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Michaël Defferrard, Pierre Fechting, Vu Hiep Doan.

An OpenGL application which generates a terrain geometry and renders the 3D scene on the GPU. A camera, pictorially illustrated in the global view, follows a configurable Bézier path through the scene. It was realized as a semester project for an introductory lesson in computer graphics at EPFL.

Featured techniques:

  • Procedural terrain generated by hybrid multi-fractal with Perlin noise function.
  • Material texturing based on terrain height and gradient.
  • Seamless cube-mapped skybox.
  • Self-shadowing using shadow mapping.
  • Water reflection, refraction and depth effects.
  • Free flying and FPS exploration modes.
  • Runtime configurable Bézier camera path: 2 Béziers, 8 control points.
  • Animated pictorial camera along the path.
  • Particles system: 8000 particles which position and speed are controlled in parallel by the GPU.
  • Two (interchangeable) simultaneous views: global and camera.
  • Object oriented programing.

path particles views


  • group19: main source code
  • docs/reports: reports explaining what has been done
  • common: set of provided CMake and headers
  • external: provided external libraries
  • textures, skybox, duck: texture and vertex ressources

Build and run


cd build
cmake ..



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