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added selectors and snippets
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mariusdanciu committed Nov 27, 2011
1 parent 3697040 commit c6f1704
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 19 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -7,37 +7,59 @@ import scala.xml._
object MarkupTemplate extends App {

val s = "<script></script>"
val xml = <html x:version="5"><head></head><body>{s}<br></br></body></html>
println(new MarkupTemplate(false, Set("br")).build(
val xml = <html x:version="5"><head></head><body>{s}<br></br>

<div id="name" class="bold mysnippet">


val snippets: Map[String, NodeSeq => NodeSeq] = Map(("mysnippet", e => <span>hi</span>))
println(new MarkupTemplate(false, List(ClassNodeSelector(snippets))).build(


case class MarkupTemplate(stripComments: Boolean, inlineNodes: Set[String]) {
trait NodeSelector extends (NodeSeq => NodeSeq)

case class ClassNodeSelector(snippets: Map[String, NodeSeq => NodeSeq]) extends NodeSelector {
def apply(in: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = in match {
case e : Elem =>
(NodeSeq.Empty /: ((for { cls <- e.attributes.get("class").toList
name <- ("\\s+".r split (cls toString)).toList if (snippets.contains(name))
snippet <- snippets.get(name)
} yield snippet(e)).toList match {
case Nil => e
case e => e
}))((l, r) => l ++ r)

case _ => Nil

case class MarkupTemplate(stripComments: Boolean,
selectors: List[NodeSelector]) {

private def stringify(e: Node): String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder()
val name = e.nameToString(sb).toString
if (e.attributes ne null) e.attributes.buildString(sb)
e.scope.buildString(sb, e.scope)
"<" + sb + ">" + build(e.child) + "</" + name + ">"

def build(nodes: NodeSeq): String = (nodes flatMap {
case Group(childs) => build(childs)
case Text(str) => escape(str)
case e : Unparsed => e mkString
case e : PCData => e mkString
case e : Atom[_] => escape(
case e @ Comment(c) => e mkString
case e @ Elem(pre, name, attrs, scope, childs @ _*) if (! inlineNodes.contains(name))=> {
val sb = new StringBuilder()
val name = e.nameToString(sb).toString
if (e.attributes ne null) attrs.buildString(sb)
e.scope.buildString(sb, scope)
"<" + sb + ">" + build(childs) + "</" + name + ">"
case e @ Elem(pre, name, attrs, scope, childs @ _*) if (inlineNodes contains name)=> {
val sb = new StringBuilder()
val name = e.nameToString(sb).toString
if (e.attributes ne null) attrs.buildString(sb)
e.scope.buildString(sb, scope)
"<" + sb + "/>"
case e : Comment => e mkString
case e : Elem =>
(for (s <- selectors; node <- s(e)) yield stringify(node)) mkString
case k => k.getClass toString
}) mkString("")

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