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  1. CSS Frameworks Roundup - An overview of some popular frameworks: Twitter Bootstrap, Blueprint, YUI, Foundation 3, Skeleton.

  2. CSS Grid Systems Roundup - A roundup of the different grid systems available: 320 and Up, Responsive Grid System, etc..

  3. Mobile Screen Sizes - A roundup of mobile screen size matrices/tables.

  4. Rails Mobile Solutions Roundup - Different ways to detect mobile devices and deliver mobile versions of your application.

  5. Icon Fonts

  6. Inspirational Sites - Resources to help inspire design and UI patterns for desktop, mobile and responsive websites.

  7. Placeholder Services - A roundup of Lorem Ipsum and image placeholder services.

  8. Feedback Services and Device Testing - A roundup of UX feedback services, and articles on device testing.

  9. Font Services - Font services to help you deliver a great typographic experience.

  10. Choosing Typefaces - Inspiration on choosing typefaces, choosing typeface articles, and great advice from Jason Santa Maria on choosing typefaces.

  11. Font Combinations - Inspiration on pairing fonts, articles on how to pair fonts, and some sources for examples of paired fonts.

  12. Font Stacks - Different Web safe fonts, font stack combinations and fallbacks, and typography classifications and definitions.

  13. Font Tools - Font tools to help you deliver a great typographic experience.

  14. A Brief History of Web Font Sizes - Different articles from my archives over the last 12 years regarding web font sizes.

  15. Color Tools, Wheels, Generators, Palettes and Collections - A roundup of different color tools, color wheels, image to color palette generators, community color palettes, and color collections.

  16. Browser and Mobile Testing - A roundup of everything you need to test for cross browser issues and mobile rendering.

  17. Browser Info - A roundup of browser market share, countdown, support and comparisons/compatibility websites.


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