A test with Graal ahead-of-time compiler and reflection
Build the fat JAR:
./gradlew jar
Execute the default Jar:
$ java -jar build/libs/aot-reflection-test.jar Hello, world!
Pass configuration by the environment:
$ GREETING="What's up" NAME="gang" java -jar build/libs/aot-reflection-test.jar What's up, gang!
Aot-test without reflection:
$ ./gradlew jar
$ native-image --no-fallback -H:ReflectionConfigurationFiles=reflectconfig.json\
-jar build/libs/aot-reflection-test.jar aot-test
$ GREETING="What's up" NAME="gang" ./aot-test
What's up, gang!
Limitations: can't write in final variables neither static:
public static final String GREETING = KA.def("Hello");
nor simple final variables with the config: { "name" : "name", "allowWrite" : true }