This plugin for Leaflet allows you to add a small world-map-image, in which the actual view of the Leaflet-map is shown.
This plugin was developed and tested with Leaflet 1.8.0 and Microsoft Edge 102.0.1245.
Version | Description |
v1.0.0 | Initial release. |
In the zip-archive are folders 'src' and 'dist'. Each folder contains a js- and a svg-file - in the 'dist'-folder is the minified version of the js-file from the 'src'-folder. The two files of a folder are needed by default to create the minimap-control.
The control needs the actual js-script 'Control.WorldMiniMap.js' and a world-image (by default with the same name in the same folder as the js-script, but with '.svg' extension instead of '.js').
To create the minimap from downloaded version include following line in your js:
<script src="dist/Control.WorldMiniMap.js"></script>
The control is also available on free CDN jsDelivr. To create the minimap from hosted version include following line in your js:
<script src="" integrity="sha512-PFw8St3qenU1/dmwCfiYYN/bRcqY1p3+sBATR+rZ6622eyXOk/8izVtlmm/k8qW7KbRIJsku838WCV5LMs6FCg==" crossorigin=""></script>
When the js-script is included, then the minimap-control can be created via option in map-creation:
var map = new L.Map('map', {worldMiniMapControl: true});
Alternatively the minimap-control can be created with extra create-command including additional options:
var worldMiniMap = L.control.worldMiniMap({position: 'topright', style: {opacity: 0.9, borderRadius: '0px', backgroundColor: 'lightblue'}}).addTo(map);
Option | Type | Default | Description |
position | String | 'bottomleft' | The position of the control (one of the map corners). Possible values are 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft' or 'bottomright'. |
width | Number | 168 | The width of the world-image in pixels. |
height | Number | 84 | The height of the world-image in pixels. |
view | String | 'auto' | Controls the display of the map-view as a square or a circle. Possible values are 'auto', 'both', 'square', 'circle'. |
lineWidth | Number | 2 | Line width of the square in pixels. |
lineColor | String | 'white' | Line color of the square in HTML-syntax (e.g. '#123456'). |
circleRadius | Number | 3 | Radius of the circle in pixels. |
circleColor | String | 'white' | Color of the circle in HTML-syntax (e.g. '#123456'). |
map | String | ':control:.svg' | Link to world-image in equirectangular projection, on which the square and circle of the map-view is shown. |
style | Object | { backgroundColor: '#919eac', border: '2px solid black', borderRadius: '5px', padding: '3px' } |
Style-options for canvas-element in HTML-syntax. Given style-options are merged into default style. |
The minified version of js-script in 'dist'-folder is created from js-script in 'src'-folder by JSCompress.
The hash for the integrity-option of hosted version is created by SRI Hash Generator.