This is a Node.js client that follows the Eagle Eye Networks API. It listens for new motion events and then toggles an LED. This is the basis for our real-time feed.
The following steps need to be performed in order, but any call can be made once user is logged-in.
- Login (step 1)
- Login (step 2)
- Current user's information is returned by Login (step 2)
- Get device list
- Subscribe to poll stream
- Get subsequent events from poll stream
- install Node.js
- run
npm install
- run
npm start
- go to http://localhost:3000
Checkout out the facedetection branch if you want to try something different with the previews. It will show the image in grayscale if it doesn't detect a face. Not really useful, but interesting example of using node-opencv
Edit config.js
and replace 'your_username', 'your_password', and 'your_api_key' with your username, password, and api key.
module.exports = {
// credentials for the app to use
'username': 'your_username',
'password': 'your_password',
'api_key': 'your_api_key',
// if you only want a subset of the cameras, put the ESNs here,
// empty means show all
'filter_cameras': [
// what serial port should be connect to
'serial_port': '/dev/cu.usbmodem14101',
// where to save the auth file
'path_to_saved_cookie': './cookie'