Uncomment is a simple command line tool to strip the comments out of relaxed JSON and output JSON as defined in RFC 7159, or in other words a JSON5 to JSON converter.
% cat infile.json
// single line comments
* or multi line comments
foo: "bar",
% cat infile.json | bin/uncomment
% bin/uncomment infile.json
% bin/uncomment -i infile.json -o outfile.json
% bin/uncomment -h
Usage of bin/uncomment:
-i string
Input file name
-n Do not print the trailing newline character.
-o string
Output file name
# jq expects strict JSON
% cat relaxed.json | uncomment | jq .
# if another tool expects a strict JSON file
% command -c `uncomment -i relaxed.json -o strict.json`
% go get github.com/mash/uncomment/cmd/uncomment