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marick committed Apr 26, 2012
1 parent 4577c08 commit f774acf
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Showing 4 changed files with 240 additions and 224 deletions.
218 changes: 8 additions & 210 deletions test/midje/ideas/reporting/t_report.clj
@@ -1,218 +1,16 @@
(ns midje.ideas.reporting.t-report
[midje.ideas.reporting.string-format :only [midje-position-string]]
[midje.error-handling.exceptions :only [captured-throwable]]
[midje sweet test-util]

(expose-testables midje.ideas.reporting.string-format)

;; This set of tests generate failures. The following code prevents
;; them from being counted as failures when the final summary is
;; printed. The disadvantage is that legitimate failures won't appear
;; in the final summary. They will, however, produce failure output,
;; so that's an acceptable compromise.

(when (nil? clojure.test/*report-counters*)
(alter-var-root #'clojure.test/*report-counters*
(constantly (ref clojure.test/*initial-report-counters*))))

(background (around :facts (let [report-counters @clojure.test/*report-counters*]
(dosync (commute clojure.test/*report-counters* (constantly report-counters)))) ))

(fact "string positions have filenames and line numbers"
(midje-position-string ["filename.clj" 33]) => "(filename.clj:33)")

;; In the case of the checker (exactly odd?), you want to see failures
;; written in terms of a function name instead of some absurdly complicated
;; #<core$even_QMARK_ clojure.core$even_QMARK_@15ee9cc3>
(future-fact "(exactly odd?) is printed attractively"
(attractively-stringified-form even?) => "a function named 'even?'"
(attractively-stringified-form (fn [n] 1)) => #"fn__")

(fact "rendering functional failures"
(let [failure-map {:type :mock-expected-result-functional-failure
:description ["some description"]
:actual 2
:intermediate-results [ ['(f 1) 33] ]
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:expected '(test-checker 33)}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]

(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => #"Actual.*did not agree"
(nth raw-report 2) => #"Actual.*2"
(nth raw-report 3) => #"Checking function.*test-checker 33"
(nth raw-report 4) => #"intermediate values"
(nth raw-report 5) => #"\(f 1\) => 33")

(let [failure-map {:type :mock-expected-result-functional-failure
:description ["some description"]
:actual 2
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:expected 'odd?}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => #"Actual.*did not agree"
(nth raw-report 2) => #"Actual.*2"
(nth raw-report 3) => #"Checking function.*odd?")

"values in strings are formatted via pr-str"
(let [failure-map {:type :mock-expected-result-functional-failure
:description ["some description"]
:actual nil
:expected '(sloobom "forp")
:intermediate-results [['(+ 1 "ate") nil]]
:position ["foo" 23]}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(nth raw-report 2) => #"result: nil"
(nth raw-report 3) => #"function: \(sloobom \"forp\""
(nth raw-report 5) => #"\(\+ 1 \"ate\"\) => nil")

(let [failure-map {:type :mock-expected-result-functional-failure
:description ["some description"]
:actual 2
:notes ["NOTE ME!" "ME TOO"]
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:expected '(test-checker 33)}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => #"Actual.*did not agree"
(nth raw-report 2) => #"Actual.*2"
(nth raw-report 3) => #"Checking function.*test-checker 33"
(nth raw-report 4) => #"(?i)checker.*reason"
(nth raw-report 5) => (contains "NOTE ME!")
(nth raw-report 6) => (contains "ME TOO")))

(fact "rendering inappropriate checker matches"
(let [failure-map {:type :mock-actual-inappropriately-matches-checker
:description ["some description"]
:actual 2
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:expected '(test-checker 33)}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]

(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => #"Actual.*was NOT supposed to agree"
(nth raw-report 2) => #"Actual.*2"
(nth raw-report 3) => #"Checking function.*test-checker 33"

(fact "excess matches"
(let [failure-map {:type :mock-argument-match-failure
:description ["some description"]
:actual '(nil)
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:var odd?}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(prn raw-report)
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.* at .*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => #"never said .*odd.* would be needed"
(nth raw-report 1) =future=> #"never said odd\? would be needed"
(nth raw-report 2) => #"\(nil\)"))

(fact "mock never called"
(let [failure-map {:type :mock-incorrect-call-count
:failures [{ :description ["some description"]
:actual-count 0
:expected-count nil
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:expected "(f a)"}] }
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.* at .*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => #"These calls were not made the right number of times"
(nth raw-report 2) => #"\(f a\)"
(nth raw-report 2) => #"expected at least once"))

(fact "mock called an incorrect number of times"
(let [failure-map {:type :mock-incorrect-call-count
:failures [{ :description ["some description"]
:actual-count 3
:expected-count 1
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:expected "(f a)" }] }
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.* at .*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => #"These calls were not made the right number of times"
(nth raw-report 2) => #"\(f a\)"
(nth raw-report 2) => #"expected :times 1"))

(fact "ordinary bad result from equality"
(let [failure-map {:type :mock-expected-result-failure
:description ["some description"]
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:actual nil
:expected "s"}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.* at .*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => #"Expected: \"s\""
(nth raw-report 2) => #"Actual: nil"))

(fact "equality when inequality expected"
(let [failure-map {:type :mock-expected-result-inappropriately-matched
:description ["some description"]
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:actual "s"
:expected "s"}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.* at .*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => #"Expected: Anything BUT \"s\""
(nth raw-report 2) => #"Actual: \"s\""))

(facts "about reporting exceptions"
(let [failure-map {:type :mock-expected-result-failure
:description ["some description"]
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:actual (captured-throwable (Error. "message"))
:expected "hi"}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
;; Because midje stack traces are filtered out, there's not much more to check.
(nth raw-report 2) => #"Error.*message")

"This reporting only applies to unexpected exceptions."
(/ 1 0) => (throws ArithmeticException))

(facts "about reporting specific user errors"
(let [failure-map {:type :validation-error
:description ["some description"]
:notes ["message"]
:position ["foo.clj" 3]}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.* at .*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 2) => #"message"))

(facts "about reporting user errors detected because of an exception"
(let [failure-map {:type :exceptional-user-error
:description ["some description"]
:macro-form '(foo bar)
:stacktrace ["one" "two"]
:position ["foo.clj" 3]}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.* at .*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 2) => (contains "(foo bar)")
(nth raw-report 4) => (contains "one")
(nth raw-report 5) => (contains "two")))

(fact "binding notes are considered part of the position"
(let [failure-map {:type :mock-expected-result-failure
:description ["some description"]
:binding-note "a note"
:position ["foo.clj" 3]
:actual nil
:expected "s"}
raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report failure-map))]
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.* at .*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => #"a note"))
[midje sweet test-util]))

;; These tests generate failures to examine. We don't want them to be
;; added to the total failure count, which should always be zero.

(fact "report formatter is dynamically rebindindable"
(binding [*report-format-config* {:single-fact-fn (fn [_] "successfully rebound")
:summary-fn :irrelevant}]
(let [raw-report (with-identity-renderer (clojure.test/old-report :irrelevant))]
(nth raw-report 0) => #"FAIL.*some description.*foo.clj:3"
(nth raw-report 1) => "successfully rebound")))
(nth raw-report 1) => "successfully rebound")))

) ; end without-counting-failures
19 changes: 5 additions & 14 deletions test/midje/ideas/reporting/t_string_format_full_output.clj
Expand Up @@ -2,20 +2,9 @@
[midje sweet test-util]))

;; This set of tests generate failures. The following code prevents
;; them from being counted as failures when the final summary is
;; printed. The disadvantage is that legitimate failures won't appear
;; in the final summary. They will, however, produce failure output,
;; so that's an acceptable compromise.

(when (nil? clojure.test/*report-counters*)
(alter-var-root #'clojure.test/*report-counters*
(constantly (ref clojure.test/*initial-report-counters*))))

(background (around :facts (let [report-counters @clojure.test/*report-counters*]
(dosync (commute clojure.test/*report-counters* (constantly report-counters)))) ))

;; These tests generate failures to examine. We don't want them to be
;; added to the total failure count, which should always be zero.

(let [output (with-out-str
(fact (+ 1 1) => 3))]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,3 +73,5 @@
output => #"Actual result:\s+5"
output => #"Checking function:\s+\(every-checker even\? \(throws \"message\"\)\)"
output => #"even\? => false"))

) ; end without-counting-failures

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