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Every Chef installation needs a Chef Repository. This is the place where cookbooks, roles, config files and other artifacts for managing systems with Chef will live. We strongly recommend storing this repository in a version control system such as Git and treat it like source code.

While we prefer Git, and make this repository available via GitHub, you are welcome to download a tar or zip archive and use your favorite version control system to manage the code.

Repository Directories

This repository contains several directories, and each directory contains a README file that describes what it is for in greater detail, and how to use it for managing your systems with Chef.

  • certificates/ - SSL certificates generated by rake ssl_cert live here.
  • config/ - Contains the Rake configuration file, rake.rb.
  • cookbooks/ - Cookbooks managed by librarian.
  • data_bags/ - Store data bags and items in .json in the repository.
  • roles/ - Store roles in .rb or .json in the repository.
  • site-cookbooks/ - Cookbooks that you've created and are keeping in this repository

Rake Tasks

The repository contains a Rakefile that includes tasks that are installed with the Chef libraries. To view the tasks available with in the repository with a brief description, run rake -T.

The default task (default) is run when executing rake with no arguments. It will call the task test_cookbooks.

The following tasks are not directly replaced by knife sub-commands.

  • bundle_cookbook[cookbook] - Creates cookbook tarballs in the pkgs/ dir.
  • install - Calls update, roles and upload_cookbooks Rake tasks.
  • ssl_cert - Create self-signed SSL certificates in certificates/ dir.
  • update - Update the repository from source control server, understands git and svn.

The following tasks duplicate functionality from knife and may be removed in a future version of Chef.

  • metadata - replaced by knife cookbook metadata -a.
  • new_cookbook - replaced by knife cookbook create.
  • role[role_name] - replaced by knife role from file.
  • roles - iterates over the roles and uploads with knife role from file.
  • test_cookbooks - replaced by knife cookbook test -a.
  • test_cookbook[cookbook] - replaced by knife cookbook test COOKBOOK.
  • upload_cookbooks - replaced by knife cookbook upload -a.
  • upload_cookbook[cookbook] - replaced by knife cookbook upload COOKBOOK.


The repository uses two configuration files.

  • config/rake.rb
  • .chef/knife.rb

The first, config/rake.rb configures the Rakefile in two sections.

  • Constants used in the ssl_cert task for creating the certificates.
  • Constants that set the directory locations used in various tasks.

If you use the ssl_cert task, change the values in the config/rake.rb file appropriately. These values were also used in the new_cookbook task, but that task is replaced by the knife cookbook create command which can be `configured below.

The second config file, .chef/knife.rb is a repository specific configuration file for knife. If you're using the Opscode Platform, you can download one for your organization from the management console. If you're using the Open Source Chef Server, you can generate a new one with knife configure. For more information about configuring Knife, see the Knife documentation.

This particular repository comes with a slightly UMTS specific .chef/knife.rb file. It expects the following things:

  • That your chef server username is the same as either your local username or the value of the CHEF\_SERVER\_USER environment variable (your might consider setting this in a .rvmrc.local file -- see below)
  • That your orgname (OpsCode Platform only) is either "umts" or set in the ORGNAME environment variable
  • That your client key is stored in ~/.chef/username.pem (where "username" is your chef server username mentioned above)
  • That your validation key is stored in ~/.chef/orgname-validator.pem


Librarian-chef is a gem for managing cookbooks and their dependencies. It is included in the Gemfile, and it changes the conventional file structure and workflow of a Chef repository a little.

First, cookbooks you need should be put in the Cheffile. If you are familiar with Bundler, this file should seem familiar. Cookbooks in the Cheffile and their dependancies are handled by Librarian, and you don't have to worry too much about them.

To see what our cookbook collection looks like, run librarian-chef install and they will be downloaded into the cookbooks/ directory. The cookbooks/ directory is completely ignored by both Librarian and Chef.

The traditional locations for cookbooks have been modified slightly. cookbooks/ is completely ignored, it's just there for your reference. You can use knife to upload any cookbooks that Librarian knows about, whether or not you've downloaded them to cookbooks/. site-cookbooks/ contains cookbooks that you don't feel warrant their own git repo. Unlike a "normal" chef repository, however, it is not in the "cookbook\_path". This is by design. You can keep cookbooks in site-cookbooks/ if you like, but they must also be added to the Cheffile with a path argument:

cookbook "some-cookbook",
  :path => "site-cookbooks/some-cookbook"

Only then can the cookbook be uploaded to the chef server.

rvm and Bundler

There is a Gemfile in the project that installs chef, vagrant, and some other tools. You can bundle and get it all set up.

However, I'm also adding a fairly sophisticated .rvmrc file to the project. If you let it, rvm will create a gemset called "chef" and automatically use bundler to install the necessary gems into it.

If you have personal customizations to add to the .rvmrc file -- say, for example, setting your chef server username environment variable -- add them to a file named .rvmrc.local in the project root. That file will be sourced if it exists.

Next Steps

Read the README file in each of the subdirectories for more information about what goes in those directories.


Our organization's Chef repo






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