This is the implementation/demo part of the final group project for CISC 332 - Database Management Systems W20.
The web page, built using HTML, CSS, and PHP, accesses a MySQL database containing information about animals, and implements the following four functional requirements (as per the outline):
- Show all the information for all drivers associated with a particular rescue organization
- For a particular donor, show which organizations they donated to and the total amount donated (over their lifetime)
- Show the total amount donated for 2018 to a selected organization
- Show the animals that went from the SPCA directly to a shelter (ie. they did not go through the rescue organization)
The demo will take user inputs through a CSS form for the queries that require user input (1, 2, and 3), and will display either a table containing the requested information, or one line including the requested information. It will display
No results found.
if the result of any query is empty.
- Download and install XAMPP
- Navigate to /XAMPP/htdocs folder, and clone "cisc332-project" repository into it
- Start XAMPP MySQL Database and Apache Web Server
- Create a new database called MAHAnimalServices
- Copy text contained in MAHAnimalServices_DDL.txt into the SQL query box
- Navigate to the MAH Animal Services Website
- Profit.