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Initially forked from (a custom attempt to reimplement [1] with PyTorch)

ReInform: Selecting paths with reinforcement learning for contextualized link prediction

This is the code for training the RL-based path search in the graph. A REinforcement learning agent attempts to find the most informative path in the graph, starting from a query entity, such that a pretrained scoring sequence model (e.g. CoKE [2]) can best predict a missing entity from this path. In other words, RL agents perform context search to provide the most informative context for a given triple completion query. Sequence models that evaluate paths and do an actual prediction of the missing entity have to be pretrained separately.

Quick call

python src/

Sample call for model training (denoted Transform-CoKE + RL in the paper), which uses a pretrained CoKE-like model as the top predictor and trains an RL model to select a 2-step context.

python3 --mode coke_mlp --max_step_length 2 --test_times 100 --do_test True --token_droprate 0 --relation_embed_size 50 --state_embed_size 100 --mlp_hidden_size 150 --droprate 0.4 --train_batch 1000 --batch_size 256 --train_times 60 --beta 0.05 --decay_batch 100 --exp_name wn_coke_test --eval_batch 5 --learning_rate 0.005 --use_inverse True --use_entity_embed True --coke_len "-1"

For a BERT-interent like architecture, where the sequence scoring model is a pretrained BERT, and the LSTM-based RL agent is trained to select a 2-step context:

python3 --mode lstm_mlp --max_step_length 2 --test_times 100 --do_test True --relation_embed_size 100 --state_embed_size 200 --mlp_hidden_size 200 --train_batch 500 --batch_size 32 --test_batch_size 8 --train_times 20 --beta 0.05 --decay_batch 100 --exp_name wn_bert_lstm_final --learning_rate 0.001 --use_inverse True --use_entity_embed False --bert_path ../../mastersthesis/transformers/knowledge_graphs/wn_layer12_epoch100/


To use CoKE as the top sequence scorer, the CoKE library should be placed locally (s. module loading example). The path to the loaded model should be set here.

Alternatively, use a pretrained BERT-like model and provide the model path through the CL arguments or set as default here. Make sure the vocabularies of the model and the RL agent match.

[1] Go for a Walk and Arrive at the Answer - Reasoning over Paths in Knowledge Bases using Reinforcement Learning

[2] CoKE: Contextualized Knowledge Graph Embedding


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