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This plugin for Leaflet allows you to add a small world-map-image, in which the actual view of the Leaflet-map is shown.


This plugin was developed and tested with Leaflet 1.8.0 and Microsoft Edge 102.0.1245.





Version Description
v1.0.0 Initial release.

In the zip-archive are folders 'src' and 'dist'. Each folder contains a js- and a svg-file - in the 'dist'-folder is the minified version of the js-file from the 'src'-folder. The two files of a folder are needed by default to create the minimap-control.

The control needs the actual js-script 'Control.WorldMiniMap.js' and a world-image (by default with the same name in the same folder as the js-script, but with '.svg' extension instead of '.js').

Using downloaded version

To create the minimap from downloaded version include following line in your js:

<script src="dist/Control.WorldMiniMap.js"></script>

Using hosted version

The control is also available on free CDN jsDelivr. To create the minimap from hosted version include following line in your js:

<script src="" integrity="sha512-PFw8St3qenU1/dmwCfiYYN/bRcqY1p3+sBATR+rZ6622eyXOk/8izVtlmm/k8qW7KbRIJsku838WCV5LMs6FCg==" crossorigin=""></script>

Example of using the included js-script

When the js-script is included, then the minimap-control can be created via option in map-creation:

var map = new L.Map('map', {worldMiniMapControl: true});

Alternatively the minimap-control can be created with extra create-command including additional options:

var worldMiniMap = L.control.worldMiniMap({position: 'topright', style: {opacity: 0.9, borderRadius: '0px', backgroundColor: 'lightblue'}}).addTo(map);

Available Options

Option Type Default Description
position String 'bottomleft' The position of the control (one of the map corners).
Possible values are 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft' or 'bottomright'.
width Number 168 The width of the world-image in pixels.
height Number 84 The height of the world-image in pixels.
view String 'auto' Controls the display of the map-view as a square or a circle.
Possible values are 'auto', 'both', 'square', 'circle'.
lineWidth Number 2 Line width of the square in pixels.
lineColor String 'white' Line color of the square in HTML-syntax (e.g. '#123456').
circleRadius Number 3 Radius of the circle in pixels.
circleColor String 'white' Color of the circle in HTML-syntax (e.g. '#123456').
map String ':control:.svg' Link to world-image in equirectangular projection,
on which the square and circle of the map-view is shown.
style Object {
backgroundColor: '#919eac',
border: '2px solid black',
borderRadius: '5px',
padding: '3px'
Style-options for canvas-element in HTML-syntax.
Given style-options are merged into default style.

Building minified version

The minified version of js-script in 'dist'-folder is created from js-script in 'src'-folder by JSCompress.

Creating integrity-hash

The hash for the integrity-option of hosted version is created by SRI Hash Generator.