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MassNet Wallet Java SDK


Java 8+ is required. Java 10+ or Kotlin is recommended for simplicity.


maven central version

This package wraps the HTTP API of a MassNet wallet full node.


This packages is published to maven central repository as org.massnet.sdk:http-api.

You could install it in the following ways (replace $latest_version with the actual version shown above):




implementation 'org.massnet.sdk:http-api:$latest_version'

Local build

After cloning this repository, run:

./gradlew :http-api:publishToMavenLocal


First import org.massnet.api. All APIs support two invocation styles: RxJava and blocking.

import org.massnet.api.*;

// create API service (might be slow, about 0.5s)
var api = MassNetApiV1Impl.getDefaultService();
// or set custom endpoint & timeout (see OkHttp documentation for details)
var api = MassNetApiV1Impl.create("", 500, 500, 500, 3000);

// example: get client status, blocking
var status = api.getClientStatus().blockingGet();

// example: create a wallet, using RxJava (optional parameters are nullable)
var req = new CreateWalletRequest("12345678", "wallet_1", null);
    .doOnError(System.out::println) // exception handling

The default endpoint is "". You should set disable_tls to true in config.json of MassNet wallet to disable HTTPS access.

See HttpApi.kt for all APIs, and ApiModels.kt for all data models used in APIs.

When the wallet returns an error, an ApiException will be thrown, and you can add a handler in doOnError to process.

Transaction Signer

maven central version

This package is an offline transaction signer of MassNet transactions.


This packages will be published to maven central repository as org.massnet.sdk:tx-signer.

See http-api for installation instructions.


All methods and classes are in org.massnet.signer.Address.

Create an address (and its key)

var seed =; // 256 bits seed
var pair = Address.create(seed, false); // set to true for a staking address
System.out.println(pair.getFirst()); // address
System.out.println(pair.getSecond()); // private key

seed must be at least 128 bits long, and 256 bits is recommended.

The private key is derived with path m/44'/297'/1'/0/ from the master key generated from the provided seed.

If key generation fails (e.g., the private key happens to be 0 or larger than N), an HDDerivationException will be thrown.

Parse & validate addresses

To validate an address:

var source = "ms1xxxxxxxxxx";
var parsed = Address.validate(source);
if (parsed == null) {
    // not valid
} else {
    // valid, and can be encoded back

It actually calls Address.fromString(), and returns null when it throws any exception, or an Address when it succeeds.

You could also construct an address manually:

var fromString = Address.fromString("ms1yyyyyyyy"); // might throw Exception if not valid
var fromScriptHash = Address.fromScriptHash(hash, false); // hash must be 32 bytes long
var fromPubKey = Address.fromPubKey(key, false); // key must be an ECKey with a compressed public key (33 bytes)


All methods and classes are in org.massnet.signer.Signer.

Create transactions

We recommend you to use createRawTransaction or autoCreateTransaction in HTTP API to create a raw MassNet transaction, which is encoded by ProtoBuf in hex. Or you can construct a Transaction manually (src/test/java/org/massnet/signed/ for an example) and use it for signing

You can also use decodeRawTransaction to decode any encoded transactions.

Sign transactions

// you may choose from:
var unsigned = "xxxx"; // you unsigned transaction in hex format
var unsigned = new Transaction(...); // use Transaction class
var unsigned = Proto.Tx(...); // use Proto.tx class
// list of private keys, each corresponding to a input
var priv = List.of(
// list of amounts of the UTXO, each corresponding to a input
var amount = List.of(1000000L, 200000L);
// sign the transaction
var signed = Signer.signRawTransaction(unsigned, amounts, priv, HashType.SigHashAll);

Current this tool only supports SigHashAll, which is the default signing type.

To produce a correct signature, you must provide each input in the transaction with:

  • the private key associated with the address (derived by BIP32, 256 bits)
  • the amount of the UTXO on the address (in the unit of SAT, a.k.a. 10^-8)

Send transactions

Once you obtain the signed transaction by using signRawTransaction, you could send it to the chain with sendRawTransaction in the HTTP API.

Decode transactions

You could use decodeRawTransaction in HTTP API to get the JSON representation of a transaction.

We also provide a Transaction class for converting in Java. Note that this class is different from Proto.Tx, which is the internal structure used by Signer.

// directly obtain JSON
var json = Transaction.decodeRawToJson("080112a4010a280a24091fc29fe6a799515d11b457408abbafe...");

// or if you want an instance
var protoTx = Transaction.fromProtoTx(tx); // tx is a Proto.Tx


Java SDK for MassNet Wallet







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