This repository contains the JavaScript version of PCE used in the retroweb-vintage-computer-museum. This JavaScript port of PCE provides the emulation core for the following machines:
- Apple Macintosh Plus
- IBM PC Model 5150 and 5160
- Atari 1040ST
- Regnecentralen RC759 Piccoline
This code is derived from James Friend's PCE.js port of PCE, which in turn is based off Hampa Hug's PCE which is written in ANSI C.
- The main loop is modified so that it can be run by Emscripten.
- Exposed to JavaScript the ability to send messages to the emulator via
to allow for on-the-fly disk insertion. - Modified src/chipset/e8530.c to support LocalTalk emulation (based on Mike Forte's SDLC implementation)
- James' build scripts and UI have been removed and replaced with the code at retroweb-vintage-computer-museum.
- Build instructions have been revised for the Emscripten available as of August 7, 2016 (emcc version 1.36.0)
- Upstream changes from Hampa's repository have been pulled as of August 7, 2016
Make sure you have a working version of Emscripten. Do this by following the Emscripten tutorial.
Make sure your Emscripten toolchain is up to date by executing the following commands:
./emsdk update
./emsdk install latest
./emsdk activate latest
source ./
Use the following commands to clone the emulator code and build the emulators:
git clone
cd retroweb-pcejs-jsdf
emconfigure ./configure \
--disable-cpm80 \
--disable-sims32 \
--disable-simarm \
--disable-sim405 \
--disable-sim6502 \
--disable-tun \
--disable-char-ppp \
--disable-char-pty \
--disable-char-slip \
--disable-char-tcp \
--disable-char-termios \
--disable-sound-oss \
--disable-readline \
emmake make clean
emmake make
mv src/arch/macplus/pce-macplus src/arch/pce-macplus.bc
mv src/arch/rc759/pce-rc759 src/arch/pce-rc759.bc
mv src/arch/ibmpc/pce-ibmpc src/arch/pce-ibmpc.bc
mv src/arch/atarist/pce-atarist src/arch/pce-atarist.bc
emcc src/arch/pce-macplus.bc $EMCC_OPTS -o pce-macplus.js -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_main","_mac_get_sim","_mac_set_msg","_e8530_sdlc_frame_available"]'
emcc src/arch/pce-rc759.bc $EMCC_OPTS -o pce-rc759.js -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_main","_rc_get_sim","_rc759_set_msg"]'
emcc src/arch/pce-ibmpc.bc $EMCC_OPTS -o pce-ibmpc.js -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_main","_pc_get_sim","_pc_set_msg"]'
emcc src/arch/pce-atarist.bc $EMCC_OPTS -o pce-atarist.js -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_main","_st_get_sim","_st_set_msg"]'
sed pce-macplus.js -i -e 's/function _SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom/function _SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom_disabled/'
sed pce-rc759.js -i -e 's/function _SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom/function _SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom_disabled/'
sed pce-ibmpc.js -i -e 's/function _SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom/function _SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom_disabled/'
sed pce-atarist.js -i -e 's/function _SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom/function _SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom_disabled/'
The "pce-xxx.js" files can be used as drop in replacements for those in the "emulators/pce-xxx" directories of the retroweb-vintage-computer-museum distribution.
Although James Friend no longer updates his PCE.js port, Hampa Hug continues to do work on the emulator code. I have only tested the code included in this GitHub repository, but if you would like to merge upstream changes yourself, you may do so by issuing the following commands:
~/retroweb-pcejs-jsdf$ git remote add upstream git://
~/retroweb-pcejs-jsdf$ git remote -v
~/retroweb-pcejs-jsdf$ git fetch upstream
~/retroweb-pcejs-jsdf$ git merge upstream/master
The SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom
that ships with Emscripten only supports a depth of 32. James Friend patched this routine to support a
depth of 8 bits, required by PCE, but his repository did so through a modified version of the Emscripten toolchain which wasn't
kept up to date.
Instead of doing that, I rename the function after compiling the JavaScript files (you could also manually delete the entire function to save space) and then provide the patch elsewhere (namely, in "emulators/emscripten-interface.js" from retroweb-vintage-computer-museum).