Haskell is a strong statically typed, purely functional, lazily evaludated, general purpose.
Everything is a function, everything is immutable, everything is an expression, no side effects.
**Side effects are in IO
Deffered expression evaluation
Not used and is not computed
- Memory pitfall
- IO and Parallelism pitfall
- Huge optimizations
- Great exoressivity
functions are auto curried, each fn only takes one argument carry to next fn and takes only another one argument and so on until it returns something.
Example: map:: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
you can write like
Haskell can create your own operator:
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
This operator takes create a function, takes in ````a and return b
this is the same as creating a function for example
let example = fun (x + y)
you can write like
let example = fun $ x + y
another popular operator which is dot (.)
(.):: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
Type alias:
type Point = (Int, Int) -- tuple
type Point = [Point] -- list
type Map k v = [(k v)] --type parameter
User data
to create a new dataType and use type
to alias a type
You can also declare struct inside a dataType
data User = User { userName:: String, userAge:: Int }
How to write functions in haskell, first give a type of the function then function: example
not:: Bool -> Bool -- Declare a function of not signature where takes in a Bool and returns a Bool
not True = False
not False = True -- Use pattern matching for simplify the expression
In pattern matching you can use _
as whatever this is, pattern matching can be use for deconstruction
Some good place to start haskell:
List in Haskell is represent by (x:xs)
, it can be []
which is empty list. with (x:xs)
which means list with head and list of xs
To get started with Haskell tools, easist way is to install from "" and load up with ghcup tui
to see all tools you have installed.
Create a file hello.hs
main = putStrLn "hello world"
save and compile with ghc -o hello hello.hs
run the program with ./hello