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[Yapsi] first shot at blocks and scopes
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There's no stack yet, and thus no proper block exit back to surrounding blocks.
But calling a block from another block works, and each block has its own
lexical pad.
  • Loading branch information
Carl Masak committed Apr 26, 2010
1 parent eb85d72 commit ca681fc
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Showing 2 changed files with 163 additions and 66 deletions.
228 changes: 162 additions & 66 deletions lib/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
use v6;

my $VERSION = '2010.05';

grammar Yapsi::Perl6::Grammar {
regex TOP { ^ <statementlist> <.ws> $ }
regex statementlist { <statement> ** <eat_terminator> }
Expand All @@ -24,31 +26,54 @@ grammar Yapsi::Perl6::Grammar {
class Yapsi::Compiler {
has @.warnings;

has %!d; # a variable gets an entry in %!d when it's declared
has $!c; # unique register counter; increases with each new register
has @!sic; # SIC statements generated by the compiler
has %!pads; # maps lexical blocks to the variables they declare
has $!c; # unique register counter; increases with each new register

has @!block-order;
has %!blocks;
has $!current-block;

method compile($program) {
@!warnings = ();
die "Could not parse"
unless Yapsi::Perl6::Grammar.parse($program);
%!d = ();
%!pads = ();
$!current-block = Mu;
self.find-vars($/, 'block');
$!c = 0;
@!sic = '`lexicals: <' ~ (join ' ', %!d.keys) ~ '>';
@!block-order = ();
%!blocks = ();
$!current-block = Mu;
self.sicify($/, 'block');
return renumber(declutter(@!sic));
my @sic = "This is SIC v$VERSION";
for @!block-order -> $block {
push @sic, '';
push @sic, "block '$block':";
for renumber(declutter(%!blocks{$block})) {
push @sic, ' ' ~ $_;
return @sic;

multi method find-vars(Match $/, 'statement') {
if $<expression> -> $e {
if $<expression><block> -> $e {
my $remember-block = $!current-block;
self.find-vars($e, 'block');
$!current-block = $remember-block;
elsif $<expression> -> $e {
self.find-vars($e, 'expression');

multi method find-vars(Match $/, 'expression') {
# XXX: This warning doesn't have much to do with finding vars
if $/<block> {
die "Can not handle non-immediate blocks yet. Sorry. :/";
for <assignment binding variable declaration saycall
increment block> -> $subrule {
increment> -> $subrule {
if $/{$subrule} -> $e {
self.find-vars($e, $subrule);
Expand All @@ -71,10 +96,14 @@ class Yapsi::Compiler {

multi method find-vars(Match $/, 'variable') {
unless %!d.exists( ~$/ ) {
die "Invalid. $/ not declared before use";
multi method find-vars(Match $name, 'variable') {
my $block = $!current-block;
loop {
return if %!pads{$block}.exists( ~$name );
last unless $block ~~ / _\d+ $/;
$block.=substr(0, $block.chars - $/.chars);
die "Invalid. $name not declared before use";

multi method find-vars(Match $/, 'literal') {
Expand All @@ -83,7 +112,7 @@ class Yapsi::Compiler {

multi method find-vars(Match $/, 'declaration') {
my $name = ~$<variable>;
if %!d{$name}++ {
if %!pads{$!current-block}{$name}++ {
@!warnings.push: "Useless redeclaration of variable $name";
Expand All @@ -107,6 +136,13 @@ class Yapsi::Compiler {

multi method find-vars(Match $/, 'block') {
if defined $!current-block {
$!current-block ~= '_1'; # XXX wrong for same-level blocks
else {
$!current-block = 'main';
%!pads{$!current-block} = {};
for $<statementlist><statement> -> $statement {
self.find-vars($statement, 'statement');
Expand All @@ -120,15 +156,27 @@ class Yapsi::Compiler {
return '$' ~ $!c++;

method add-code($line) {

multi method sicify(Match $/, 'statement') {
if $<expression> -> $e {
if $<expression><block> -> $e {
my $remember-block = $!current-block;
my $block = self.sicify($e, 'block');
my $register = self.unique-register;
$!current-block = $remember-block;
self.add-code: "$register = fetch-block '$block'";
self.add-code: "call $register";
elsif $<expression> -> $e {
return self.sicify($e, 'expression');

multi method sicify(Match $/, 'expression') {
for <variable literal declaration assignment binding saycall
increment block> -> $subrule {
increment> -> $subrule {
if $/{$subrule} -> $e {
return self.sicify($e, $subrule);
Expand All @@ -154,14 +202,14 @@ class Yapsi::Compiler {
multi method sicify(Match $/, 'variable') {
my $register = self.unique-register;
my $variable = "'$/'";
push @!sic, "$register = fetch $variable";
self.add-code: "$register = fetch $variable";
return ($register, $variable);

multi method sicify(Match $/, 'literal') {
my $register = self.unique-register;
my $literal = ~$/;
push @!sic, "$register = $literal";
self.add-code: "$register = $literal";
return ($register, '<constant>');

Expand All @@ -172,7 +220,7 @@ class Yapsi::Compiler {
multi method sicify(Match $/, 'assignment') {
my ($register, $) = self.sicify($<expression>, 'expression');
my ($, $variable) = self.sicify($<lvalue>, 'lvalue');
push @!sic, "store $variable, $register";
self.add-code: "store $variable, $register";
return ($register, $variable);

Expand All @@ -182,33 +230,41 @@ class Yapsi::Compiler {
if $rightvar ~~ / ^ \d+ $ / { # hm. this is brittle and suboptimal.
$rightvar = $register;
push @!sic, "bind $leftvar, $rightvar";
self.add-code: "bind $leftvar, $rightvar";
return ($register, $leftvar);

multi method sicify(Match $/, 'saycall') {
my ($register, $) = self.sicify($<expression>, 'expression');
my $result = self.unique-register;
push @!sic, "say $register";
push @!sic, "$result = 1";
self.add-code: "say $register";
self.add-code: "$result = 1";
return ($result, 1);

multi method sicify(Match $/, 'increment') {
my ($register, $variable) = self.sicify($<value>, 'value');
die "Can't increment a constant"
if $variable eq '<constant>';
push @!sic, "inc $register";
push @!sic, "store $variable, $register";
self.add-code: "inc $register";
self.add-code: "store $variable, $register";
return ($register, $variable);

multi method sicify(Match $/, 'block') {
my ($register, $variable);
if defined $!current-block {
$!current-block ~= '_1'; # XXX wrong for same-level blocks
else {
$!current-block = 'main';
= ['`lexicals: <' ~ (join ' ', %!pads{$!current-block}.keys) ~ '>'];
for $<statementlist><statement> -> $statement {
($register, $variable) = self.sicify($statement, 'statement');
self.sicify($statement, 'statement');
return ($register, $variable);
return $!current-block;

multi method sicify(Match $/, $node) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,57 +313,97 @@ class Yapsi::Runtime {
has Yapsi::IO $!io = $*OUT;

method run(@sic) {
if @sic[0] !~~ /^ 'This is SIC v'(\d\d\d\d\.\d\d) $/ {
die "Incompatible SIC version line";
elsif ~$0 ne $VERSION {
die "SIC is $0 but this is $VERSION -- cannot run";
my @r;
my %pad;
my %pads;
my @containers;
for @sic {
when /^ '`lexicals: <' ('' || \S+ ** \s) '>' $ / {
for $0.comb(/\S+/) -> $var {
%pad{$var} = { :type<container>, :n(+@containers) };
push @containers, 'Any()';
my $current-block = 'main';
my $ip = find-block(@sic, $current-block) + 1;
loop {
return if $ip >= @sic || @sic[$ip] eq '';
given @sic[$ip++].substr(4) {
when /^ '`lexicals: <' ('' || \S+ ** \s) '>' $ / {
%pads{$current-block} = {};
for $0.comb(/\S+/) -> $var {
= { :type<container>, :n(+@containers) };
push @containers, 'Any()';
when /^ '$'(\d+) ' = ' (\d+) $/ {
@r[+$0] = +$1
when /^ 'store ' \'(<-[']>+)\' ', $'(\d+) $/ {
my $thing = %pad{~$0};
if $thing<type> eq 'container' {
my $n = $thing<n>;
@containers[$n] = @r[+$1];
when /^ '$'(\d+) ' = ' (\d+) $/ {
@r[+$0] = +$1
else {
die "Cannot store something in readonly symbol ~$0";
when /^ 'store ' \'(<-[']>+)\' ', $'(\d+) $/ {
my $thing = locate-variable(%pads, $current-block, ~$0);
if $thing<type> eq 'container' {
my $n = $thing<n>;
@containers[$n] = @r[+$1];
else {
die "Cannot store something in readonly symbol ~$0";
when /^ '$'(\d+) ' = fetch '\'(<-[']>+)\' $/ {
my $thing = %pad{~$1};
if $thing<type> eq 'container' {
my $n = $thing<n>;
@r[+$0] = @containers[$n];
when /^ '$'(\d+) ' = fetch '\'(<-[']>+)\' $/ {
my $thing = locate-variable(%pads, $current-block, ~$1);
if $thing<type> eq 'container' {
my $n = $thing<n>;
@r[+$0] = @containers[$n];
else { # immadiate
@r[+$0] = $thing<value>;
else { # immadiate
@r[+$0] = $thing<value>;
when /^ 'bind ' \'(<-[']>+)\' ', ' \'(<-[']>+)\' $/ {
%pads{$current-block}{~$0} = %pads{$current-block}{~$1};
when /^ 'bind ' \'(<-[']>+)\' ', ' \'(<-[']>+)\' $/ {
%pad{~$0} = %pad{~$1};
when /^ 'bind ' \'(<-[']>+)\' ', $'(\d+) $/ {
%pad{~$0} = { :type<immediate>, :value(+$1) };
when /^ 'say $'(\d+) $/ {
$!io.say: @r[+$0];
when /^ 'inc $'(\d+) $/ {
if @r[+$0] eq 'Any()' {
@r[+$0] = 1;
when /^ 'bind ' \'(<-[']>+)\' ', $'(\d+) $/ {
= { :type<immediate>, :value(+$1) };
when /^ 'say $'(\d+) $/ {
$!io.say: @r[+$0];
when /^ 'inc $'(\d+) $/ {
if @r[+$0] eq 'Any()' {
@r[+$0] = 1;
else {
else {
when /^ '$'(\d+) ' = fetch-block '\'(<-[']>+)\' $/ {
@r[+$0] = ~$1;
when /^ 'call $'(\d+) $/ {
$ip = find-block(@sic, @r[+$0]) + 1;
$current-block = @r[+$0];
default { die "Couldn't handle instruction `$_`" }

sub find-block(@sic, Str $block-sought) {
for ^@sic {
if @sic[$_] ~~ /^'block ' \'(<-[']>+)\'/ && ~$0 eq $block-sought {
return $_;
default { die "Couldn't handle instruction `$_`" }
die "Could not find block '$block-sought'";

sub locate-variable(%pads, $block is copy, Str $name) {
loop {
return %pads{$block}{$name}
if %pads{$block}.exists($name);
last unless $block ~~ / _\d+ $/;
$block.=substr(0, $block.chars - $/.chars);
die "Runtime panic -- could not find variable $name";
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions t/runtime.t
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ my @tests =
'my $a = 42; say ++$a', "43\n", 'prefix increment',
'my $a; say ++$a', "1\n", 'increment undefined',
'my $a = 42; { say $a }', "42\n", 'variable in a block',
'my $a = 42; { say my $a }', "Any()\n", 'new variable in a block',

for @tests -> $program, $expected, $message {
Expand Down

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