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A set of matlab functions for preprocessing and analyzing data from 4DSTEM experiments.


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A set of matlab functions for preprocessing and analyzing data from 4DSTEM experiments. Author: Marcus Gallagher-Jones
Institution: UCLA Department of chemistry and biochemistry


This set of functions were used to analyze low-dose 4DSTEM diffraction data from nanocrystals and determine the orientation of nm sized regions of the crystals. The associated publication can be found here. These functions can be used to first extract meaningful data from raw diffraction patterns and then perform unsupervised clustering to group regions of similar diffraction. At some point I may convert these scripts over to python also.


Running these functions requires Matlab 2013A or later and the image processing and curve fitting toolboxes.


Initial preprocessing

The first step in analyzing 4DSTEM data is to reduce the raw images (in .dm4 format) into lists of hybrid counts, KxKy location on the detector, and their associated intensity. This is performed by the dm4toCounts4DSTEM.m function which calls the subfunctions counting4DSTEM_01bg.m, counting4DSTEM_02measThresh.m and counting4DSTEM_03cluster.m. The code can be called as follows

s4DSTEM = dm4toCounts4DSTEM('path/to/file.dm4', scanX, scanY, zz1, zz2);

Where scanX and ScanY are the number of scan points and zz1 and zz2 are the two principle dimensions of the diffraction image in pixels (1792 and 1920 for a K2-IS detector). The output is then a struct (s4DSTEM) containing the following categories:

Struct entry Description
coeffs The coefficients of the gaussian fit to dark noise used to create counting threshold.
CBEDbg Differential darkcurrent offset of the detector calculated by median filter.
CBEDsub Mean diffraction image calculated from the 4DSTEM image stack after background subtraction.
CBEDMean Mean diffraction image calculated from the 4DSTEM image stack before background subtraction.
threshCluster Threshold used for determining hybrid counts.
coeffs The coefficients of the gaussian fit to dark noise used to create counting threshold.
cubeSize Dimensions of the original 4DSTEM data stack.
electrons Cell containing lists of KxKy count locations and intensity values for all images within the 4DSTEM stack.
CBEDelectrons Diffraction pattern created by summing all true counts across all images.

Shift correction

Following conversion to hybrid counts individual patterns will have to be corrected for x and y shift so that they all have a common centre. This is dependent on the realspace size of the scan. Larger scan dimensions (several microns) will have more severe beam shift and the correction may need to be run multiple times. This is handled by the function driftCorrect4DSTEM.m which aligns all images to a single point using the COM of the central disk. After running the struct will be updated to contain two new entries, shiftedElectrons and shiftedCBEDElectrons, which are the new KxKy location of the counts and the summed pattern respectively:

s4DSTEM = driftCorrect4DSTEM(s4DSTEM, badInds, centreX, centreY, offset, startShifted);

badInds is a vector containing the XY location of hot pixels within the image, centreX and Y are the pixel coordinates of the centre of the image, offset is the size in pixels of the region around the centre to crop for COM alignment of the central disk, startShifted indicates wether or not to use the shifted electron positions as a start point if running the script multiple times. All of the data provided has already gone through these two steps.

Preparing data for clustering

Clustering is performed on a reduced for of the images. This is to both improve SNR and also to reduce computation times. This is performed by the function structToStack4DSTEM.m which will bin all images within the struct by a user defined amount and also mask out the central beam. The rationale for this is that the central beam contains the most intensity and as such will heavily bias the outcome of clustering, rather than the presence/absence of Bragg peaks. The function is run as follows:

rStack = structToStack4DSTEM(s4DSTEM, binFactor, radius);

binFactor is the amount you wish to reduce the image, for example to reduce the image to 1/8th its current size binFactor should be equal to 8. radius is the radius of a circular mask used to remove the central disk from all binned images. Setting this too large may have strange effects on the clustering.

Unsupervised clustering of 4DSTEM data

Clustering is performed via K-means with initial clusters being assigned by the Kmeans++ algorithm and similarity determined via Euclidean distance. Optionally K can also be determined by G-means. Note that G-means has been modified such that 80% of the clustered data must be found to be gaussian by the Anderson-Darling statistic instead of 100% to account for clusters over free space being close to unity due to the low background noise. This algorithm is not deterministic and as such will give slightly different results with different runs if initialized with different cluster centres. The code is run as follows:

[ clusteredInds, mindisFunc, wcss, meanImages, minShifts, initialCentres ] = ...
    KMeansPP4DSTEM( stackIn, numSets, numIterations,doMean, doShifts, initialize, scanX, scanY);

numIterations is the total number of iterations to run, generally the algorithm converges before 20 - 30 iterations have run so I set this to 100. doMean determines whether or not to initialise the algorithm with an image that is the mean of several images nearby the intial image or just start with a single image. Generally performance is best when using a local mean as the information content of a single image is fairly low. doShifts determines wether or not to perform image alignment during the clustering, either by cross-correlation or circshifting. This is generally not necessary for diffraction data. initialize should be a list of centre coordinates, this is useful when trying to run the code reproducably from the same starting point.

Following clustering it is recommended to run regularizeClusters4DSTEM.m which will remove any unphysical single pixel clusters resulting from misassignment during the K-means clustering.

Orientation assignment by library matching

The first step in orientation assignment is to generate a library of NBED patterns from a known structure. This is performed by the makeTilts4DSTEM.m function. First the coordinates of all atoms in a small nanocrystal should be generated. The function makeProteinCell_QyN9.m will generate atomic coordinates and lattice parameters for a crystal structure of this peptide structre. The function can be modified for other structures by providing a vector containing atom positions in fractional coordinates. The library is generated as follows:

[tiltLibrary, tilts] = makeTilts4DSTEM(tiltRange, doGPU, outputName);

tiltRange is a vector of angles in degrees, doGPU determines whether or not to run the STEM_tilts function on the GPU or not, outputName is the name to give to the .mat file that contains simulated images and their tilt angles. Note: if you can run on GPU, run on GPU otherwise the library generation is VERY slow.

Once the library has been simulated it can be passed, along with the mean diffraction patterns determined by the K-means clustering , to the orientationSearch4DSTEM.m function. This function will match the diffraction pattern to a simulated diffraction pattern by comparing the RMSD of normalised intensity values at all potential Bragg peak locations. It is run as follows:

[bestMatch, bestErr, simStruct, expStruct] = orientationSearch4DSTEM(...
    simTiltIms, tilts, meanImages, centres);

centres represents the location of all peaks, and potential peaks within the diffraction pattern. This can be calculated from a binned version of shiftedCBEDelectrons using RealspaceLattice01.m or any other function you might have for peak finding (template matching also works well). bestMatch is a vector containing the index of the simulated pattern that as the lowest RMSD (stored in bestErr) to the experimental pattern. bestAngles is the XY tilt relative to some fixed orientation of the best matched diffraction pattern, i.e. the orientation of the lattice represented by the mean diffraction pattern that was fit. This can then be used to replot the cluster map in terms of orientation using the function plotTiltsRGB.m.


A set of matlab functions for preprocessing and analyzing data from 4DSTEM experiments.







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