Replication code for the research article "Did immigrants perceive more job insecurity during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic? Evidence from German Panel Data"
Type of replication code:
Stata syntax file (.do)
Name of the file:
Datasets needed:
Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP, scientific use file release v36) and SOEP-CoV data*
Author of the replication code:
Marvin Bürmann
Authors of the research article:
Marvin Bürmann, Jannes Jacobsen, Cornelia Kristen, Simon Kühne and Dorian Tsolak
Link to the published article:
*Information for replication with SOEP release v37:
The analyses were conducted using data from the public SOEP release v36 in combination with data from the SOEP-CoV study, which were provided by the SOEP-CoV team and were not publicly available at the time of the research project. The latest public version SOEP v37 now includes data from the SOEP-CoV study, allowing replication of the research conducted. However, some variable names in the public version of SOEP v37 may differ from those provided by the SOEP-CoV team during our project. Even though the variable names should be very similar you are invited to contact us at any time if you need help with the conversion of the syntax to SOEP v37.