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22 lines (15 loc) · 782 Bytes

File metadata and controls

22 lines (15 loc) · 782 Bytes


Core Components

Owl offers a full DQ suite to cover the unique challenges of each dataset.

See Complete Feature List Breakdown For More Information

9 Dimensions of DQ

  1. Behavior - Metadata monitoring
  2. Rules - SQL-based rules engine
  3. Outliers - Anomalous records, clustering, time-series, categorical
  4. Pattern - Classification, cross-column & parent/child anomalies
  5. Source - Source to target reconciliation
  6. Record - Deltas for a given column(s)
  7. Schema - When columns are added or dropped
  8. Dupes - Fuzzy matching, Identify similar but not exact entries
  9. Shapes - Typos and Formatting Anomalies

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