OGR2OGR is part of the GDAL utility that can be run in the command line (Terminal in Mac and Linux or Powershell in Windows). The benefit of using OGR is that you can process data in mulitple steps with a single command. You can also script the commands to make them easily repeatable as well as batch process multiple files in a directory.
for getting information about a dataset (projection, datum, etc.) only. You can't alter the data this way.ogr2ogr
for creating new data from old data such as reprojecting, clipping or querying with SQL.
ogrinfo <command> <(optional) paramater(s)> file_name
ogr2ogr <command> <(optional) paramater(s)> output_file input_file
The following two examples come from Sara Safavi's awesome tutorial on using OGR.
ogrinfo -so city_of_austin_parks.shp -sql "SELECT * FROM city_of_austin_parks"
Will output this:
INFO: Open of `city_of_austin_parks.shp'
using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
Layer name: city_of_austin_parks
Geometry: Polygon
Feature Count: 267
Extent: (3060414.510114, 10021121.749968) - (3167828.500010, 10161094.720022)
Layer SRS WKT:
PARK_ID: Integer (10.0)
PARK_NAME: String (100.0)
PARK_TYPE: String (30.0)
PARK_ADDRE: String (100.0)
PARK_STATU: String (30.0)
POLYGON_PA: Integer (5.0)
ACRES: Real (19.8)
CREATED_BY: String (10.0)
CREATED_DA: Date (10.0)
MODIFIED_B: String (10.0)
MODIFIED_D: Date (10.0)
PARK_LABEL: String (100.0)
SHAPE_AREA: Real (19.11)
SHAPE_LEN: Real (19.11)
ogrinfo -q city_of_austin_parks.shp -sql "SELECT * FROM city_of_austin_parks" -fid 0
Will output this:
Layer name: city_of_austin_parks
PARK_ID (Integer) = 167
PARK_NAME (String) = Givens
PARK_TYPE (String) = District
PARK_ADDRE (String) = 3811 E 12th St.
PARK_STATU (String) = Developed
POLYGON_PA (Integer) = 1
ACRES (Real) = 41.43263805
CREATED_BY (String) = (null)
CREATED_DA (Date) = 0000/00/00
MODIFIED_B (String) = ahardy
MODIFIED_D (Date) = 2009/05/01
PARK_LABEL (String) = Givens District Park
SHAPE_AREA (Real) = 1804805.71356000006
SHAPE_LEN (Real) = 5518.67090340000
POLYGON ((3131001.980158895254135 (..etc...)
ogr2ogr -sql "SELECT * FROM ne_50m_populated_places_simple WHERE featurecla='Admin-0 capital'" ne_50m_pop_place_admin0_cap.shp ne_50m_populated_places_simple.shp
###similar as above but returns a new shapefile only of admin 1 capitals
ogr2ogr -sql "SELECT * FROM ne_50m_populated_places_simple WHERE featurecla IN ('Admin-1 capital', 'Admin-1 region capital')" ne_50m_pop_place_admin1_cap.shp ne_50m_populated_places_simple.shp
ogrinfo -sql "select DISTINCT featurecla from ne_50m_populated_places_simple" ne_50m_populated_places_simple.shp ne_50m_populated_places_simple
ogrinfo -sql "select COUNT(DISTINCT ADM0_A3) from ne_50m_populated_places_simple" ne_50m_populated_places_simple.shp ne_50m_populated_places_simple
A single roads.shp
file from either Metro Extracts or Extract.BBBike.org will contain many different tags (OSM classifications). The data is much easier to work with if you separate it out into multiple layers by grouping the tag names logically. The following commands separate an OSM extract roads.shp file containing every type of OSM road tag into different layers to make styling roads cartographically much easier. I also created a bash script that executes all of these commands in one sweep, it can be found here.
Note: being able to perform the 'group by' function in OGR SQL would be helpful for joining road geometry based on field names which helps with cartographic rendering, ie:
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads group by ('name', 'type', 'ref')" roads_grouped.shp roads.shp
But OGR sql does not support the 'group by' SQL aggregation command. However, this is possible with using PostGIS.
ogrinfo -sql "select distinct type from roads order by type" roads.shp roads
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('motorway', 'trunk')" superhwy_osm.shp roads.shp
Same but reprojecting to a new CRS:
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('motorway', 'trunk')" -t_srs EPSG:2274 superhwy_osm_2274.shp roads.shp
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('motorway_link', 'trunk_link')" superhwy_links_osm.shp roads.shp
Same but reprojecting to a new CRS:
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('motorway_link', 'trunk_link')" -t_srs EPSG:2274 superhwy_links_osm_2274.shp roads.shp
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('primary','secondary','tertiary')" main-rd_osm.shp roads.shp
Same but reprojecting to a new CRS:
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('primary','secondary','tertiary')" -t_srs EPSG:2274 main-rd_osm_2274.shp roads.shp
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('primary_link','secondary_link','tertiary_link')" main-rd_links_osm.shp roads.shp
Same but reprojecting to a different CRS:
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('primary_link','secondary_link','tertiary_link')" -t_srs EPSG:2274 main-rd_links_osm_2274.shp roads.shp
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type like '%link' and type != 'motorway_link'" main-rd_links_osm.shp roads.shp
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('residential', 'service', 'living_street', 'unclassified')" other-rd_osm.shp roads.shp
Same but reprojecting to a different CRS:
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('residential', 'service', 'living_street', 'unclassified')" -t_srs EPSG:2274 other-rd_osm_2274.shp roads.shp
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type = 'track'" dirt-rd_osm.shp roads.shp
Same but reprojecting to a different CRS:
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type = 'track'" -t_srs EPSG:2274 dirt-rd_osm_2274.shp roads.shp
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('bridleway', 'cycleway', 'footway', 'path', 'pedestrian', 'steps')" ped-trail_osm.shp roads.shp
Same but reprojecting to a different CRS:
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from roads where type in ('bridleway', 'cycleway', 'footway', 'path', 'pedestrian', 'steps')" -t_srs EPSG:2274 ped-trail_osm_2274.shp roads.shp
Working with Data Outputted From Skeletron
Skeletron is a python script that takes OSM xml data as input and generates output GeoJSON data. It will generalize road by taking roads that contain separate lines but share the same name and making them a single line. This is very useful for cartographically rendering highways and freeways at small scale zoom levels while also reducing the size of your dataset.
From Skeletron's README:
Skeletron generalizes collections of lines to a specific spherical mercator zoom level and pixel precision, using a polygon buffer and voronoi diagram as described in a 1996 paper by Alnoor Ladak and Roberto B. Martinez, "Automated Derivation of High Accuracy Road Centrelines Thiessen Polygons Technique".
Note: I appended z14
and w13
to the output shapefile to represent the paramaters I passed to skeletron: generalizing the data at zoom level 14 with a line width of 13.
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from OGRGeoJSON where highway in ('motorway', 'trunk')" -f "ESRI Shapefile" -t_srs EPSG:2274 superhwy_osm_gen_z14_w13_2274.shp nashville_z14_w13.json
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from OGRGeoJSON where highway in ('primary','secondary')" -f "ESRI Shapefile" -t_srs EPSG:2274 main-rd_osm_gen_z14_w13_2274.shp nashville_z14_w13.json
###list type attributes:
ogrinfo -sql "select distinct type from natural order by type" natural.shp natural
###create a water polygon layer from natural.shp:
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from natural where type in ('riverbank', 'water')" -t_srs EPSG:2274 water-poly_osm_2274.shp natural.shp
###create a parks polygon layer from natural.shp:
ogr2ogr -sql "select * from natural where type = 'park'" -t_srs EPSG:2274 parks_osm_2274.shp natural.shp
- TO DO: Query out a substring of the name column and create a new field from it
ogr2ogr -sql "select label as name from OGRGeoJSON where (label LIKE '%Nashville, TN, US%')" -f "ESRI Shapefile" -t_srs EPSG:2274 hoods_flickr_nv_test_2274.shp flickr_shapes_neighbourhoods.geojson