Features is a utility class for Android that helps you manage the features of your app.
Features loads and parses .properties files placed in res/raw of your application (it loads a debug file if debuggable is true), then uses a singleton pattern to front a hasFeature method that allows you to check if a feature is enabled or not.
First create a folder in your res folder named raw, then place two files there, one for the live build and one for the debug/dev (I usually name them features_app_debug.properties and features_app.properties)
Then open the files and specify the features using the following format (we parse them with java.util.Properties).
After that you need to include the utility and run createInstance when your app starts, I recommend you place it in application onCreate, like this:
public class YourApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
You can also skip the validation part and load the features file directly.
public class YourApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
Features.createInstance().load(this, R.raw.features_app_debug);
Finally implement the feature checking by running something like this:
if (Features.getInstance().hasFeature("YOURFEATURE")) {
// Feature is enabled, do stuff!
Download features.aar and move it to your libs folder, then make sure you got libs specified as a flatDir in gradle.config
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
After that just include it as any other dependency.
dependencies {
compile 'se.marteinn.utils.features:features:1.1.1@aar'
Want to contribute? Awesome. Just send a pull request.
Android-Features is released under the MIT License.