PSKindleWatch is a PowerShell module that keeps a Kindle book watchlist and can alert you when a price drop occurs.
Install-Module -Name PSKindleWatch -Scope CurrentUser
Clone the repository and run .\build.ps1 deploy
This will install several modules if you do not already have them, see build.ps1
for details. These are only required for the build process and are not otherwise used by PSKindleWatch.
Copy the files from src
to C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSKindleWatch
and rename the .ps1
file to .psm1
PSKindleWatch only has 4 cmdlets
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Add-KindleBook 1.0 PSKindleWatch
Function Get-KindleBooks 1.0 PSKindleWatch
Function Remove-KindleBook 1.0 PSKindleWatch
Function Update-KindleBookPrices 1.0 PSKindleWatch
Add-KindleBook -BookURL <String> [-DataFile <String>]
Please ensure the URL is of the Kindle edition of the book, others may not work due to differences in Amazon's APIs.
The module stores book data in a JSON file, the -DataFile
parameter specifies the path to this file. It is an optional parameter, by default it will be placed in the user's Documents folder and named KindleBooks.json.
Add-KindleBook -BookURL ""
Get-KindleBooks [-DataFile <String>]
Returns a list of currently monitored books.
PS C:\> Get-KindleBooks | Format-Table -AutoSize
Title Authors OriginalPrice
----- ------- -------------
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power Shoshana Zuboff 9.80
Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction Philip Tetlock,Dan Gardner 14.99
Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science (Fully Revised and Updated) Charles J. Wheelan, Burton G. Malkiel 23.06
Remove-KindleBook -BookTitle <String>
The title lookup uses -match
, a partial string match will suffice.
PS C:\> Remove-KindleBook -BookTitle narco
-Narconomics: How To Run a Drug Cartel
Update-KindleBookPrices [-DataFile <String>] [-AlertScriptBlock <ScriptBlock>]
Checks the current price of all books in the data file and prints any price drop to the console.
It is recommended a wrapper be created to run this in a loop in a PowerShell window, or as a scheduled task, or as a Windows Service. I've written up a quick guide on how it can be made to run as a service to avoid needing to manually restart the process after reboots. Check it out here.
while($true) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 43200
Example Output
PS C:\> Update-KindleBookPrices
Checking price of Windows PowerShell Cookbook: The Complete Guide to Scripting Microsoft's Command Shell
+Found discount for Windows PowerShell Cookbook: The Complete Guide to Scripting Microsoft's Command Shell, new price is $41.98 (original: $67.91)
As there are many options for alerting (email, SMS, push, API, ...) and each one with a myriad of providers this functionality has been left to the user to implement.
The Update-KindleBookPrices
accepts a ScriptBlock parameter called -AlertScriptBlock
. The ScriptBlock is executed if there is a change in price, and gets passed the $Book
object (see JSON representation below) as the first parameter, and a descriptive message (a string, see example above in green) as the second parameter.
"Title": "Windows PowerShell Cookbook: The Complete Guide to Scripting Microsoft's Command Shell",
"Authors": [
"Lee Holmes"
"URL": "<truncated>",
"ImageURL": "",
"IsOnSale": true,
"OriginalPrice": 67.91,
"SalePrice": 41.98
[ScriptBlock]$SendEmail = {
$Body = "<h1><a href=$($Book.URL)>Get it!</a></h1>"
Send-MailMessage `
-From "" `
-To "" `
-Subject $Msg `
-Body $Body `
-BodyAsHtml `
-SmtpServer ""
Write-Host "Sending email!"
Update-KindleBookPrices -AlertScriptBlock $SendEmail
Checking price of Windows PowerShell Cookbook: The Complete Guide to Scripting Microsoft's Command Shell
Found discount for Windows PowerShell Cookbook: The Complete Guide to Scripting Microsoft's Command Shell, new price is $41.98 (original: $61.99)
Sending email!