Flow interfaces for ~20 npm modules
Every interface is available on NPM; each is prefixed with iflow-
npm install --save-dev iflow-chartist
Add each interface to your .flowconfig
- iflow-chartist
- iflow-core-decorators
- iflow-invariant
- iflow-jquery
- iflow-koa
- iflow-koa-bodyparser
- iflow-koa-router
- iflow-primus-emit
- iflow-primus-rooms
- iflow-react-gemini-scrollbar
- iflow-react-intl
- iflow-react-native-vector-icons
- iflow-react-router
- iflow-react-router-redux
- iflow-react-widgets
- iflow-redux-logger
- iflow-redux-thunk
- iflow-shallowequal
- iflow-stardust
- iflow-vex
- iflow-warning
Pull requests for existing interfaces are welcome. If you plan on adding a new one please contribute to https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed