Group
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.