Url Shortener is an open source link shortening service.
This project has been made using the Beta 2.0.0 (dev branch) of Oli, an open source PHP framework made by myself.
Download the right version of Oli from its repository and extract Oli on your web server.
Then, download the Url Shortener 2.1 release, extract the files in the directory of your Oli website and configure it!
You'll need to configure your own database and you can use the database.sql for its content.
But, hey. You should know that you could just use the official Url Shortener project on my website
"Original tastes better"
- Mati
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Mathieu Guérin
You'll find a copy of the Mozilla Public License v2.0 in the LICENSE file.
Want to get in touch with me? Here's how:
- Email: matiboux@gmail.com
- Github: @matiboux
- Telegram: @Matiboux