Author: Tyler Sorensen
Last revised: 1 Sept. 2016
Licenses and Copyright
Running the Code
- Obtaining Inputs
- Running
Known Issues
This is the code for the paper:
"Portable Inter-Workgroup Barrier Synchronisation for GPUs" appearing in OOPSLA'16.
Please cite the above paper if you use this code in academic work.
If you use our Pannotia or LonestarGPU code, consider citing the papers for those works as well, which are respectively:
"Pannotia: Understanding irregular GPGPU graph applications" appearing in IISWC'13
"A quantitative study of irregular programs on GPUs" appearing in IISW'12
Please contact Ally or Tyler if have questions or comments about this code:
Tyler Sorensen t.sorensen15 AT imperial DOT ac DOT uk
Alastair F. Donaldson alastair.donaldson AT imperial DOT ac DOT uk
This code consists of 3 different code bases, all with different licenses and copyright holders.
The original code written for this project consists of the discovery protocol, the XF barrier (written using the discovery protocol and OpenCL 2.0 atomics) and the occupancy micro-benchmarks.
This code is located in code/discovery_protocol /code/experiments/occupancy_tests
The copyright holders of this code are: Tyler Sorensen and Alastair Donaldson.
The code is released under the BSD license which can be found in licenses/discovery_protocol
The original LonestarGPU code is released under the University of Texas research license, which it maintains.
The LonestarGPU code is confined to the directory: code/experiments/lonestar_gpu_opencl
A copy of the license can be found in: licenses/lonestar_gpu
The original LonestarGPU code can be obtained from:
The Pannotia applications are provided with a license by AMD.
A copy of the license can be found in: licenses/pannotia
The Pannotia code is confined to the directory: code/experiments/pannotia
The original Pannotia code can be obtained from:
To run the Pannotia or LonestarGPU applications, you will need to obtain the (large) graph files as input.
We provide instructions for obtaining these graphs in: code/experiments/pannotia/datasets/README.txt and code/experiments/lonestar_gpu_opencl/inputs/README.txt
We have provided google drive links containing these datasets.
We believe the code is straightforward to run. It uses a cross-platform (Windows and Linux) CMake build system and the applications give examples of the command line arguments if run with no arguments.
Detailed instructions for running the code can be found in our OOPSLA artifact evaluation guide: OOPSLA_AE.txt. This guide was reviewed and accepted by the OOPSLA'16 artifact evaluation committee, so we believe it should be sufficient.
It was very difficult to get these applications running reliably across all the GPUs we tested. We encountered many interesting issues, and we even wrote a workshop paper about it that you should check out:
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to Cross-Platform OpenCL Application Development" appearing in IWOCL'16
Here are some issues we have found that are still present in this code:
When running on Intel GPUs on Windows, the compiler seems to non-deterministically crash (which crashes the application).
The application we find that suffers from this problem the worse is the occupancy microbenchmarks
We have only been able to get this application working reliably on Nvidia chips. And even on these chips, it crashes about 1% of the time (same as the original CUDA application). Other chips deadlock, crash, or produce wrong results 100% of the time.
The original DMR comes with a warning. We pass this warning remains valid (and perhaps even more so) in our OpenCL port.
Our LonestarGPU ports pass structures to kernels which contain global memory pointers. This is technically undefined behaviour in OpenCL and we know this to cause issues on ARM GPUs. However, it appears to work fine on Nvidia, Intel and AMD GPUs.
This issue is fixable but requires a significant code refactoring. Its on our todo list.