SenseTest v 0.99
- Apache2
- php 7+
- download this repository and put move it in your Apache root folder
- create config.php with your database details as follow:
$db['username'] = "username";
$db['password'] = "password";
$db['dbname'] = "database name";
$db['host'] = "host";
- important: protect /admin/ with a password, see instructions in /admin/
- go to [your server location]/admin/ to setup your the tests ready for use. After setting up the database, make sure you RENDER the tests (this will compile all necessary data to index.html)
- title: main html document title
- description: main html document description (Search Engines)
- keywords: main html document keywords (Search Engines, mostly ignored)
- image: main html document image reference (social media)
- database configuration for profile questions.
- ID: Unique ID, used for table name and javascript reference
- link: link reference used for url (/tests/link, /results/link)
- relation: main | sub | @link
- main: always visible in top list
- sub: always visible in sub list
- @link: only visible if referenced test is done. Reference to link parameter of other test. This is a comma seperated list, i.e.: graphemes, vowel_sounds
- disabled: true | false
- type: syn (colorgrid) | synplus (colorpicker)| klankenvorm | klankenbetekenis
- titles:
- menushort: title of test (html)
- description: description of test (html)
- time: estimate duration of test (html)
- percentage: threshold for WOW-factor in results (integer 0-100)
- resultinfo: description on results page (html)
- social: description for social media link (must be url encoded)
- wow: description when greater than WOW threshold (html)
- DB: default DB fields (columnname: mysqlfieldtype)
- everyquestion: DB fields per question (columnname: mysqlfieldtype)
- maxsetlength: maximum questions
- sets:
- "setname": [array]
Set definitions
- "setname": [array]
warning: do not repeat the same soundfile after one another in a set of test items. The sound might not start playing the second time on some devices.
- admin/
- api/
- bower_components/
- css/
- data/
- images // all images and icons
- pages // static Markdown pages
- sound // default sounds
- tests
- graphemes
- config.json
- icon.png
- icon-h.png
- template.php
- vowel_sounds
- etc...
- texts // customise the content
- global_config.json
- profile.json
- js/
- temp // temporary files
- templates
- .htaccess
- config.php
- index.html (compiled, see admin)
- index.php (compile source)
This web application is developed by BSTN for the "Groot Nationaal Onderzoek" project, a large-scale survey of crossmodal associations and synaesthesia led by Mark Dingemanse and Tessa van Leeuwen (2015-2018), supported by the Dutch public broadcaster NPO/NTR and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
The single page web app is based on open source software like AngularJS, SASS, SoundManager2, Parsedown, see bower_components (and api/parsedown-master) for more info.