NEXT generation diceware password generator - randomness guaranteed!!!
XKCD nailed it....
####WTF is this???
Diceware is a popular and fun way of generating military grade passwords that are money-back-guaranteed to be random!!! Most diceware password lists only provide 7776 words of which many are short or contain special, hard to remember characters (yikes). diceware-v6
brings a revolution by introducing the extended 46656 word-list with words up to 10 characters long. This makes the passwords generated using it more secure and simpler to remember.
####How to generate a secure random password
Diceware is very easy to use. All you need is a die. It can help to get hold of 6 dice in order to speed up the RNG (1 die runs out of entropy very quickly).
- Download and verify the signed diceware file from
- You can also download the 6pg PDF and print it out in font-size 2 - Roll the die 6 times and record numbers eg.
- alternatively you can roll 6 dice at once - Look up the word corresponding to the number in the diceware file.
- This is the first word of your password eg.
131512 awesome
- Repeat the steps 2-4 until you have a password of the desired length. 6 or more words are going to provide a better-than-good password. Check the section below for information on security.
- Remember the password well and securely discard any paper which you use to write this password down. I prefer tearing the paper to bits and then burning them one by one. The ash I dissolve in hydrochloric acid. I strongly dilute the solution with water and use it to water my garden.
#####Alternatively You can also run this command in your shell. However this method is not very secure!!!!
$ cd scripts
$ ./
Make 7x6 rolls
- fitness512331
- pronoun143332
- blunts642514
- tyrannic521512
- ravage653245
- venomously624613
- tasted
Password: "fitness pronoun blunts tyrannic ravage venomously tasted"
46656 words might seam like a very small number to be considered secure. However the power of diceware comes from the number of consecutive words. There are 46656 ways to choose 1 word, however 2176782336 ways to choose 2 words. The more words are added, the more ways to arrange them and thus the more secure the password. 6-7 words are a very good compromise between security and simplicity of memorization.
#####This table shows the security of different password lengths. Anything in bold is imo overkill....
# of Words | Password permutations | Time to brute force (100B/s) |
1 | 46656 |
light travels about 100 m |
2 | 2176782336 |
0.02 seconds |
3 | 101559956668416 |
16 minutes |
4 | 4738381338321616896 |
1.5 years |
5 | 221073919720733357899776 |
70 millennia |
6 | 10314424798490535546171949056 |
3.3 billion years |
7 | 481229803398374426442198455156736 |
150 trillion years |
8 | 22452257707354557240087211123792674816 |
7.1 quintillion years |
9 | 1047532535594334222593508922191671036215296 |
330 sextillion years |
10 | 48873677980689257489322752273774603865660850176 |
something-crazyllion |