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in_setE/in_fsetE -> inE
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CohenCyril committed May 8, 2020
1 parent 20b79f7 commit fe37a38
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Showing 4 changed files with 57 additions and 55 deletions.
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions theories/classical_sets.v
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool ssrnat eqtype choice.
From mathcomp Require Import fintype bigop ssralg matrix.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg matrix finmap.
Require Import boolp.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,12 +161,16 @@ Canonical Prop_eqType := EqType Prop gen_eqMixin.
Canonical Prop_choiceType := ChoiceType Prop gen_choiceMixin.

Definition set A := A -> Prop.
Definition in_set T (P : set T) : pred T := [pred x | `[<P x>]].
(* we use fun x => instead of pred to prevent inE from working *)
(* we will then extend inE with in_setE to make this work *)
Definition in_set T (P : set T) : pred T := (fun x => `[<P x>]).
Canonical set_predType T := @PredType T (set T) (@in_set T).

Lemma in_setE T (P : set T) x : x \in P = P x :> Prop.
Proof. by rewrite propeqE; split => [] /asboolP. Qed.

Definition inE := (inE, in_setE).

Bind Scope classical_set_scope with set.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Delimit Scope classical_set_scope with classic.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,8 +466,8 @@ Lemma setUDr T : right_distributive (@setU T) (@setI T).
Proof. by move=> X Y Z; rewrite ![X `|` _]setUC setUDl. Qed.

Definition is_subset1 {A} (X : set A) := forall x y, X x -> X y -> x = y.
Definition is_fun {A B} (f : A -> B -> Prop) := all (is_subset1 \o f).
Definition is_total {A B} (f : A -> B -> Prop) := all (nonempty \o f).
Definition is_fun {A B} (f : A -> B -> Prop) := Logic.all (is_subset1 \o f).
Definition is_total {A B} (f : A -> B -> Prop) := Logic.all (nonempty \o f).
Definition is_totalfun {A B} (f : A -> B -> Prop) :=
forall x, nonempty (f x) /\ is_subset1 (f x).

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15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions theories/derive.v
Expand Up @@ -1313,33 +1313,32 @@ Proof.
move=> leab fcont; set imf := [pred t | t \in f @` [set x | x \in `[a, b]]].
have imf_sup : has_sup imf.
apply/has_supP; split.
by exists (f a); rewrite !inE; apply/asboolP/imageP; rewrite inE/= lexx.
by exists (f a); rewrite !inE; apply/imageP; rewrite inE/= lexx.
have [M [Mreal imfltM]] : bounded_set (f @` [set x | x \in `[a, b]] : set R^o).
apply/compact_bounded/continuous_compact; last exact: segment_compact.
by move=> ?; rewrite inE => /asboolP /fcont.
exists (M + 1); apply/ubP => y; rewrite !inE => /asboolP /imfltM yleM.
by move=> ?; rewrite inE => /fcont.
exists (M + 1); apply/ubP => y; rewrite !inE => /imfltM yleM.
apply: le_trans (yleM _ _); last by rewrite ltr_addl.
by rewrite ler_norm.
case: (pselect (exists2 c, c \in `[a, b] & f c = sup imf)) => [|imf_ltsup].
move=> [c cab fceqsup]; exists c => // t tab.
rewrite fceqsup; apply: sup_upper_bound=> //; rewrite !inE; apply/asboolP.
exact: imageP.
by rewrite fceqsup; apply: sup_upper_bound=> //; rewrite !inE; apply: imageP.
have {imf_ltsup} imf_ltsup : forall t, t \in `[a, b] -> f t < sup imf.
move=> t tab; case: (ltrP (f t) (sup imf))=> // supleft.
rewrite falseE; apply: imf_ltsup; exists t => //.
apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le supleft sup_upper_bound => //.
by rewrite !inE; apply/asboolP/imageP.
by rewrite !inE; apply/imageP.
have invf_continuous : {in `[a, b], continuous (fun t => (sup imf - f t)^-1 : R^o)}.
move=> t tab; apply: cvgV.
by rewrite neq_lt subr_gt0 orbC imf_ltsup.
by apply: cvgD; [apply: continuous_cst|apply: cvgN; apply:fcont].
have /ex_strict_bound_gt0 [k k_gt0 /= imVfltk] :
bounded_set ((fun t => (sup imf - f t)^-1) @` [set x | x \in `[a, b]] : set R^o).
apply/compact_bounded/continuous_compact; last exact: segment_compact.
by move=> ?; rewrite inE => /asboolP /invf_continuous.
by move=> ?; rewrite inE => /invf_continuous.
have : exists2 y, y \in imf & sup imf - k^-1 < y.
by apply: sup_adherent => //; rewrite invr_gt0.
move=> [y]; rewrite !inE => /asboolP [t tab <-] {y}.
move=> [y]; rewrite !inE => -[t tab <-] {y}.
rewrite ltr_subl_addr -ltr_subl_addl.
suff : sup imf - f t > k^-1 by move=> /ltW; rewrite leNgt => /negbTE ->.
rewrite -[X in _ < X]invrK ltf_pinv ?qualifE ?invr_gt0 ?subr_gt0 ?imf_ltsup//.
Expand Down
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions theories/normedtype.v
Expand Up @@ -2399,25 +2399,25 @@ move=> FF F_cauchy; apply/cvg_ex.
pose D := \bigcap_(A in F) (down (mem A)).
have /cauchyP /(_ 1) [//|x0 x01] := F_cauchy.
have D_has_sup : has_sup (mem D); first split.
- exists (x0 - 1); rewrite in_setE => A FA.
- exists (x0 - 1); rewrite inE => A FA.
apply/existsbP; near F => x; first exists x.
by rewrite ler_distW 1?distrC 1?ltW ?andbT ?in_setE //; near: x.
- exists (x0 + 1); apply/forallbP => x; apply/implyP; rewrite in_setE.
move=> /(_ _ x01) /existsbP [y /andP[]]; rewrite in_setE.
by rewrite ler_distW 1?distrC 1?ltW ?andbT ?inE //; near: x.
- exists (x0 + 1); apply/forallbP => x; apply/implyP; rewrite inE.
move=> /(_ _ x01) /existsbP [y /andP[]]; rewrite inE.
rewrite -[ball _ _ _]/(_ (_ < _)) ltr_distl ltr_subl_addr => /andP[/ltW].
by move=> /(le_trans _) yx01 _ /yx01.
exists (sup (mem D)).
apply: (cvg_distW (_ : R^o)) => /= _ /posnumP[eps]; near=> x.
rewrite ler_distl sup_upper_bound //=.
apply: sup_le_ub => //; first by case: D_has_sup.
apply/forallbP => y; apply/implyP; rewrite in_setE.
apply/forallbP => y; apply/implyP; rewrite inE.
move=> /(_ (ball_ (fun x => `| x |) x eps%:num) _) /existsbP [].
by near: x; apply: nearP_dep; apply: F_cauchy.
move=> z /andP[]; rewrite in_setE /ball_ ltr_distl ltr_subl_addr.
move=> z /andP[]; rewrite inE /ball_ ltr_distl ltr_subl_addr.
by move=> /andP [/ltW /(le_trans _) le_xeps _ /le_xeps].
rewrite in_setE /D /= => A FA; near F => y.
rewrite inE /D /= => A FA; near F => y.
apply/existsbP; exists y; apply/andP; split.
by rewrite in_setE; near: y.
by rewrite inE; near: y.
rewrite ler_subl_addl -ler_subl_addr ltW //.
suff: `|x - y| < eps%:num by rewrite ltr_norml => /andP[_].
by near: y; near: x; apply: nearP_dep; apply: F_cauchy.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2591,26 +2591,26 @@ have sAab : A `<=` [set x | x \in `[a, b]] by rewrite AeabB => ? [].
move=> /asboolPn; rewrite asbool_and => /nandP [/asboolPn /(_ (sAab _))|] //.
move=> /imply_asboolPn [abx nAx] [C Cop AeabC].
set Altx := fun y => y \in A `&` [set y | y < x].
have Altxn0 : reals.nonempty Altx by exists y; rewrite in_setE.
have Altxn0 : reals.nonempty Altx by exists y; rewrite inE.
have xub_Altx : x \in ub Altx.
by apply/ubP => ?; rewrite in_setE => - [_ /ltW].
by apply/ubP => ?; rewrite inE => - [_ /ltW].
have Altxsup : has_sup Altx by apply/has_supP; split=> //; exists x.
set z := sup Altx.
have yxz : z \in `[y, x].
rewrite inE; apply/andP; split; last exact: sup_le_ub.
by apply/sup_upper_bound => //; rewrite in_setE.
by apply/sup_upper_bound => //; rewrite inE.
have Az : A z.
rewrite AeabB; split.
suff : {subset `[y, x] <= `[a, b]} by apply.
by apply/subitvP; rewrite /= (itvP abx); have /sAab/itvP-> := Ay.
apply: Bcl => D [_ /posnumP[e] ze_D].
have [t] := sup_adherent Altxsup [gt0 of e%:num].
rewrite in_setE => - [At lttx] ltzet.
rewrite inE => - [At lttx] ltzet.
exists t; split; first by move: At; rewrite AeabB => - [].
apply/ze_D; rewrite /= ltr_distl.
apply/andP; split; last by rewrite -ltr_subl_addr.
rewrite ltr_subl_addr; apply: ltr_spaddr => //.
by apply/sup_upper_bound => //; rewrite in_setE.
by apply/sup_upper_bound => //; rewrite inE.
have ltzx : 0 < x - z.
have : z <= x by rewrite (itvP yxz).
by rewrite subr_gt0 le_eqVlt => /orP [/eqP zex|] //; move: nAx; rewrite -zex.
Expand All @@ -2619,7 +2619,7 @@ suff [t Altxt] : exists2 t, Altx t & z < t.
by rewrite ltNge => /negP; apply; apply/sup_upper_bound.
exists (z + (minr (e%:num / 2) ((PosNum ltzx)%:num / 2))); last first.
by rewrite ltr_addl.
rewrite in_setE; split; last first.
rewrite inE; split; last first.
rewrite -[_ < _]ltr_subr_addl ltIx; apply/orP; right.
by rewrite ltr_pdivr_mulr // mulrDr mulr1 ltr_addl.
rewrite AeabC; split; last first.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2656,12 +2656,12 @@ suff Aeab : A = [set x | x \in `[a, b]].
apply: segment_connected.
- have aba : a \in `[a, b] by rewrite inE/=; apply/andP.
exists a; split=> //; have /sabUf [i Di fia] := aba.
exists [fset i]%fset; first by move=> ?; rewrite inE in_setE => /eqP->.
exists [fset i]%fset; first by move=> ?; rewrite inE inE => /eqP->.
split; last by exists i => //; rewrite inE.
move=> x aex; exists i; [by rewrite inE|suff /eqP-> : x == a by []].
by rewrite eq_le !(itvP aex).
- exists B => //; rewrite openE => x [D' sD [saxUf [i Di fx]]].
have : open (f i) by have /sD := Di; rewrite in_setE => /fop.
have : open (f i) by have /sD := Di; rewrite inE => /fop.
rewrite openE => /(_ _ fx) [e egt0 xe_fi]; exists e => // y xe_y.
exists D' => //; split; last by exists i => //; apply/xe_fi.
move=> z ayz; case: (lerP z x) => [lezx|ltxz].
Expand All @@ -2677,7 +2677,7 @@ move=> x clAx; have abx : x \in `[a, b].
split=> //; have /sabUf [i Di fx] := abx.
have /fop := Di; rewrite openE => /(_ _ fx) [_ /posnumP[e] xe_fi].
have /clAx [y [[aby [D' sD [sayUf _]]] xe_y]] := locally_ball x e.
exists (i |` D')%fset; first by move=> j /fset1UP[->|/sD] //; rewrite in_setE.
exists (i |` D')%fset; first by move=> j /fset1UP[->|/sD] //; rewrite inE.
split=> [z axz|]; last first.
exists i; first by rewrite !inE eq_refl.
by apply/xe_fi; rewrite /ball_ subrr normr0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@ move=> C D FC f_D; have {f_D} f_D :
move=> _ [_ _ <-]; set s := [seq (@^~ j) @^-1` (get (Pj j)) | j : 'I_n.+1].
exists [fset x in s]%fset.
move=> B'; rewrite in_fset => /mapP [j _ ->]; rewrite inE.
apply/asboolP; exists j => //; exists (get (Pj j)) => //.
exists j => //; exists (get (Pj j)) => //.
by have /getPex [[]] := exPj j.
rewrite predeqE => g; split=> [Ig j|Ig B'].
apply: (Ig ((@^~ j) @^-1` (get (Pj j)))).
Expand Down
48 changes: 24 additions & 24 deletions theories/topology.v
Expand Up @@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@ Lemma open_comp {T U : topologicalType} (f : T -> U) (D : set U) :
{in f @^-1` D, continuous f} -> open D -> open (f @^-1` D).
rewrite !openE => fcont Dop x /= Dfx.
by apply: fcont; [rewrite in_setE|apply: Dop].
by apply: fcont; [rewrite inE|apply: Dop].

Lemma cvg_fmap {T: topologicalType} {U : topologicalType}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1708,9 +1708,9 @@ Lemma finI_from1 (I : choiceType) T (D : set I) (f : I -> set T) i :
D i -> finI_from D f (f i).
move=> Di; exists [fset i]%fset.
by move=> ?; rewrite in_fsetE in_setE => /eqP->.
rewrite predeqE => t; split=> [|fit]; first by apply; rewrite in_fsetE.
by move=> ?; rewrite in_fsetE => /eqP->.
by move=> ?; rewrite !inE => /eqP->.
rewrite predeqE => t; split=> [|fit]; first by apply; rewrite inE.
by move=> ?; rewrite inE => /eqP->.

Section TopologyOfSubbase.
Expand All @@ -1724,8 +1724,8 @@ move: i j t H H0 H1 H2 => A B t [DA sDAD AeIbA] [DB sDBD BeIbB] At Bt.
exists (A `&` B); split; last by split.
exists (DA `|` DB)%fset; first by move=> i /fsetUP [/sDAD|/sDBD].
rewrite predeqE => s; split=> [Ifs|[As Bs] i /fsetUP].
split; first by rewrite -AeIbA => i DAi; apply: Ifs; rewrite in_fsetE DAi.
by rewrite -BeIbB => i DBi; apply: Ifs; rewrite in_fsetE DBi orbC.
split; first by rewrite -AeIbA => i DAi; apply: Ifs; rewrite inE DAi.
by rewrite -BeIbB => i DBi; apply: Ifs; rewrite inE DBi orbC.
by move=> [DAi|DBi];
[have := As; rewrite -AeIbA; apply|have := Bs; rewrite -BeIbB; apply].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1956,14 +1956,14 @@ move=> Ffilt; split=> cvFt.
apply: cvFt; exists B; split=> //; exists [set B]; last first.
by rewrite predeqE => ?; split=> [[_ ->]|] //; exists B.
move=> _ ->; exists [fset B]%fset.
by move=> ?; rewrite in_fsetE in_setE => /eqP->; exists i.
by rewrite predeqE=> ?; split=> [|??]; [apply|]; rewrite in_fsetE // =>/eqP->.
by move=> ?; rewrite inE inE => /eqP->; exists i.
by rewrite predeqE=> ?; split=> [|??]; [apply|]; rewrite inE // =>/eqP->.
move=> A /=; rewrite (@locallyE sup_topologicalType).
move=> [_ [[[B sB <-] [C BC Ct]] sUBA]].
rewrite locally_filterE; apply: filterS sUBA _; apply: (@filterS _ _ _ C).
by move=> ??; exists C.
have /sB [D sD IDeC] := BC; rewrite -IDeC; apply: filter_bigI => E DE.
have /sD := DE; rewrite in_setE => - [i _]; rewrite openE => Eop.
have /sD := DE; rewrite inE => - [i _]; rewrite openE => Eop.
by apply: (cvFt i); apply: Eop; move: Ct; rewrite -IDeC => /(_ _ DE).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2095,7 +2095,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite !closedE=> f_continuous D_cl x /= xDf; apply: D_cl; apply: contrap xDf => fxD.
have NDfx : ~ D (f x).
by move: fxD; rewrite -locally_nearE locallyE => - [A [[??]]]; apply.
by apply: f_continuous fxD; rewrite in_setE.
by apply: f_continuous fxD; rewrite inE.

Lemma closed_cvg_loc {T} {U : topologicalType} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@ have GF : ProperFilter G.
by move=> C /(filterI FfA) /filter_ex [_ [[p ? <-]]]; eexists p.
case: (Aco G); first by exists (f @` A) => // ? [].
move=> p [Ap clsGp]; exists (f p); split; first exact/imageP.
move=> B C FB /fcont; rewrite in_setE /= locally_filterE => /(_ Ap) p_Cf.
move=> B C FB /fcont; rewrite inE /= locally_filterE => /(_ Ap) p_Cf.
have : G (A `&` f @^-1` B) by exists B.
by move=> /clsGp /(_ p_Cf) [q [[]]]; exists (f q).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2371,10 +2371,10 @@ move=> finIf; apply: (filter_from_proper (filter_from_filter _ _)).
- by exists setT; exists fset0 => //; rewrite predeqE.
- move=> A B [DA sDA IfA] [DB sDB IfB]; exists (A `&` B) => //.
exists (DA `|` DB)%fset.
by move=> ?; rewrite in_fsetE => /orP [/sDA|/sDB].
by move=> ?; rewrite inE => /orP [/sDA|/sDB].
rewrite -IfA -IfB predeqE => p; split=> [Ifp|[IfAp IfBp] i].
by split=> i Di; apply: Ifp; rewrite in_fsetE Di // orbC.
by rewrite in_fsetE => /orP []; [apply: IfAp|apply: IfBp].
by split=> i Di; apply: Ifp; rewrite inE Di // orbC.
by rewrite inE => /orP []; [apply: IfAp|apply: IfBp].
- by move=> _ [?? <-]; apply: finIf.

Expand All @@ -2383,7 +2383,7 @@ Lemma filter_finI (T : pointedType) (F : set (set T)) (D : set (set T))
ProperFilter F -> (forall A, D A -> F (f A)) -> finI D f.
move=> FF sDFf D' sD; apply: (@filter_ex _ F); apply: filter_bigI.
by move=> A /sD; rewrite in_setE => /sDFf.
by move=> A /sD; rewrite inE => /sDFf.

Section Covers.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2412,7 +2412,7 @@ rewrite predeqE => A; split=> [Aco I D f [g gop feAg] fcov|Aco I D f fop fcov].
by move=> p /fcov [i Di]; rewrite feAg // => - []; exists i.
have [D' sD sgcov] := Aco _ _ _ gop gcov.
exists D' => // p Ap; have /sgcov [i D'i gip] := Ap.
by exists i => //; rewrite feAg //; have /sD := D'i; rewrite in_setE.
by exists i => //; rewrite feAg //; have /sD := D'i; rewrite inE.
have Afcov : A `<=` \bigcup_(i in D) (A `&` f i).
by move=> p Ap; have /fcov [i ??] := Ap; exists i.
have Afop : open_fam_of A D (fun i => A `&` f i) by exists f.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2486,11 +2486,11 @@ have Anfop : open_fam_of A D (fun i => A `\` f i).
have [D' sD sAnfcov] := Aco _ _ _ Anfop Anfcov.
wlog [k D'k] : D' sD sAnfcov / exists i, i \in D'.
move=> /(_ (D' `|` [fset j])%fset); apply.
- by move=> k; rewrite !in_fsetE => /orP [/sD|/eqP->] //; rewrite in_setE.
- by move=> p /sAnfcov [i D'i Anfip]; exists i => //; rewrite !in_fsetE D'i.
- by exists j; rewrite !in_fsetE orbC eq_refl.
- by move=> k; rewrite !inE => /orP [/sD|/eqP->] //; rewrite inE.
- by move=> p /sAnfcov [i D'i Anfip]; exists i => //; rewrite !inE D'i.
- by exists j; rewrite !inE orbC eq_refl.
exists D' => /(_ sD) [p Ifp].
have /Ifp := D'k; rewrite feAg; last by have /sD := D'k; rewrite in_setE.
have /Ifp := D'k; rewrite feAg; last by have /sD := D'k; rewrite inE.
by move=> [/sAnfcov [i D'i [_ nfip]] _]; have /Ifp := D'i.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2563,9 +2563,9 @@ rewrite propeqE; split => [T_filterT2|T_openT2] x y.
move=> /asboolPn; rewrite -set0P => /negP; rewrite negbK => /eqP AIB_eq0.
move: xA yB; rewrite !locallyE.
move=> - [oA [[oA_open oAx] oAA]] [oB [[oB_open oBx] oBB]].
by exists (oA, oB); rewrite ?in_setE; split => //; apply: subsetI_eq0 AIB_eq0.
by exists (oA, oB); rewrite ?inE; split => //; apply: subsetI_eq0 AIB_eq0.
apply: contrapTT => /eqP /T_openT2[[/=A B]].
rewrite !in_setE => - [xA yB] [Aopen Bopen /eqP AIB_eq0].
rewrite !inE => - [xA yB] [Aopen Bopen /eqP AIB_eq0].
move=> /(_ A B (neigh_locally _) (neigh_locally _)).
by rewrite -set0P => /(_ _ _)/negP; apply.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2918,12 +2918,12 @@ Lemma ball_hausdorff : hausdorff T =
exists r : {posnum R} * {posnum R}, ball a r.1%:num `&` ball b r.2%:num == set0.
rewrite propeqE open_hausdorff; split => T2T a b /T2T[[/=]].
move=> A B; rewrite 2!in_setE => [[aA bB] [oA oB /eqP ABeq0]].
move=> A B; rewrite 2!inE => [[aA bB] [oA oB /eqP ABeq0]].
have /locallyP[_/posnumP[r] rA]: locally a A by apply: neigh_locally.
have /locallyP[_/posnumP[s] rB]: locally b B by apply: neigh_locally.
by exists (r, s) => /=; rewrite (subsetI_eq0 _ _ ABeq0).
move=> r s /eqP brs_eq0; exists ((ball a r%:num)^°, (ball b s%:num)^°) => /=.
split; by rewrite in_setE; apply: locally_singleton; apply: locally_interior;
split; by rewrite inE; apply: locally_singleton; apply: locally_interior;
apply/locallyP; apply: in_filter_from.
split; do ?by apply: open_interior.
by rewrite (subsetI_eq0 _ _ brs_eq0)//; apply: interior_subset.
Expand Down

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