[ { "caption": "File Manager: New File", "command": "fm_create" }, { "caption": "File Manager: Rename", "command": "fm_rename" }, { "caption": "File Manager: Move", "command": "fm_move" }, { "caption": "File Manager: Duplicate", "command": "fm_duplicate" }, { "caption": "File Manager: Delete", "command": "fm_delete" }, { "caption": "File Manager: Reveal", "command": "fm_reveal" }, { "caption": "File Manager: Open in browser", "command": "fm_open_in_browser" }, { "caption": "Terminal: Open Terminal", "command": "fm_open_terminal" }, { "caption": "File Manager: Find In Files", "command": "fm_find_in_files" }, { "caption": "File Manager: Copy Name", "command": "fm_copy", "args": { "which": "name" } }, { "caption": "File Manager: Copy Absolute Path", "command": "fm_copy", "args": { "which": "absolute path" } }, { "caption": "File Manager: Copy Relative Path", "command": "fm_copy", "args": { "which": "relative path" } }, { "caption": "File Manager: Create Template", "command": "fm_create", "args": { "paths": ["${packages}/User/.FileManager/"], "initial_text": "template." } }, { "caption": "Preferences: File Manager Settings", "command": "edit_settings", "args": { "base_file": "${packages}/FileManager/FileManager.sublime-settings", "default": "// Your settings for FileManager. See the default file to see the different options. \n{\n\t$0\n}\n" } } ]