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0.24.0 Migration Guide

Dan Nesfeder edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 1 revision

PRs that broke SEMVER:

In Fix voice instructions cache we updated how the NavigationSpeechPlayer is created. This is the same speech player we use by default in the NavigationView, but you are able to use it as a separate component as well. We now give you control over the Cache used to pre-cache voice instructions.

New initialization:

    val english = US.language 
    val cache = Cache(File(application.cacheDir, EXAMPLE_INSTRUCTION_CACHE),
    val voiceInstructionLoader = VoiceInstructionLoader(getApplication(), accessToken, cache)
    val speechPlayerProvider = SpeechPlayerProvider(getApplication(), english, true, voiceInstructionLoader)
    speechPlayer = NavigationSpeechPlayer(speechPlayerProvider)

In Use most recent raw Location when building snapped Location we updated SnapToRoute#getSnappedLocationWith to take a raw Location in addition to the NavigationStatus:


public Location getSnappedLocationWith(NavigationStatus status)


public Location getSnappedLocationWith(NavigationStatus status, Location rawLocation)