{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":254542605,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"awesome-cli-rust","ownerLogin":"matu3ba","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":true,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2020-04-10T04:19:52.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13089667?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1613636025.694685","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"225caeaaf0f016ac60be53d2ebe523951cb25148","after":"ff75000c0337db4c2dfec26877d51998e38d0965","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-05T20:50:40.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"matu3ba","name":"Jan Ph. H.","path":"/matu3ba","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13089667?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"add yazi, remove unsupported/not on crates.io/simple use cases projects\n\nListed projects had sufficient time to move to crates.io or simplify\ninstructions to one-liners, were not of general usage or not performance\noriented as core focus of this list.\n\n- add yazi, because it has extensive design documents on performance\n (efforts) and it provides sufficiently general use cases including a\n future plugin system for edge cases\n- remove fselect, which I feel a bit sad about, because I like the idea\n to simplify complex queries, but a compiler change in February broke\n upstream crates.io package and in 20240405 it still does not work.\n- LuminS had no commits since 2 years and should not be recommended\n without essential features like 1. no preserve ownership, 2. dry-run,\n 3. symlink support and 4. no RAM-awareness\n- tcount had no commits for 2 years\n- sad is still not on crates.io and batch file editing is supported by\n many tools and one would use git word diff mode to compare changes\n * might be useful without version control to simplify occasional patch\n file usage or usage by non-technical persons\n- broot has no performance section and only covers basic usage of\n dedicated tooling plus no plugin system planned\n- emulsion is unmaintained for years\n- hexyl has no performance design section and only covers very basic\n usage, whereas typical one wants to check for arbitrary encodings\n * for example it does not cover all utf-8 whitespace glyphs\n * better to use hex editors or parsers for this to not having to learn\n another tool\n- Git Interactive Rebase Tool offers barely advantages over git and good\n editor plugins using git\n * set $EDITOR and for example\n [core]\n editor = vim\n- Prettifying csv tables can be also done via editor alignment (plugin),\n because typical csv does not need special parsers due to no sane\n person using escaping to prevent data smashing and alike\n- remove gisht, because running things without security\n validation (comparing hash of content) is very bad\n- remove uutils, because they neither have a performance design section","shortMessageHtmlLink":"add yazi, remove unsupported/not on crates.io/simple use cases projects"}}],"hasNextPage":false,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAAEKUDseQA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity ยท matu3ba/awesome-cli-rust"}