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lemma about sums of non-negative terms over general sets of indices
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affeldt-aist committed Sep 4, 2020
1 parent 77e9ecc commit 030f36e
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Showing 3 changed files with 161 additions and 94 deletions.
114 changes: 71 additions & 43 deletions theories/cardinality.v
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ Qed.
Lemma preimage_set0 T U (f : T -> U) : f @^-1` set0 = set0.
Proof. by rewrite predeqE. Qed.

Lemma preimageK T U (f : T -> U) (A : set U) : f @` (f @^-1` A) `<=` A.
Proof. by move=> u [t]; rewrite /preimage => Aft <-{u}. Qed.

Lemma in_inj_comp (A B C : Type) (f : B -> A) (h : C -> B) (P : pred B) (Q : pred C) :
{in P &, injective f} -> {in Q &, injective h} -> (forall x, Q x -> P (h x)) ->
{in Q &, injective (f \o h)}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,18 +507,6 @@ Qed.

Definition set_finite T (A : set T) := exists n, A #= `I_n.

Lemma set_finite_countable (T : pointedType) (A : set T) :
set_finite A -> countable A.
by move=> [n /card_eqP[f Anf]]; exists f; split => //; exact: (inj_of_bij Anf).

Lemma set_finite0 (T : pointedType) : set_finite (@set0 T).
exists O; apply/card_eqP; exists (fun=> point); split => //; last by move=> ? [].
by move=> x y; rewrite in_setE.

Lemma set_finite_seq (T : pointedType) (s : seq T) :
set_finite [set i | i \in s].
Expand All @@ -529,6 +520,68 @@ exists (size (undup s)); apply/card_eqP; exists (index^~ (undup s)); split.
by rewrite index_uniq //; exact: undup_uniq.

From mathcomp Require finmap.

Section fset_classical_set.
Import finmap.

Lemma set_finite_fset (T : pointedType) (S : {fset T}%fset) :
set_finite [set x | x \in S].
Proof. exact: set_finite_seq. Qed.

Lemma eq_set0_fset0 (T : choiceType) (S : {fset T}%fset) :
([set x | x \in S] == set0) = (S == fset0).
apply/eqP/eqP=> [|->]; rewrite predeqE //.
by move=> S0; apply/fsetP => t; apply/negbTE/negP=> /(proj1 (S0 t)).

Lemma fset0_set0 (T : choiceType) : [set x | x \in fset0] = @set0 T.
Proof. by rewrite predeqE. Qed.

End fset_classical_set.

Section set_finite_maximum.

Lemma image_maximum n (f : nat -> nat) :
(exists i, i <= n /\ (forall j, j <= n -> f j <= f i))%N.
elim: n => [|n [j [jn1 nfj]]]; first by exists 0%N; split => //; case.
have [fn1fj|fjfn1] := leP (f n.+1) (f j).
exists j; split=> [|i]; first by rewrite (leq_trans jn1).
by rewrite leq_eqVlt => /orP[/eqP -> //|]; rewrite ltnS; apply nfj.
have fmax : (forall i, i <= n -> f n.+1 > f j /\ f j >= f i)%N.
by move=> i ni; split => //; exact: nfj ni.
exists n.+1; split => // k; rewrite leq_eqVlt ltnS => /orP[/eqP-> //|].
by move/fmax => [_ /leq_trans]; apply; exact/ltnW.

Lemma set_finite_maximum (A : set nat) : set_finite A -> A !=set0 ->
(exists i, A i /\ forall j, A j -> j <= i)%nat.
case => -[|n /card_eqP[f]]; first by rewrite II0 => /card_eq0 -> [].
move/set_bijective_inverse => -[f1 bij_f1] A0.
have [i [ni H]] := image_maximum n f1.
exists (f1 i); split; first by apply (sub_of_bij bij_f1); exists i.
move=> j Aj.
have [/= k [kn1 ->]] := (sur_of_bij bij_f1) _ Aj.
by apply H; rewrite -ltnS.

End set_finite_maximum.

Lemma set_finite_countable (T : pointedType) (A : set T) :
set_finite A -> countable A.
by move=> [n /card_eqP[f Anf]]; exists f; split => //; exact: (inj_of_bij Anf).

Lemma set_finite0 (T : pointedType) : set_finite (@set0 T).
exists O; apply/card_eqP; exists (fun=> point); split => //; last by move=> ? [].
by move=> x y; rewrite in_setE.

Section set_finite_bijection.

Lemma set_bijective_U1 (T : pointedType) n (f g : nat -> T) (A : set T) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -772,6 +825,12 @@ have AfA : A #= f @` A by apply/card_eqP; exists f.
by split => //; exists f.

Corollary set_finite_preimage (T U : pointedType) (B : set U) (f : T -> U) :
{in (f @^-1` B) &, injective f} -> set_finite B -> set_finite (f @^-1` B).
by move=> fi fB; case: (injective_set_finite fi (@preimageK _ _ _ _) fB).

Corollary surjective_set_finite
(T U : pointedType) (A : set T) (B : set U) (f : T -> U) :
surjective A B f -> set_finite A ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1106,37 +1165,6 @@ Qed.

Section infinite_nat.

Let image_maximum n (f : nat -> nat) :
(exists i, i <= n /\ (forall j, j <= n -> f j <= f i))%N.
elim: n => [|n [j [jn1 nfj]]]; first by exists 0%N; split => //; case.
have [fn1fj|fjfn1] := leP (f n.+1) (f j).
exists j; split=> [|i]; first by rewrite (leq_trans jn1).
by rewrite leq_eqVlt => /orP[/eqP[->//]|]; rewrite ltnS; apply nfj.
have fmax : (forall i, i <= n -> f n.+1 > f j /\ f j >= f i)%N.
by move=> i ni; split => //; exact: nfj ni.
exists n.+1; split => // k; rewrite leq_eqVlt ltnS => /orP[/eqP-> //|].
by move/fmax => [_ /leq_trans]; apply; exact/ltnW.

Let set_finite_maximum (A : set nat) : set_finite A -> A !=set0 ->
(exists i, A i /\ forall j, A j -> j <= i)%nat.
case => -[|n].
by rewrite II0 => /card_eq0 -> [].
move/card_eqP => -[/= f].
move/set_bijective_inverse => -[f1 bij_f1] A0.
have [i [ni H]] := image_maximum n f1.
exists (f1 i).
apply (sub_of_bij bij_f1).
by exists i.
move=> j Aj.
have [/= k [kn1 ->]] := (sur_of_bij bij_f1) _ Aj.
apply H.
by rewrite -ltnS.

Lemma infinite_nat : ~ set_finite (@setT nat).
case=> n /card_eq_sym/card_eqP [/= g].
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions theories/ereal.v
Expand Up @@ -380,9 +380,12 @@ Qed.
Lemma adde_ge0 x y : 0%:E <= x -> 0%:E <= y -> 0%:E <= x + y.
Proof. by move: x y => [r0| |] [r1| |] // ? ?; rewrite !lee_fin addr_ge0. Qed.

Lemma sume_ge0 T (u_ : T -> {ereal R}) : (forall n, 0%:E <= u_ n) -> forall l,
0%:E <= \sum_(i <- l) u_ i.
Proof. by move=> ?; elim => [|? ? ?]; rewrite ?big_nil// big_cons adde_ge0. Qed.
Lemma sume_ge0 T (u_ : T -> {ereal R}) (P : pred T) : (forall n, 0%:E <= u_ n) ->
forall l, 0%:E <= \sum_(i <- l | P i) u_ i.
move=> ?; elim => [|? ? ?]; rewrite ?big_nil// big_cons.
by case: ifPn => _; rewrite ?adde_ge0.

End ERealArithTh_numDomainType.
Arguments is_real {R}.
Expand Down
132 changes: 84 additions & 48 deletions theories/measure_wip.v
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.

(* TODO: PR *)
Lemma lee_adde (R : realFieldType) (a b : {ereal R}) :
(forall e : {posnum R}, (a <= b + e%:num%:E)%E) -> (a <= b)%E.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,89 +390,118 @@ Lemma ereal_limD (R : realType) (f g : nat -> {ereal R}) :
cvg f -> cvg g -> ~~ adde_undef (lim f) (lim g) ->
(lim (f \+ g) = lim f + lim g)%E.
Proof. by move=> cf cg fg; apply/cvg_lim => //; apply ereal_cvgD. Qed.
(* end TODO: PR *)

(* *)

Definition sigma_subadditive (R : numFieldType) (T : Type)
(mu : set T -> {ereal R}) := forall (A : (set T) ^nat),
(mu (\bigcup_n (A n)) <= lim (fun n => \sum_(i < n) mu (A i)))%E.
(* TODO: move *)
(* NB: could be more general (s2 need not be uniq )*)
Lemma ler_sum_cond (R : realFieldType) (T : choiceType) (s1 s2 : seq T)
(a : T -> {ereal R}) : (forall x, 0%:E <= a x)%E -> {subset s1 <= s2} ->
uniq s1 -> uniq s2 -> (\sum_(i <- s1) a i <= \sum_(i <- s2) a i)%E.
move=> a0 s12 us1 us2; rewrite (@bigID _ _ _ _ s2 [pred x | x \in s1]) /=.
set lhs := (X in (X <= _)%E). set rhs := (X in (_ <= X + _)%E).
suff -> : (lhs = rhs)%E by rewrite lee_addl // sume_ge0.
rewrite {}/lhs {}/rhs -[RHS]big_filter; apply/perm_big.
apply: (uniq_perm us1 (filter_uniq _ us2)) => t.
by rewrite mem_filter; apply/idP/idP => [ts1|/andP[]//]; rewrite s12 // andbT.

From mathcomp Require Import finmap.

Definition isum (R : realFieldType) (T : choiceType) (S : set T) (a : T -> {ereal R}) :=
(* sum of non-negative terms over general sets of indices *)
Definition isum (R : realFieldType) (T : choiceType) (S : set T)
(a : T -> {ereal R}) :=
if pselect (S !=set0) is left _ then
ereal_sup [set (\sum_(i <- enum_fset F) a i)%E |
F in (fun x => F != fset0 /\ [set i | i \in x] `<=` S)]
ereal_sup [set (\sum_(i <- F) a i)%E |
F in [set F | F != fset0 /\ [set i | i \in F] `<=` S]]
else 0%:E.

Lemma isum0 (R : realFieldType) (T : choiceType) (a : T -> {ereal R}) :
isum set0 a = 0%:E.
Proof. by rewrite /isum; case: pselect => // -[]. Qed.

Lemma isum_countable (R : realType) (T : choiceType) (S : set T)
(a : T -> {ereal R}) (e : nat -> T) :
(forall n, 0%:E <= a n)%E ->
Lemma isum_fset (R : realType) (T : choiceType) (S : {fset T})
(a : T -> {ereal R}) : (forall i, 0%:E <= a i)%E ->
isum [set x | x \in S] a = (\sum_(i <- S) a i)%E.
move=> a0; rewrite /isum; case: pselect => [S0|]; last first.
move/set0P/negP/negPn; rewrite eq_set0_fset0 => /eqP ->.
by rewrite big_seq_fset0.
apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le; apply/andP; split.
by apply ub_ereal_sup => /= x -[F [F0 FS] <-{x}]; rewrite /set1 ler_sum_cond.
apply ereal_sup_ub; exists S; split => //.
by move/set0P : S0; apply: contra => /eqP ->; rewrite fset0_set0.

Lemma isum_countable (R : realType) (T : pointedType) (S : set T)
(a : T -> {ereal R}) (e : nat -> T) : (forall n, 0%:E <= a n)%E ->
S #= @setT nat ->
enumeration S e ->
injective e ->
isum S a = lim (fun n => (\sum_(i < n) a (e i))%E).
move=> a0 ST [Se SeT] ie.
rewrite /isum.
case: pselect => [S0|]; last first.
move=> a0 ST [Se SeT] ie; rewrite /isum; case: pselect => [S0|]; last first.
move/set0P/negP/negPn/eqP => S0; move: SeT.
rewrite S0 => /esym/image_set0_set0.
by rewrite predeqE => /(_ 1%N) [] /(_ I).
by rewrite S0 => /esym/image_set0_set0; rewrite predeqE => /(_ 1%N) [] /(_ I).
apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le; apply/andP; split; last first.
apply: ereal_lim_le.
by apply: (@is_cvg_ereal_nneg_series _ (a \o e)) => n; exact: a0.
near=> N.
have N0 : (0 < N)%nat by near: N; exists 1%N.
have [N' NN'] : exists N', N = N'.+1 by exists N.-1; rewrite prednK.
have -> : (\sum_(i < N) a (e i) = \sum_(i <- [fset i | i in 'I_N]%fset) a (e i))%E.
have -> : (\sum_(i < N) a (e i) =
\sum_(i <- [fset i | i in 'I_N]%fset) a (e i))%E.
by rewrite big_imfset //= big_enum.
apply: ereal_sup_ub.
exists (e @` [fset (nat_of_ord i) | i in 'I_N'.+1])%fset.
apply/fset0Pn; exists (e (@ord0 N)).
apply/imfsetP => /=; exists 0%N => //.
by apply/imfsetP; exists ord0 => //.
by apply/imfsetP => /=; exists 0%N => //; apply/imfsetP; exists ord0.
move=> t /imfsetP[k /= /imfsetP[/= j _ ->{k} ->{t}]].
by rewrite SeT; exists j.
rewrite big_imfset /=; last first.
move=> x y /imfsetP[/= x' _ xx' /imfsetP[/= y' _ yy']].
exact: ie.
by move=> x y /imfsetP[/= x' _ xx' /imfsetP[/= y' _ yy']]; exact: ie.
rewrite big_imfset /=; last by move=> x y _ _; apply ord_inj.
by rewrite big_imfset /= // NN'.
apply ereal_lim_ge.
by apply: (@is_cvg_ereal_nneg_series _ (a \o e)) => n; exact: a0.
near=> n.
apply: ub_ereal_sup => x [/= F [F0 FS] <-{x}].
have [N FNS] : exists N, (F `<=` [fset (e (nat_of_ord i)) | i in 'I_N])%fset.
have [N H] : exists N, forall x, x \in F -> forall i, e i = x -> (i <= N)%N.
exists N.+1.
apply/fsubsetP => x Fx.
apply/imfsetP => /=.
have H1 : (\sum_(i <- F) a i <= \sum_(i < N) (a (e i)))%E.
have H2 : (\sum_(i < N) (a (e i)) <= lim (fun n => \sum_(i < n) a (e i)))%E.
apply: (le_trans H1).
apply: (le_trans H2).
have eF0 : e @^-1` (fun x => x \in F) !=set0.
case/fset0Pn : F0 => t Ft; have [i [_ tei]] := Se _ (FS _ Ft).
by exists i; rewrite /preimage -tei.
have feF : set_finite (e @^-1` (fun x => x \in F)).
by apply set_finite_preimage;
[move=> ? ? ? ?; exact: ie|exact: set_finite_fset].
have [i []] := set_finite_maximum feF eF0.
by rewrite /preimage => eiF K; exists i => t tF j ejt; apply K; rewrite ejt.
exists N.+1;apply/fsubsetP => x Fx; apply/imfsetP => /=.
have [j [_ xej]] := Se _ (FS _ Fx).
by exists (inord j) => //; rewrite xej inordK // ltnS (H _ Fx).
apply ereal_lim_ge.
by apply: (@is_cvg_ereal_nneg_series _ (a \o e)) => n; exact: a0.
near=> n.
rewrite -big_image /= ler_sum_cond => //; last first.
by rewrite map_inj_uniq //; [exact: enum_uniq | move=> i j /ie /ord_inj].
move=> x xF; apply/mapP.
have Nn : (N <= n)%N by near: n; exists N.
move/fsubsetP : FNS => /(_ _ xF)/imfsetP[/= j _ xej].
by exists (widen_ord Nn j) => //; rewrite mem_enum.
Grab Existential Variables. all: end_near. Qed.

Lemma isum_isum (R : realType) (T : choiceType)
(I : set T) (K : set nat) (J : nat -> set T) (a : T -> {ereal R}) :
Lemma isum_isum (R : realType) (T : choiceType) (I : set T) (K : set nat)
(J : nat -> set T) (a : T -> {ereal R}) :
I = \bigcup_(k in K) (J k) ->
K !=set0 ->
(forall k, J k !=set0) ->
triviset J ->
isum I (fun i => a i) = isum K (fun k => isum (J k) (fun i => a i)).
isum I a = isum K (fun k => isum (J k) a).

Definition sigma_subadditive (R : numFieldType) (T : Type)
(mu : set T -> {ereal R}) := forall (A : (set T) ^nat),
(mu (\bigcup_n (A n)) <= lim (fun n => \sum_(i < n) mu (A i)))%E.

Module OuterMeasure.

Section ClassDef.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -701,16 +731,22 @@ have H1(*TODO: rename*) : (mu_ext (\bigcup_n A n) <= muB)%E.
rewrite /mu_ext.
apply ereal_inf_lb.
have [enu [enuenu injenu]] : exists e : nat -> nat * nat, enumeration (@setT (nat * nat)) e /\ injective e.
have /countable_enumeration [|[f ef]] := countable_prod_nat.
by rewrite predeqE => /(_ (O%N, 0%N)) [] /(_ I).
by exists (enum_wo_rep infinite_prod_nat ef); split;
[exact: enumeration_enum_wo_rep | exact: injective_enum_wo_rep].
exists (fun x => let i := enu x in B i.1 i.2).
move=> i.
move: (BA (enu i).1) => -[].
by rewrite /measurable_cover => -[] /(_ (enu i).2).
move/subset_trans : AB; apply.
have : forall ab : nat * nat, (0%:E <= mu (B ab.1 ab.2))%E.
move=> ab.
apply: measure_ge0.
by move: (BA ab.1) => [] [] /(_ ab.2).
move/(@isum_countable R [choiceType of nat * nat] setT (fun ab => mu (B ab.1 ab.2)) enu).
move/(@isum_countable R _ setT (fun ab => mu (B ab.1 ab.2)) enu).
by move/(_ countably_infinite_prod_nat enuenu injenu).
move/le_trans; apply.
rewrite le_eqVlt; apply/orP; left; apply/eqP.
Expand All @@ -722,24 +758,24 @@ have H1(*TODO: rename*) : (mu_ext (\bigcup_n A n) <= muB)%E.
have H4 : triviset (fun (i : nat) (y : nat * nat) => exists2 j : nat, setT j & (i, j) = y).
rewrite (@isum_isum R [choiceType of nat * nat] setT setT (fun i => [set (i, j) | j in @setT nat]) (fun ab => mu (B ab.1 ab.2)) H1 H2 H3 H4).
rewrite (@isum_isum R _ setT setT (fun i => [set (i, j) | j in @setT nat]) (fun ab => mu (B ab.1 ab.2)) H1 H2 H3 H4).
have [enu [enuenu injenu]] : exists e : nat -> nat, enumeration (@setT nat) e /\ injective e.
rewrite (@isum_countable R [choiceType of nat] setT (fun k : nat_choiceType => isum (fun y : nat * nat => exists2 j : nat, setT j & (k, j) = y) (fun i : [choiceType of nat * nat] => mu (B i.1 i.2))) enu) //; last 2 first.
rewrite (@isum_countable R _ setT (fun k : nat_choiceType => isum (fun y : nat * nat => exists2 j : nat, setT j & (k, j) = y) (fun i => mu (B i.1 i.2))) enu) //; last 2 first.
by apply/card_eqP; exists id; split => // x _; exists x. (* TODO: lemma? *)
congr (lim _).
rewrite funeqE => /= i.
apply: eq_bigr=> j _.
have [enu' [enuenu' injenu']] : exists e : nat -> nat * nat, enumeration ((fun y : nat * nat => exists2 j0 : nat, setT j0 & (enu j, j0) = y)) e /\ injective e.
have [enu' [enuenu' injenu']] : exists e : nat -> nat * nat, enumeration ((fun y => exists2 j0 : nat, setT j0 & (enu j, j0) = y)) e /\ injective e.
rewrite (@isum_countable R [choiceType of nat * nat] (fun y : nat * nat => exists2 j0 : nat, setT j0 & (enu j, j0) = y) (fun i0 : nat * nat => mu (B i0.1 i0.2)) enu') //; last 2 first.
rewrite (@isum_countable R [pointedType of nat * nat] (fun y => exists2 j0 : nat, setT j0 & (enu j, j0) = y) (fun i0 : nat * nat => mu (B i0.1 i0.2)) enu') //; last 2 first.
congr (lim _).
rewrite funeqE => /= k.
by apply/le_trans.
apply: (le_trans H1) => {H1}.
rewrite {}/muB /=.
apply lee_lim.
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