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Cucumber 'requires' option - autoload magic for your objects
Matt Robbins

Once your cucumber projects get to a certain size you almost certainly start to think about moving away from monolithic steps files and toward a more object based approach.

This blog post describes how you might go about doing this and is definitely worth a read.

So, I wanted to have a project structure something like that depicted below:

{% highlight console %} /~features/ / /~examples/ / / /~step-definitions/ / / / /-steps.rb / / /-example.feature / /~support/ / / /-env.rb/ / / /~objects/ / / / /-myobjects.rb {% endhighlight %}

And the good news is that this worked fine when I ran my cukes as follows:

{% highlight console %} cucumber -p default {% endhighlight %}

However, when I ran with a specific feature it blew up as it failed to load my custom objects (myobjects.rb).

{% highlight console %} cucumber -p default features/examples/example.feature {% endhighlight %}

{% highlight console %} uninitialized constant MyCustomObject (NameError) {% endhighlight %}

So like every good hacker I started to delve down into the innards of the Cucumber runtime code, which whilst interesting was unnecessary had I read the help!!!

{% highlight console %} -r, --require LIBRARY|DIR Require files before executing the features. If this option is not specified, all *.rb files that are siblings or below the features will be loaded auto- matically. Automatic loading is disabled when this option is specified, and all loading becomes explicit. Files under directories named "support" are always loaded first. This option can be specified multiple times. {% endhighlight %}

Note if you run a feature with tags then all code under /features will be pulled in, as when you run with no specificity.

So to always include all your code under /features, but still run a single feature - do the following:

{% highlight console %} cucumber -p default --require features features/examples/example.feature {% endhighlight %}