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Most of pt's dependencies are included as git submodules, so when cloning the repository is it necessary to use the --recursive flag, like so:

git clone --recursive

A C++11 compiler, CMake 3.0+, and GSL (version 1 or 2) are required for compilation. To compile, simply run make in the project directory. To run pt's unit tests, run make test. The unit tests usually take between 5-10 minutes to run.

The compiled binary can be found as _build/src/ptw_threads. The binary is statically linked, so no library installation is required. Simply copy the binary to somewhere in your PATH and you're ready to go! Help for command-line invocation and the available options is available through ptw_threads --help.


This example requires that you have RAxML installed. We used version 8.2.9. cd into the test/test-data/hohna_datasets_fasta directory.

The first step is to run RAxML on the sequence alignment to find a starting point for the pt run. In this case we'll just assume a GTR model with four discrete Gamma rate categories, and leave the rest of the parameters at their defaults.

raxmlHPC-AVX -m GTRGAMMA -s DS1.fasta -n DS1

(Substitute raxmlHPC-AVX with whichever RAxML binary you have available.) This will generate two files we'll need to run pt: RAxML_info.DS1, which contains the ML model information, and RAxML_bestTree.DS1, which contains the ML tree.

The following command will launch a pt run starting at the RAxML ML tree and model, searching out to an offset of -2 units from the log-likelihood of the ML tree. We set the optimization radius to zero, indicating that on each NNI move, only the branch across which the move is made should be optimized in order to determine if a step should be taken to the resulting tree.

ptw_threads --lnl-offset -2 --optimization-radius 0 --raxml-info RAxML_info.DS1 RAxML_bestTree.DS1 DS1.fasta good_trees.tsv

The output of the pt run, good_trees.tsv, is a tab-separated text file where the first column is the log-likelihood of the fully-optimized tree given in the second column.


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