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YAML Plugins

maurermj08 edited this page Oct 22, 2016 · 3 revisions

YAML Plugins

YAML plugins make it easy to rapidly deploy new plugins. YAML plugins can be found in the /etc/efetch_plugins.yml file. Efetch automatically detects any changes the plugin file. Note, these plugins require caching the file.


Running Command on a File

The only required fields for a plugin are the name and command. Below is a basic example:

  name: Clam Scan
  command: "clamscan '{{ file_cache_path }}'"

Adding this to the plugins file will add a new CLAM SCAN option to the analyze view of all files.

Limiting File Types

There are two ways to limit the file types by mimetypes or by extensions. Below is an example of a PDFTOTEXT plugin that will only be visible in the analyze view to files with a .pdf extension:

  name: pdftotext
  extensions: [ 'pdf' ]
  command: "pdftotext '{{ file_cache_path }}' -"

However, a better option would be to limit it by mimetypes encase a file has a different extension:.

  name: pdftotext
  mimetypes: [ 'application/pdf' ]
  command: "pdftotext '{{ file_cache_path }}' -"

Display Files

The file option allows returning a file instead of the results of the command. Below is an example of a PDF OCR plugin that returns a new PDF where the text can be searched.

  name: PDF OCR
  mimetypes: [ 'application/pdf' ]
  command: "pypdfocr '{{ file_cache_path }}'"
  file: "{{ file_cache_dir }}*_ocr.pdf"


The icon option sets the icon displayed in the analyze. The icons come from Font Awesome. Below is an example of the CLAM SCAN plugin with a bug icon.

  name: Clam Scan
  icon: fa-bug
  command: "clamscan '{{ file_cache_path }}'"


The popularity option sets the ordering of the plugins. The popularity should be a number 1-10, with the default value of 5. The default value should generally be used, but if you want to move the plugin up and down in the list, simply increase or decrease the value.

Examples By File Type

Below are some examples that can be easily added to your efetch plugins file. If you would like to provide me your plugins post them in the YAML plugin issue page or tweet them to @maurermj08 (Seriously how many other tools can say that).


STRINGS: Runs the bash strings command on a file

  name: String
  icon: fa-file-text
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  store: 'strings_bash'
  command: "strings '{{ file_cache_path }}'"

HEXDUMPC: Runs hexdump -C on a file

  name: "hexdump -c"
  icon: fa-file-code-o
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  command: "hexdump -C '{{ file_cache_path }}'"

FILE: Runs file -b on a file

  name: File
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  store: 'file_bash'
  command: "file -b '{{ file_cache_path }}'"

CLAMSCAN: Runs a ClamAV scan against the file and returns the results REQUIRES: clamav

  name: Clam Scan
  icon: fa-bug
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  command: "clamscan '{{ file_cache_path }}'"


CACHE GZ: Extracts a GZip files contents to the cache folder and opens that folder with the directory plugin

  name: Cache GZ
  popularity: 4
  icon:  fa-file-archive-o
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  mimetypes: [ 'application/gzip' ]
  command: "gunzip -fkc '{{ file_cache_path }}' > '{{ file_cache_path }}_gunzip'"
  file: "{{ file_cache_path }}_gunzip"
  openwith: directory


CLEAN JSON:: Displays a file containing JSON in pretty format

  name: Clean JSON
  icon: fa-file-text-o
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  extensions: [ 'json' ]
  command: "cat '{{ file_cache_path }}' | python -m json.tool"


CORE.XML: prints the core.xml file in Office 2007 files REQUIRES: xmllint

  name: Core.xml
  icon: fa-file-code-o
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  extensions: [ 'pptx', 'xlsx', 'docx' ]
  command: "unzip -qc '{{ file_cache_path }}' docProps/core.xml | xmllint --format  -"


PDFTOTEXT: Prints all machine encoded in a PDF REQUIRES: pdftotext

  name: pdftotext
  icon: fa-file-pdf-o
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  mimetypes: [ 'application/pdf' ]
  command: "pdftotext '{{ file_cache_path }}' -"

PDFOCR: Returns a new PDF with searchable text REQUIRES: pypdfocr

  name: PDF OCR
  icon: fa-file-pdf-o
  cache: True
  popularity: 4
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  mimetypes: [ 'application/pdf' ]
  command: "pypdfocr '{{ file_cache_path }}'"
  file: "{{ file_cache_dir }}*_ocr.pdf"


READ PST: Extracts all messages and attachments to cache and displays it using the directory plugin REQUIRES: readpst NOTE: This plugin is useful because it will display attachments unlike the fa_pst plugin

  name: Read PST
  icon: fa-envelope
  popularity: 4
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  extensions: [ 'pst' ]
  command: "mkdir {{ file_cache_path }}_readpst; readpst -w -D -S -o '{{ file_cache_path }}_readpst' {{ file_cache_path }}"
  file: "{{ file_cache_path }}_readpst"
  openwith: directory


CLEAN XML: Cleanly formats XML file ignoring errors REQUIRES: xmllint

  name: Clean XML
  icon: fa-file-code-o
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  mimetypes: [ 'application/xml' ]
  command: "cat '{{ file_cache_path }}' | xmllint --format --recover -"


ZIP LIST: Displays a simple list of all the files in a zip file

  name: ZIP List
  icon: fa-archive
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  mimetypes: [ 'application/zip' ]
  command: "unzip -l '{{ file_cache_path }}'"

UNZIP: Extracts a zip files contents to cache and displays the results using the directory plugin NOTE: This plugin is useful because it works on corrupt or improperly formatted zip files unlike the directory plugin

  name: Cache Unzip
  popularity: 4
  icon:  fa-file-archive-o
  os: [ 'linux' ]
  mimetypes: [ 'application/zip' ]
  command: "unzip -u '{{ file_cache_path }}' -d '{{ file_cache_path }}_unzip'"
  file: "{{ file_cache_path }}_unzip"
  openwith: directory