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Predicting the Accuracy of a Few-Shot Classifier

This repository contains the code of the experiments performed in the following paper

Predicting the Accuracy of a Few-Shot Classifier

by Myriam Bontonou, Louis Bethune and Vincent Gripon


In the context of few-shot learning, one cannot evaluate generalization using validation sets, due to the small amount of training examples. In this paper, we are interested in finding alternatives to answer the question: is my classifier generalizing well to previously unseen data? We first analyze the reasons for the variability of generalization performances. We then investigate the case of using transfer-based solutions, and consider three settings: i) supervised where we only have access to a few labeled samples, ii) semi-supervised where we have access to both a few labeled samples and a set of unlabeled samples and iii) unsupervised where we only have access to unlabeled samples. For each setting, we propose reasonable measures that we empirically demonstrate to be correlated with the generalization ability of considered classifiers. We also show that these simple measures can be used to predict generalization up to a certain confidence. We conduct our experiments on standard few-shot vision datasets.


1. Dependencies

  • Python >= 3.6
  • Pytorch >= 1.2

2. Download Datasets

Our code is built upon the pretrained backbones of SimpleShot: Revisiting Nearest-Neighbor Classification for Few-Shot Learning (a) and Charting the Right Manifold: Manifold Mixup for Few-shot Learning (b).

We consider three pretrained backbones.

wideresnet -- Wide Residual Network trained on mini-ImageNet from (b).

densenet-m -- Dense Network trained on mini-ImageNet from (a).

densenet-t -- Dense Network trained on tiered-ImageNet from (a).

We use these backbones to extract features of new data samples. The features of the following classes can be downloaded from

  • features/wideresnet/test.pkl contains the features of 20 novel classes of mini-ImageNet.
  • features/densenet-m/test.pkl contains the feature of 20 novel classes of mini-ImageNet.
  • features/densenet-t/test.pkl contains the feature 160 novel classes of tiered-ImageNet.

3. Evaluate the correlations between metrics and the generalization performance

To compute the correlations in different settings, you can run the following commands.

a. Supervised setting

python --setting supervised --model [wideresnet, densenet-t] --n_way [number of classes] --n_shot [number of labeled samples] --n_query [number of test samples/unlabeled samples] --n_run [number of generated tasks]

b. Semi-supervised setting

python --setting semi-supervised --model [wideresnet, densenet-t] --n_way [number of classes] --n_shot [number of labeled samples] --n_query [number of test samples/unlabeled samples] --n_run [number of generated tasks]

c. Unsupervised setting

python --setting unsupervised --model [wideresnet, densenet-t] --n_way [number of classes] --n_shot [number of labeled samples] --n_query [number of test samples/unlabeled samples] --n_run [number of generated tasks]

4. Case study on mini-ImageNet


Numerous dependencies are required, in addition to Python and Pytorch:

pygsp >= 0.5.1
python-louvain >= 0.14
networkx >= 2.3
scipy >= 1.3.1
scikit-learn >= 0.21

Generate the graphs

The code to generate the graph of novel classes with densenet-m is:

python3 --mode=monitoring_volume --dataset=densenet-m-novel --n_way=2

The dot files are produced and stored in graphs folder.
To compute the correlation between the edge weights and the accuracy of a logistic regression:

python3 --mode=monitoring_volume --dataset=densenet-m-base --dot-name=graphs/ --n_way=5 --n_shot=5 --n_val=595

The code to generate the bipartite graph is:

python3 --mode=monitoring_volume --dataset=densenet-m-base\&densenet-m-novel --n_way=2

To compute the correlations between the edges of two graphs:

python3 --graph_name_1=pathdot1 --graph_name_2=pathdot2


Please contact us if there are any problems.

Myriam Bontonou (


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