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Json Documentation.
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matt-42 committed Oct 22, 2020
1 parent d8f19d3 commit 9415ae7
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 96 deletions.
189 changes: 93 additions & 96 deletions docs/
Expand Up @@ -17,29 +17,38 @@ json
## Introduction
``li::json`` is a C++17 JSON serializer/deserializer designed for
ease of use and performances. It can decode and encode Lithium metamaps (thanks to metamap
static introspection), standard C++ containers and any custom types (with some user provided hints)
ease of use and performances. It's main advantage over other libraries is that it
feeds directly plain C++ object with the json string. No intermediate data structure
is allocated. Other JSON libraries usually encode/decode JSON from/to dynamic data
structure like dictionary or hash map to store data.
It handle a subset of other JSON serialization libraries: **Only cases
It can decode and encode standard C++ containers, Lithium metamaps, and any custom
types (you need to provide some type info for this, more on this bellow).
The drawback of this "no intermediate dynamic data structure" optimization, is that it handles a
subset of other JSON serialization libraries: **Only cases
where the structure of the object is known at compile time are covered**.
It these specific cases, metajson is faster and produce smaller binaries.
In these specific cases, metajson is faster and produce smaller binaries.
### Features
- Non intrusive
- Header only
- UTF-8 support
- Exception free
- Small codebase: 1000 LOC
- Portable: No architecture specific code.
### Limitation
- It only handles JSON objects with a **static structure known at compile time**.
- It properly handle decoding and encoding UTF-8 but not the others UTF-{32|16} {big|little} endian encodings.
- No explicit errors for ill-formatted json messsages yet.
**Performances:** Up to **9x** faster than nlohmann/json [2] and **2x**
faster than rapidjson [1]. I did not find usecases where it was
not the fastest. If you find some, please report an issue.
### Performances
**Runtime:** Up to **9x** faster than nlohmann/json [2] and **2x**
faster than rapidjson [1]. I did not find usecases where it was
not the fastest. If you find some, please report an issue.
**Binary code size:** Up to **8x** smaller than nlohmann/json and **2x** smaller than rapidjson*.
Expand All @@ -50,13 +59,35 @@ Theses numbers are not given by an comprehensive benchmark. They just give a rou
of metajson performances and does not take into account the fact that other libraries provides
more features.
### Dependencies
## Encoding
There is two ways to decode json objects: one for supported types (check the list below) and one for custom
types where you have to provide some information about the object you want to encode (more about this below):
// Supported types
std::string json_encode(input_object);
// Custom types
std::string __your_type_info__.decode(input_object);
## Decoding
void json_encode(const O& object);
// Supported types
void json_decode(json_string, output_object);
// Custom types
void __your_type_info__.decode(json_string, output_object);
`json_encode` works out of the box for a set of types:
## Supported types
`json_encode` and `json_decode` works out of the box for a set of types:
- standard C++ scalars: strings, integers, bool: encoded as json values
- lithium metamaps: encoded as json object
- `std::vector`: encoded as a json array
Expand All @@ -66,17 +97,11 @@ void json_encode(const O& object);
- `std::map`: encoded as json object
- `std::unordered_map`: encoded as json object
### Pointers deferencing
## Providing json type info for custom types
When `json_decode` meet an object pointer, it deferences it and serialize the pointer object.
### Encoding custom object types
Since there is no way for Lithium to know the members names your object, you need to describe the member or
accessor names whenever you serialize:
- a custom object
- a vector of custom objects
- a map of custom objects
Since there is no way for Lithium to know the members names your objects, you need to provide the list of member or
accessor names (type infos) that you want to encode or decode.
The following sections describe the fonctions that you can use to build type infos:
#### json_object
Expand All @@ -86,107 +111,79 @@ accessor names whenever you serialize:
struct {
int age;
std::string name() { return "Bob"; }
} gm;
} gm{42};

json_str = json_object(s::age, s::name).encode(gm);
// {"age":42,"name":"Bob"}

#### `json_vector` for accessed with `array[int_index]`
#### json_vector
`json_vector` takes the list of member or accessor names that you want to serialize from the vector elements.
Use `json_vector` to encode vectors storing a custom object type.
Like `json_object` it takes the member of accessor names to serialize:

struct A { int age; std::string name; };
std::vector<A> array{ {12, "John"}, {2, "Alice"}, {32, "Bob"} };
json_str = json_vector(s::age, s::name).encode(array);
// [{"age":12,"name":"John"},{"age":2,"name":"Alice"},{"age":32,"name":"Bob"}]

#### `json_map` for maps accessed with `map[string_key]`
#### json_map
Behave like `json_vector` but for maps. Note that only maps with string as key type are serialiable.
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> test;

std::unordered_map<std::string, A> test{
{"a", {12, "John"}},
{"b", {2, "Alice"}}};

json_str = json_map(s::age, s::name).encode(array);
// {"a" : {"age":12,"name":"John"}, "b" : {"age":2,"name":"Alice"}}

Some examples:
### Metamaps
#### json_tuple
Take as argument the types of the tuple elements. If one of those types contain custom
types, use `json_[object|vector|map|tuple]`:

auto t = std::make_tuple("Alice", A{11, "Bob"});
json_str = json_tuple(std::string(), json_object(s::name, s::age)).encode(t);
// ["Alice",{"age":11,"name":"Bob"}]";

#### Nested custom types
If a member of an object is also a custom type, you can nest several definitions:
auto map = mmm(s::age = 12, s::name = std::string("John"));
json_str = json_encode(map);
json_vector(s::id, s::info = json_object(s::name, s::age));
### Metamaps
#### Custom JSON keys
By default, JSON keys are mapped to object member/accessor names. You can overide this behavior
by providing a custom json key:
auto map = mmm(s::age = 12, s::name = std::string("John"));
json_str = json_encode(map);
json_object(s::test1, s::test2(li::json_key("name")))
// member test2 will be encoded as "name".

std::string json_str;
// C-structs
struct A { int age; std::string name; };
A obj{12, "John"};
json_str = json_object(s::age, s::name).encode(obj);
json_object(s::age, s::name).decode(json_str, obj);
std::cout << json_str << std::endl;
// {"age":12,"name":"John"}
// C++ vectors
std::vector<int> v = {1,2,3,4};
json_str = json_encode(v);
json_decode(json_str, v);
std::cout << json_str << std::endl;
// [1,2,3,4]
// Serialize getters as well as members.
struct { int age; std::string name() { return "Bob"; } } gm;
json_str = json_object(s::age, s::name).encode(gm);
// {"age":12,"name":"Bob"}
// std::tuple
json_str = json_encode(std::make_tuple(1, "Bob", 3.4));
std::cout << json_str << std::endl;
// [1, "Bob", 3.4]
// std::optional
std::optional<std::string> my_optional_str;
json_encode(my_optional_str); // empty string.
my_optional_str = "lol";
json_encode(my_optional_str); // "lol"
// std::variant
// {"idx":1,"value":"abc"}
std::cout << json_str << std::endl;
// [{"age":12,"name":"John"},{"age":2,"name":"Alice"},{"age":32,"name":"Bob"}]
// Nested structs
struct B { int id; A entry; };
B obj2{ 1, { 12, "John"}};
json_str = json_object(s::id = int(), s::entry = json_object(s::age, s::name)).encode(obj2);
std::cout << json_str << std::endl;
// {"id":1,"entry":{"age":12,"name":"John"}}
// Metamap
auto map = mmm(s::age = 12, s::name = std::string("John"));
json_str = json_encode(map);
std::cout << json_str << std::endl;
// {"age":12,"name":"John"}
json_decode(json_str, map);
std::cout << json_object(s::age, s::name(json_key("last_name"))).encode(obj) << std::endl;
// {"age":12,"last_name":"John"}
### Pointers deferencing
When `json_decode` meet an object pointer, it deferences it and serialize the pointer object.


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