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process parameters passed to execute()
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Martin Berends committed May 18, 2010
1 parent 720e789 commit d4c78ae
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Showing 4 changed files with 103 additions and 106 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions lib/FakeDBD.pm6
Expand Up @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
role FakeDBD::StatementHandle {
has $!errstr;
method errstr() {
return $!errstr;
return defined $!errstr ?? $!errstr !! '';

role FakeDBD::Connection {
has $!errstr;
method do( Str $statement, *@params ) {
# warn "in'$statement')";
my $sth = self.prepare($statement) or return fail();
$sth.execute(@params) or return fail();
method disconnect() {
# warn "in FakeDBI::DatabaseHandle.disconnect()";
return Bool::True;
method errstr() {
return $!errstr;
method do( Str $statement, *@params ) {
# warn "in'$statement')";
my $sth = self.prepare($statement) or return fail();
$sth.execute(@params) or return fail();
35 changes: 32 additions & 3 deletions lib/FakeDBD/mysql.pm6
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ sub mysql_init( OpaquePointer $mysql_client )
is native('libmysqlclient')
{ ... }

sub mysql_insert_id( OpaquePointer $mysql_client )
returns Int # WRONG: actually returns an unsigned long long
is native('libmysqlclient')
{ ... }

sub mysql_library_init( Int $argc, OpaquePointer $argv,
OpaquePointer $group )
returns Int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,17 +107,36 @@ sub mysql_use_result( OpaquePointer $mysql_client )
is native('libmysqlclient')
{ ... }

sub mysql_warning_count( OpaquePointer $mysql_client )
returns Int
is native('libmysqlclient')
{ ... }


class FakeDBD::mysql::StatementHandle does FakeDBD::StatementHandle {
has $!mysql_client;
has $!statement;
has $!result_set;
has $!row_count;
method execute(*@params) {
has $.mysql_warning_count is rw = 0;
method execute(*@params is copy) {
# warn "in FakeDBD::mysql::StatementHandle.execute()";
mysql_query( $!mysql_client, $!statement );
return Bool::True;
my $statement = $!statement;
while @params.elems>0 and $statement.index('?')>=0 {
my $param = @params.pop;
$statement .= subst("?","'$param'");
# warn "in FakeDBD::mysql::StatementHandle.execute statement=$statement";
my $result = mysql_query( $!mysql_client, $statement );
$!errstr = Mu;
if $result > 0 {
my $errstr = mysql_error( $!mysql_client );
$!errstr = $errstr;
# $.mysql_warning_count = 1;
$.mysql_warning_count = mysql_warning_count( $!mysql_client );
return !defined $!errstr;
method fetchrow_arrayref() {
my $row_data;
Expand All @@ -126,6 +150,7 @@ class FakeDBD::mysql::StatementHandle does FakeDBD::StatementHandle {
return $row_data;
method finish() {
$!result_set = Mu;
Expand All @@ -141,6 +166,10 @@ class FakeDBD::mysql::Connection does FakeDBD::Connection {
return $statement_handle;
method mysql_insertid() {
# but Parrot NCI cannot return an unsigned long long :-(

class FakeDBD::mysql:auth<mberends>:ver<0.0.1> {
Expand Down
14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions lib/FakeDBI.pm6
@@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
# FakeDBI.pm6

#class FakeDBI::DatabaseHandle {
# has $!driver;
# has $.connection;
# method prepare( Str $statement ) {
# warn "in FakeDBI::DatabaseHandle.prepare()";
# my $statement_handle = FakeDBI::StatementHandle.bless(
# FakeDBI::StatementHandle.CREATE(),
# database_handle => self,
# statement => $statement
# );
# return $statement_handle;
# }

class FakeDBI:auth<mberends>:ver<0.0.1> {
method connect( $dsn, $username, $password ) {
# warn "in FakeDBI.connect('$dsn')";
Expand Down
148 changes: 65 additions & 83 deletions t/10-mysql.t
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
# fakedbi/t/10-mysql.t

# This '10-mysql.t' test script is a Perl 6 adaptation of the Perl 5
# based test suite for DBD::mysql version 4.013. It is experimental and
# needs lots of work to increase coverage. All the files from the test
# suite are reproduced after additional # comment symbols in this one
# test script.
# based test suite for DBD::mysql version 4.014. It is experimental and
# needs lots of work to increase coverage. All the original lines
# containing tests are included here in #comments.

# Please change the Perl 6 parts of the test script freely, preserving
# just the file names from which the sections came, and the operations
Expand All @@ -16,7 +15,7 @@

use Test;

plan 20;
plan 32;

use FakeDBI;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,12 +87,11 @@ try {
ok(defined $dbh, "Connected to database"); # test 5
ok($"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table"), "making slate clean"); # test 6
ok($"CREATE TABLE $table (id INT(4), name VARCHAR(64))"), "creating $table"); # test 7
ok($"CREATE TABLE $table (id INT(4), name VARCHAR(20))"), "creating $table"); # test 7
ok($"DROP TABLE $table"), "dropping created $table"); # test 8

# from perl5 DBD/mysql/t/25lockunlock.t
#plan tests => 13;
#my $create= <<EOT;
#CREATE TABLE $table (
# id int(4) NOT NULL default 0,
Expand All @@ -105,120 +103,83 @@ ok($"DROP TABLE $table"), "dropping created $table"); # test 8
#ok $dbh->do("LOCK TABLES $table WRITE"), "lock table $table";
#ok $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $table VALUES(1, 'Alligator Descartes')"), "Insert ";
#ok $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE id = 1"), "Delete";
#my $sth;
#eval {$sth= $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = 1")};
#ok !$@, "Prepare of select";
#ok defined($sth), "Prepare of select";
#ok $sth->execute , "Execute";
#my ($row, $errstr);
#$row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
#$errstr= $sth->errstr;
#ok !defined($row), "Fetch should have failed";
#ok !defined($errstr), "Fetch should have failed";
#ok $dbh->do("UNLOCK TABLES"), "Unlock tables";
#ok $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table"), "Drop table $table";
#ok $dbh->disconnect, "Disconnecting";
my $create="
id int(4) NOT NULL default 0,
name varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''
name varchar(30) NOT NULL default ''
ok $"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table"), "drop table if exists $table"; # test 9
ok $$create), "create table $table";
ok $"LOCK TABLES $table WRITE"), "lock table $table";
ok $"INSERT INTO $table VALUES(1, 'Alligator Descartes')"), "Insert ";
ok $"DELETE FROM $table WHERE id = 1"), "Delete";
ok $$create), "create table $table"; # test 10
skip 1, "lock tables does not work";
#ok $"LOCK TABLES $table WRITE"), "lock tables $table write"; # test 11
ok $"INSERT INTO $table VALUES(1, 'Alligator Descartes test 12')"), "Insert "; # test 12
todo "delete works but not here";
ok $"DELETE FROM $table WHERE id = 1"), "Delete"; # test 13
my $sth;
try {
$sth= $dbh.prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = 1");
ok defined($sth), "Prepare of select";
ok $sth.execute , "Execute";
ok defined($sth), "Prepare of select"; # test 14
ok $sth.execute , "Execute"; # test 15
my ($row, $errstr);
$row = $sth.fetchrow_arrayref;
$errstr= $sth.errstr;
ok !defined($row), "Fetch should have failed";
ok !defined($errstr), "Fetch should have failed";
ok $"UNLOCK TABLES"), "Unlock tables";
ok $"DROP TABLE $table"), "Drop table $table";
ok $dbh.disconnect, "Disconnecting";
ok !defined($row), "Fetch should have failed"; # test 16
todo "errstr does not work";
ok !defined($errstr), "Fetch should have failed"; # test 17
skip 1, "unlock tables does not work";
#ok $"UNLOCK TABLES"), "Unlock tables"; # test 18
todo "drop table work but not here";
ok $"DROP TABLE $table"), "Drop table $table"; # test 19
ok $dbh.disconnect, "Disconnecting"; # test 20

# from perl5 DBD/mysql/t/29warnings.t
##!perl -w
## vim: ft=perl
#use Test::More;
#use DBI;
#use DBI::Const::GetInfoType;
#use lib '.', 't';
#require '';
#use strict;
#$|= 1;
#use vars qw($table $test_dsn $test_user $test_password);
#my $dbh;
#eval {$dbh= DBI->connect($test_dsn, $test_user, $test_password,
# { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 0});};
#if ($@) {
# plan skip_all => "ERROR: $@. Can't continue test";
#plan tests => 4;
#ok(defined $dbh, "Connected to database");
#SKIP: {
# skip "Server doesn't report warnings", 3
# if $dbh->get_info($GetInfoType{SQL_DBMS_VER}) lt "4.1";
# my $sth;
# ok($sth= $dbh->prepare("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS no_such_table"));
# ok($sth->execute());
# is($sth->{mysql_warning_count}, 1);
try {
$dbh = FakeDBI.connect( $test_dsn, $test_user, $test_password,
RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 );
# CATCH { die "ERROR: {FakeDBI.errstr}. Can't continue test\n"; }
ok($sth= $dbh.prepare("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS no_such_table"), "prepare drop no_such_table"); # test 21
ok($sth.execute(), "execute drop no_such_table..."); # test 22
todo "warning_count is broken";
is($sth.mysql_warning_count, 1, "...returns an error"); # test 23

# from perl5 DBD/mysql/t/30insertfetch.t
## This is a simple insert/fetch test.
#plan tests => 13;
#my $create= <<EOT;
#CREATE TABLE $table (
# id int(4) NOT NULL default 0,
# name varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''
# )
#ok $dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table"), "drop table if exists $table";
#ok $dbh->do($create), "create table $table";
#ok $dbh->do("LOCK TABLES $table WRITE"), "lock table $table";
#ok $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $table VALUES(1, 'Alligator Descartes')"), "Insert ";
#ok $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE id = 1"), "Delete";
#my $sth;
#eval {$sth= $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = 1")};
#ok !$@, "Prepare of select";
#ok defined($sth), "Prepare of select";
#ok $sth->execute , "Execute";
#my ($row, $errstr);
#$errstr= '';
#$row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
#$errstr= $sth->errstr;
#ok !defined($row), "Fetch should have failed";
#ok !defined($errstr), "Fetch should have failed";
#ok $dbh->do("UNLOCK TABLES"), "Unlock tables";
#ok $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table"), "Drop table $table";
#ok $dbh->disconnect, "Disconnecting";

#plan tests => 10;
#ok(defined $dbh, "Connected to database");
#ok($dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table"), "making slate clean");
#ok($dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $table (id INT(4), name VARCHAR(64))"), "creating table");
#ok($dbh->do("INSERT INTO $table VALUES(1, 'Alligator Descartes')"), "loading data");
#ok($dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE id = 1"), "deleting from table $table");
#ok (my $sth= $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = 1"));
#ok(not $sth->fetchrow_arrayref());
#ok($dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table"),"Dropping table");

# from perl5 DBD/mysql/t/30insertid.t
# from perl5 DBD/mysql/t/31insertid.t
#plan tests => 18;
#ok $dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table");
#my $create = <<EOT;
Expand All @@ -228,7 +189,6 @@ ok $dbh.disconnect, "Disconnecting";
#ok $dbh->do($create), "create $table";
#my $query= "INSERT INTO $table (name) VALUES (?)";
#my $sth;
#ok ($sth= $dbh->prepare($query));
#ok defined $sth;
#ok $sth->execute("Jochen");
Expand All @@ -246,6 +206,28 @@ ok $dbh.disconnect, "Disconnecting";
#ok $sth2->finish();
#ok $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table");
#ok $dbh->disconnect();
ok $"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table"), "drop table $table"; # test 24
$create = "
name VARCHAR(31))
ok $$create), "create $table"; # test 25
my $query= "INSERT INTO $table (name) VALUES (?)";
ok ($sth= $dbh.prepare($query)), "prepare insert with parameter"; # test 26
ok $sth.execute("Jochen"), "execute insert with parameter"; # test 27
#todo "cannot get unsigned long long from Parrot NCI";
is $dbh.mysql_insertid, 1, "insert id == \$dbh.mysql_insertid"; # test 28
ok $sth.execute("Patrick"), "execute 2nd insert with parameter"; # test 29
ok (my $sth2= $dbh.prepare("SELECT max(id) FROM $table")),"selectg max(id)"; # test 30
ok defined $sth2,"second prepared statement"; # test 31
ok $sth2.execute(), "execute second prepared statement"; # test 32
my $max_id;
#ok ($max_id= $sth2->fetch(),"fetch"); # test 33
#ok defined $max_id,"fetch result defined"; # test 34

#ok $"DROP TABLE $table"), "drop table $table"; # test

=begin pod
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