This gem was renamed from 'exiftoolr' to the less-ungainly 'exiftool' as of version 0.2.0. This gem simply adds a "class alias" from Exiftoolr to Exiftool, and is dependant on that new gem.
Consumers should switch to the new gem's namespace as soon as they can.
Go to exiftool for more information!
- Renamed to 'exiftool' (but kept backward compatibility)
- Better timestamp parsing—now both sub-second and timezone offsets are handled correctly
- Switched to minitest-spec
- Ruby 1.8.7 is no longer supported, hence the minor version uptick.
- Explicitly added MIT licensing to the gemspec.
- Extracted methods in parsing to make the code complexity lower. FOUR DOT OH GPA
- Added warning values for EXIF headers that are corrupt
- Made initialize gracefully accept an empty array, or an array of Pathname instances
- Added support for ruby 1.9.3 and exiftool v8.15 (Ubuntu Natty) and v8.85 (current stable version)
Fixed homepage URL in gemspec
Added support for multiple file fetching (which is much faster for large directories)