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Merge pull request #160 from maqsoftware/BikashT/RefractorJson
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Fixes #159
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ankitk20 committed Aug 22, 2019
2 parents d00784f + 8fdde82 commit e80c0cb
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Showing 12 changed files with 361 additions and 124 deletions.
Binary file added Utilities/game_titles.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions Utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
This script has functions to create Excel sheets for the mismatched titles,
to replace titles from JSON reference file and also contains an Excel function
with titles from Hindi JSON file
import json
import xlsxwriter

def get_title_miss_matches(ref_json, check_json, xlsx_file, sheet_name="Sheet 1"):
This function creates an Excel sheet which contains all the mismatched
titles in the check_json file.
ref_json: JSON file from where name, title for each object will be referred
check_json: JSON file where titles needed to be checked
xlsx_file: Excel file that will contain all the mismatched titles
<name> <en_json_title> <hi_json_title_eng>
get_title_miss_matches('alphabet_game_map_en.json', 'alphabet_game_map_hi.json', 'DifferentTitles.xlsx')
dem_char = '$#$'
ident_key = 'name'
target_key = 'title'
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(xlsx_file)
ref_json_dict = dict()
# Open the JSON and create a map with the ident_key
with open(ref_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as ref_file:
ref_json_data = json.load(ref_file)
for each_object in ref_json_data:
ref_json_dict[each_object[ident_key]] = each_object
sheet = wb.add_worksheet(sheet_name)
row_count = 0
sheet.write(row_count, 0, 'name')
sheet.write(row_count, 1, 'en_json_title')
sheet.write(row_count, 2, 'hi_json_title_eng')
row_count = row_count + 2
# Write to Excel file all the mismatched titles
with open(check_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as check_file:
check_json_data = json.load(check_file)
for each_check_object in check_json_data:
check_object_name = each_check_object[ident_key]
check_object_title = each_check_object[target_key].split(dem_char)
ref_object = ref_json_dict[check_object_name]
ref_object_title = ref_object[target_key]
if ref_object_title != check_object_title[1]:
sheet.write(row_count, 0, check_object_name)
sheet.write(row_count, 1, ref_object_title)
sheet.write(row_count, 2, check_object_title[1])
row_count = row_count + 1

def replace_title_ref_(ref_json, check_json, dest_file):
This function creates a new JSON file which contains english part of the
title referred from ref_json file.
ref_json: JSON file from where name,title for each object will be referred
check_json: JSON file where titles needed to be checked
dest_file: destination JSON file which will contains updated objects
replace_title_ref_('alphabet_game_map_en.json', 'alphabet_game_map_hi.json', 'alphabet_game_map_hi_new.json')
dem_char = '$#$'
ident_key = 'name'
target_key = 'title'
ref_json_dict = dict()
# Create map from the English JSON file
with open(ref_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as ref_file:
ref_json_data = json.load(ref_file)
for each_object in ref_json_data:
ref_json_dict[each_object[ident_key]] = each_object
# Update the JSON data from the ref JSON file
with open(check_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as check_file:
check_json_data = json.load(check_file)
length = len(check_json_data)
for i in range(length):
each_check_object = check_json_data[i]
check_object_name = each_check_object[ident_key]
check_object_title = each_check_object[target_key].split(dem_char)
ref_object = ref_json_dict[check_object_name]
ref_object_title = ref_object[target_key]
new_check_object_title = check_object_title[0] + ident_key + ref_object_title
each_check_object[target_key] = new_check_object_title
check_json_data[i] = each_check_object
# Create a new JSON file from the file
with open(dest_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as destfile:
json.dump(check_json_data, destfile, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)

def get_titles_name_json(ref_json, check_json, xlsx_file, sheet_name="Sheet 1"):
This function creates an Excel sheet which contains name and titles from ref_json, english and hindi separated title
from the check_json file
ref_json: file from where name, title for each object will be referred
check_json: file where titles needed to be checked
xlsx_file: Excel file that will be contain, the above mentioned field
<name> <en_json_title> <hi_json_title_eng> <hi_json_title_hi>
get_titles_name_json('alphabet_game_map_en.json', 'alphabet_game_map_hi.json', 'TitlesandNames.xlsx')
dem_char = '$#$'
ident_key = 'name'
target_key = 'title'
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(xlsx_file)
ref_json_dict = dict()
# Read the JSON file for the reference
with open(ref_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as ref_file:
ref_json_data = json.load(ref_file)
for each_object in ref_json_data:
ref_json_dict[each_object[ident_key]] = each_object
sheet = wb.add_worksheet(sheet_name)

row_count = 0
sheet.write(row_count, 0, 'name')
sheet.write(row_count, 1, 'en_json_title')
sheet.write(row_count, 2, 'hi_json_title_eng')
sheet.write(row_count, 3, 'hi_json_title_hi')
row_count = row_count+2
# Write to Excel file all the titles in the JSON file
with open(check_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as check_file:
check_json_data = json.load(check_file)
for each_check_object in check_json_data:
check_object_name = each_check_object[ident_key]
check_object_title = each_check_object[target_key].split(dem_char)
ref_object = ref_json_dict[check_object_name]
ref_object_title = ref_object[target_key]
sheet.write(row_count, 0, check_object_name)
sheet.write(row_count, 1, ref_object_title)
sheet.write(row_count, 2, check_object_title[1])
sheet.write(row_count, 3, check_object_title[0])
row_count = row_count + 1

locales = ['en', 'hi']
file_root = 'original/'
excel_path = 'check_excels/'
files = ['alphabet_game_map', 'grammar_game_map', 'shapes_game_map', 'writing_game_map']
for file in files:
get_titles_name_json(file_root+file+'_'+locales[0]+'.json', file_root+file+'_'+locales[1]+'.json', excel_path+file+'.xlsx')
for file in files:
get_title_miss_matches(file_root+file+'_'+locales[0]+'.json', file_root+file+'_'+locales[1]+'.json', excel_path+file+'.xlsx')
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions Utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
This script updates the Hindi and English titles of the games in the JSON
import json
import xlrd

def replace_title_ref_(ref_excel, curr_json, new_json, json_locale='en', title_index=1, sheet_name='Sheet 1'):
This function creates a new JSON file which contains English part of the
title referred from ref_excel file.
ref_excel: Excel file from where name, title for each object will be referred
curr_json: JSON file in where titles needed to be replace
new_json: destination file which will store updated titles
replace_title_ref_('mismatched_titles.xlsx', 'original/alphabet_game_map_hi.json', 'updated/alphabet_game_map_hi.json', 'hi', sheet_name='alphabet')
replace_title_ref_('mismatched_titles.xlsx', 'original/alphabet_game_map_en.json', 'updated/alphabet_game_map_en.json', sheet_name='alphabet')
# delimiter between Hindi and English Title
dem_char = '$#$'
# identity key(column name/key) for the object in the JSON and Excel
ident_key = 'name'
# column name for the new title
src_key = 'new_title'
# key of the target that needed to be changed
target_key = 'title'
# Read the Excel sheet to create a dictionary
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(ref_excel)
sheet = wb.sheet_by_name(sheet_name)
row_count = sheet.nrows
col_count = sheet.ncols
# Get the column index of identity and new title column in Excel
name_index = -1
newtitle_index = -1
for i in range(col_count):
if name_index == -1 and ident_key == sheet.cell_value(0, i):
name_index = i
if newtitle_index == -1 and src_key == sheet.cell_value(0, i):
newtitle_index = i
if name_index != -1 and newtitle_index != -1:
print('Sheet: ', sheet_name)
print('name_index: ', name_index)
print('newtitle_index: ', newtitle_index)
print('Rows count: ', row_count)
print('Columns count: ', col_count)
newtitle_dict = dict()
# Create a dictionary between the identity key and the new value
for i in range(1, row_count):
ref_name = sheet.cell_value(i, name_index)
ref_title = sheet.cell_value(i, newtitle_index)
if len(ref_name) > 0:
newtitle_dict[ref_name] = ref_title
# Read the JSON file and replace the english part of the title
# with new title using the dictionary
with open(curr_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as curr_file:
check_json_data = json.load(curr_file)
length = len(check_json_data)
for i in range(length):
each_check_object = check_json_data[i]
check_object_name = each_check_object[ident_key]
if check_object_name in newtitle_dict:
ref_object_title = newtitle_dict[check_object_name]
if json_locale != 'en':
check_object_title = each_check_object[target_key].split(dem_char)
check_object_title[title_index] = ref_object_title
new_check_object_title = dem_char.join(check_object_title)
new_check_object_title = ref_object_title
each_check_object[target_key] = new_check_object_title
check_json_data[i] = each_check_object
# Create a new JSON file with updated name
with open(new_json, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as new_jsonfile:
json.dump(check_json_data, new_jsonfile, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)

file_root = 'original/'
updated_en = 'en_updated/'
updated_hi = 'hi_updated/'
locales = ['en', 'hi']
files = ['alphabet_game_map', 'grammar_game_map', 'shapes_game_map', 'writing_game_map']
sheets = ['alphabet', 'grammar', 'shapes', 'writing']

# Update the English titles in all the JSONs files
mismatched_titles_excel = 'mismatched_titles.xlsx'
for locale in locales:
for i in range(0, len(files)):
replace_title_ref_(mismatched_titles_excel, file_root+files[i]+'_'+locale+'.json', updated_en+files[i]+'_'+locale+'.json', locale, 0, sheets[i])

# Update the Hindi titles in the Hindi JSONs files
hindi_titles_excel = 'game_titles.xlsx'
hi_index = 1
for file in files:
replace_title_ref_(hindi_titles_excel, updated_en+file+'_'+locales[hi_index]+'.json', updated_hi+file+'_'+locales[hi_index]+'.json', locale, 1, sheets[i])
Binary file added Utilities/mismatched_titles.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions goa/Resources/res/config/alphabet_game_map_en.json
Expand Up @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
"name": "alphamole",
"title": "Whack a Monster",
"title": "Hit a Monster",
"unlock": false,
"cIcon": "gameicons/alphamole_pressed.png",
"icon": "gameicons/alphamole.png",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
"name": "bubble",
"title": "Pop the Bubble",
"title": "Bubble Pop",
"unlock": false,
"cIcon": "gameicons/bubble_pressed.png",
"icon": "gameicons/bubble.png",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -812,7 +812,7 @@
"name": "Smash The Rock",
"title": "Rock Smash",
"title": "Smash the Rock",
"unlock": false,
"cIcon": "gameicons/Smash The Rock_pressed.png",
"icon": "gameicons/Smash The Rock.png",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@
"name": "basiclettercase",
"title": "icecream",
"title": "Ice-cream",
"cIcon": "gameicons/basiclettercase_pressed.png",
"icon": "gameicons/basiclettercase.png",
"multiPlayer": false,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1082,4 +1082,4 @@
"menuPlist": "icecreamlevel/icecreamlevel.plist",
"menuPng": "icecreamlevel/icecreamlevel.png"

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