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Merge pull request #6456 from rouault/netcdf_metadata
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netCDF output related improvements for WCS
  • Loading branch information
jmckenna committed Jan 21, 2022
2 parents 192e7ca + a144566 commit f6c1574
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Showing 13 changed files with 416 additions and 20 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion CMakeLists.txt
Expand Up @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ mapdraw.c maplibxml2.c mapquery.c maputil.c strptime.c mapdrawgdal.c
mapraster.c mapuvraster.c mapdummyrenderer.c mapobject.c maprasterquery.c
mapwcs.cpp maperror.c mapogcfilter.cpp mapregex.c mapwcs11.cpp mapfile.c
mapogcfiltercommon.cpp maprendering.c mapwcs20.cpp mapogcsld.c mapmetadata.c
mapresample.c mapwfs.cpp mapgdal.c mapogcsos.c mapscale.c mapwfs11.cpp mapwfs20.c
mapresample.c mapwfs.cpp mapgdal.cpp mapogcsos.c mapscale.c mapwfs11.cpp mapwfs20.c
mapgeomtransform.c mapogroutput.cpp mapwfslayer.c mapagg.cpp mapkml.cpp
mapgeomutil.cpp mapkmlrenderer.cpp fontcache.c textlayout.c maputfgrid.cpp
mapogr.cpp mapcontour.c mapsmoothing.c mapv8.cpp ${REGEX_SOURCES} kerneldensity.c
Expand Down
73 changes: 59 additions & 14 deletions mapgdal.c → mapgdal.cpp
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ int msSaveImageGDAL( mapObj *map, imageObj *image, const char *filenameIn )
GDALDriverH hMemDriver, hOutputDriver;
int nBands = 1;
int iLine;
char **papszOptions = NULL;
outputFormatObj *format = image->format;
rasterBufferObj rb;
GDALDataType eDataType = GDT_Byte;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,25 +413,71 @@ int msSaveImageGDAL( mapObj *map, imageObj *image, const char *filenameIn )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Separate creation options from metadata items. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
std::vector<char*> apszCreationOptions;
for( int i = 0; i < format->numformatoptions; i++ )
char* option = format->formatoptions[i];

// MDI stands for MetaDataItem
if( STARTS_WITH(option, "mdi_") )
const char* option_without_band = option + strlen("mdi_");
GDALMajorObjectH hObject = (GDALMajorObjectH)hMemDS;
if( STARTS_WITH(option_without_band, "BAND_") )
int nBandNumber = atoi(option_without_band + strlen("BAND_"));
if( nBandNumber > 0 && nBandNumber <= nBands )
const char* pszAfterBand = strchr(option_without_band + strlen("BAND_"), '_');
if( pszAfterBand != NULL )
hObject = (GDALMajorObjectH)GDALGetRasterBand(hMemDS, nBandNumber);
option_without_band = pszAfterBand + 1;
else {
msDebug("Invalid band number %d in metadata item option %s", nBandNumber, option);
if( hObject ) {
std::string osDomain(option_without_band);
size_t nUnderscorePos = osDomain.find('_');
if( nUnderscorePos != std::string::npos ) {
std::string osKeyValue = osDomain.substr(nUnderscorePos + 1);
if( osDomain == "default" )
size_t nEqualPos = osKeyValue.find('=');
if( nEqualPos != std::string::npos )
osKeyValue.substr(0, nEqualPos).c_str(),
osKeyValue.substr(nEqualPos + 1).c_str(),
else {
msDebug("Invalid format in metadata item option %s", option);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Create a disk image in the selected output format from the */
/* memory image. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
papszOptions = (char**)calloc(sizeof(char *),(format->numformatoptions+1));
if (papszOptions == NULL) {
msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
msSetError( MS_MEMERR, "Out of memory allocating %u bytes.\n", "msSaveImageGDAL()",
(unsigned int)(sizeof(char *)*(format->numformatoptions+1)));
return MS_FAILURE;

memcpy( papszOptions, format->formatoptions,
sizeof(char *) * format->numformatoptions );

hOutputDS = GDALCreateCopy( hOutputDriver, filename, hMemDS, FALSE,
papszOptions, NULL, NULL );
&apszCreationOptions[0], NULL, NULL );

free( papszOptions );

if( hOutputDS == NULL ) {
GDALClose( hMemDS );
Expand Down
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions mapwcs.cpp
Expand Up @@ -1740,6 +1740,190 @@ void msWCSApplyDatasetMetadataAsCreationOptions(layerObj* lp,

/* msWCSApplyLayerMetadataItemOptions() */

void msWCSApplyLayerMetadataItemOptions(layerObj* lp,
outputFormatObj* format,
const char* bandlist)

if( !STARTS_WITH(format->driver, "GDAL/") )

const char* pszKey;
char szKeyBeginning[256];
size_t nKeyBeginningLength;
int nBands = 0;
char** papszBandNumbers = msStringSplit(bandlist, ' ', &nBands);

snprintf(szKeyBeginning, sizeof(szKeyBeginning),
"wcs_outputformat_%s_mdi_", format->name);
nKeyBeginningLength = strlen(szKeyBeginning);

// Transform wcs_outputformat_{formatname}_mdi_{key} to mdi_{key}
// and Transform wcs_outputformat_{formatname}_mdi_BAND_X_{key} to mdi_BAND_Y_{key}
// MDI stands for MetaDataItem

pszKey = msFirstKeyFromHashTable( &(lp->metadata) );
for( ; pszKey != NULL;
pszKey = msNextKeyFromHashTable( &(lp->metadata), pszKey) )
if( strncmp(pszKey, szKeyBeginning, nKeyBeginningLength) == 0 )
const char* pszValue = msLookupHashTable( &(lp->metadata), pszKey);
const char* pszGDALKey = pszKey + nKeyBeginningLength;

if( EQUALN(pszGDALKey, "BAND_", strlen("BAND_")) )
/* Remap BAND specific creation option to the real output
* band number, given the band subset of the request */
int nKeyOriBandNumber = atoi(pszGDALKey + strlen("BAND_"));
int nTargetBandNumber = -1;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < nBands; i++ )
if( nKeyOriBandNumber == atoi(papszBandNumbers[i]) )
nTargetBandNumber = i + 1;
if( nTargetBandNumber > 0 )
char szModKey[256];
const char* pszAfterBand =
strchr(pszGDALKey + strlen("BAND_"), '_');
if( pszAfterBand != NULL )
snprintf(szModKey, sizeof(szModKey),
if( lp->debug >= MS_DEBUGLEVEL_VVV ) {
msDebug("Setting GDAL %s=%s metadata item option\n",
szModKey, pszValue);
msSetOutputFormatOption(format, szModKey, pszValue);
char szModKey[256];
snprintf(szModKey, sizeof(szModKey),
"mdi_%s", pszGDALKey);
if( lp->debug >= MS_DEBUGLEVEL_VVV ) {
msDebug("Setting GDAL %s=%s metadata item option\n",
szModKey, pszValue);
msSetOutputFormatOption(format, szModKey, pszValue);

msFreeCharArray( papszBandNumbers, nBands );

/* msWCSApplySourceDatasetMetadata() */

void msWCSApplySourceDatasetMetadata(layerObj* lp,
outputFormatObj* format,
const char* bandlist,
void* hDSIn)
/* Automatic forwarding of input dataset metadata if it is netCDF and the */
/* output is netCDF as well, and wcs_outputformat_netCDF_mdi* are */
/* not defined. */
GDALDatasetH hDS = (GDALDatasetH)hDSIn;
if( hDS && GDALGetDatasetDriver(hDS) &&
EQUAL(GDALGetDriverShortName(GDALGetDatasetDriver(hDS)), "netCDF") &&
EQUAL(format->driver, "GDAL/netCDF") )
const char* pszKey;
char szKeyBeginning[256];
size_t nKeyBeginningLength;
int bWCSMetadataFound = MS_FALSE;

snprintf(szKeyBeginning, sizeof(szKeyBeginning),
"wcs_outputformat_%s_mdi_", format->name);
nKeyBeginningLength = strlen(szKeyBeginning);

for( pszKey = msFirstKeyFromHashTable( &(lp->metadata) );
pszKey != NULL;
pszKey = msNextKeyFromHashTable( &(lp->metadata), pszKey) )
if( strncmp(pszKey, szKeyBeginning, nKeyBeginningLength) == 0 )
bWCSMetadataFound = MS_TRUE;
if( !bWCSMetadataFound )
char** papszMD = GDALGetMetadata(hDS, NULL);
if( papszMD )
for( char** papszIter = papszMD; *papszIter; ++papszIter )
if( STARTS_WITH(*papszIter, "NC_GLOBAL#") )
char* pszKey = nullptr;
const char* pszValue = CPLParseNameValue(*papszIter, &pszKey);
if( pszKey && pszValue )
char szKey[256];
snprintf(szKey, sizeof(szKey),
"mdi_default_%s", pszKey);
msSetOutputFormatOption(format, szKey, pszValue);

int nBands = 0;
char** papszBandNumbers = msStringSplit(bandlist, ' ', &nBands);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < nBands; i++ )
int nSrcBand = atoi(papszBandNumbers[i]);
int nDstBand = i + 1;
GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand(hDS, nSrcBand);
if( hBand )
char** papszMD = GDALGetMetadata(hBand, NULL);
if( papszMD )
for( char** papszIter = papszMD; *papszIter; ++papszIter )
char* pszKey = nullptr;
const char* pszValue = CPLParseNameValue(*papszIter, &pszKey);
if( pszKey && pszValue &&
!EQUAL(pszKey, "grid_name") &&
!EQUAL(pszKey, "grid_mapping") )
char szKey[256];
snprintf(szKey, sizeof(szKey),
nDstBand, pszKey);
msSetOutputFormatOption(format, szKey, pszValue);
msFreeCharArray( papszBandNumbers, nBands );

/* msWCSGetCoverage() */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2144,6 +2328,7 @@ this request. Check wcs/ows_enable_request settings.", "msWCSGetCoverage()", par
msSetOutputFormatOption(map->outputformat, "BAND_COUNT", numbands);

msWCSApplyLayerCreationOptions(lp, map->outputformat, bandlist);
msWCSApplyLayerMetadataItemOptions(lp, map->outputformat, bandlist);

if( lp->tileindex == NULL && lp->data != NULL &&
strlen(lp->data) > 0 &&
Expand All @@ -2157,7 +2342,10 @@ this request. Check wcs/ows_enable_request settings.", "msWCSGetCoverage()", par
map, lp, lp->data, szPath, &decrypted_path);
if( hDS )
msWCSApplyDatasetMetadataAsCreationOptions(lp, map->outputformat, bandlist, hDS);
msWCSApplySourceDatasetMetadata(lp, map->outputformat, bandlist, hDS);
Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion mapwcs.h
Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,13 @@ void msWCSApplyDatasetMetadataAsCreationOptions(layerObj* lp,
outputFormatObj* format,
const char* bandlist,
void* hDSIn);

void msWCSApplyLayerMetadataItemOptions(layerObj* lp,
outputFormatObj* format,
const char* bandlist);
void msWCSApplySourceDatasetMetadata(layerObj* lp,
outputFormatObj* format,
const char* bandlist,
void* hDSIn);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Some WCS 1.1 specific functions from mapwcs11.c */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions mapwcs20.cpp
Expand Up @@ -4716,6 +4716,7 @@ this request. Check wcs/ows_enable_request settings.", "msWCSGetCoverage20()", p
msSetOutputFormatOption(map->outputformat, "BAND_COUNT", numbands);

msWCSApplyLayerCreationOptions(layer, map->outputformat, bandlist);
msWCSApplyLayerMetadataItemOptions(layer, map->outputformat, bandlist);

/* check for the interpolation */
/* Defaults to NEAREST */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4757,7 +4758,10 @@ this request. Check wcs/ows_enable_request settings.", "msWCSGetCoverage20()", p
map, layer, layer->data, szPath, &decrypted_path);
if( hDS )
msWCSApplyDatasetMetadataAsCreationOptions(layer, map->outputformat, bandlist, hDS);
msWCSApplySourceDatasetMetadata(layer, map->outputformat, bandlist, hDS);
Expand Down
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions msautotest/pymod/
Expand Up @@ -541,6 +541,14 @@ def _run(map, out_file, command, extra_args):
command = command.replace('[RENDERER]', '' )

# Used in msautotest/wxs/ as for some unknown
# reason comparison fails on Travis-CI but not in the github action tests
ignore_comparison_result = False
command = command.replace('[IGNORE_COMPARISON_RESULT_ON_TRAVIS]', '' )
if 'TRAVIS' in os.environ:
ignore_comparison_result = True

os.environ['MS_PDF_CREATION_DATE'] = 'dummy date'

#support for environment variable of type [ENV foo=bar]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -648,6 +656,16 @@ def _run(map, out_file, command, extra_args):

cmp = compare_result( out_file )

if cmp != 'match' and ignore_comparison_result:
if not keep_pass:
os.remove( 'result/' + out_file )
if not quiet:
print(' results do not match, but ignored.')
return True, None

if cmp == 'match':
if not keep_pass:
os.remove( 'result/' + out_file )
Expand Down

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