diff --git a/files/en-us/mdn/guidelines/css_style_guide/index.html b/files/en-us/mdn/guidelines/css_style_guide/index.html index 4c619f09fc067cf..57af2bce0e8b7ac 100644 --- a/files/en-us/mdn/guidelines/css_style_guide/index.html +++ b/files/en-us/mdn/guidelines/css_style_guide/index.html @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@

Style notes

Example syntax

<table class="standard-table" summary="This table details what tea we liked to drink back in the heady month of December 2015">
<table class="standard-table">
  <caption>Favorite teas, December 2015</caption>
diff --git a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/87/index.html b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/87/index.html
index 1deaf65e192aeb6..9f1025e2fd6ca99 100644
--- a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/87/index.html
+++ b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/87/index.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ 


diff --git a/files/en-us/web/api/eventtarget/addeventlistener/index.html b/files/en-us/web/api/eventtarget/addeventlistener/index.html index 1876a15793037fa..0eb99aa84eb5d10 100644 --- a/files/en-us/web/api/eventtarget/addeventlistener/index.html +++ b/files/en-us/web/api/eventtarget/addeventlistener/index.html @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@

Add an abortable listener

This example demonstrates how to add an addEventListener() that can be aborted with an {{domxref("AbortSignal")}}.





<table id="outside">
   <tr><td id="t1">one</td></tr>
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ 






// Add an abortable event listener to table
 const controller = new AbortController();
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ 


In the above example just above, we modify the code in the previous example such that after the second row’s content changes to "three", we call abort() from the {{domxref("AbortController")}} we passed to the addEventListener() call. That results in the value remaining as "three" forever — because we no longer have any code listening for a click event.






diff --git a/files/en-us/web/api/fetch_api/using_fetch/index.html b/files/en-us/web/api/fetch_api/using_fetch/index.html index 3fdbfb97ed697c7..0902c5d69329679 100644 --- a/files/en-us/web/api/fetch_api/using_fetch/index.html +++ b/files/en-us/web/api/fetch_api/using_fetch/index.html @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
  • The Promise returned from fetch() won’t reject on HTTP error status even if the response is an HTTP 404 or 500. Instead, it will resolve normally (with ok status set to false), and it will only reject on network failure or if anything prevented the request from completing.
  • -
  • fetch() won’t send cross-origin cookies unless you set the credentials init option. (Since April 2018. The spec changed the default credentials policy to same-origin. Firefox changed since 61.0b13.)
  • +
  • fetch() won’t send cross-origin cookies unless you set the credentials init option. (Since April 2018. The spec changed the default credentials policy to same-origin. Firefox changed since 61.0b13.)

A basic fetch request is really simple to set up. Have a look at the following code:

diff --git a/files/en-us/web/html/element/hgroup/index.html b/files/en-us/web/html/element/hgroup/index.html index 609544746af2185..6421727870fbaf2 100644 --- a/files/en-us/web/html/element/hgroup/index.html +++ b/files/en-us/web/html/element/hgroup/index.html @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@



Accessibility concerns


Accessibility concerns

The presence of hgroup may remove information reported to assistive technology about the subheading portion of the heading group.

diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/inheritance_and_the_prototype_chain/index.html b/files/en-us/web/javascript/inheritance_and_the_prototype_chain/index.html index 9d7ca7bbca7eaf5..77c80ea409a1077 100644 --- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/inheritance_and_the_prototype_chain/index.html +++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/inheritance_and_the_prototype_chain/index.html @@ -398,8 +398,8 @@

Code example

console.log(inst.foo_prop); console.log(inst.bar_prop);
- - +
Pros and cons of exending Object.prototype
+ @@ -412,8 +412,8 @@

Code example

Both of those are generally not problems in practice.

- -
Pros and cons of extending Object.prototype
+ +

#2: {{jsxref("Object.create")}}

 // Technique 1
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ 

#2: {{jsxref("Object.create")}}

var inst = new bar; console.log(inst.foo_prop); console.log(inst.bar_prop)
- +
@@ -461,8 +461,8 @@

#2: {{jsxref("Object.create")}}

- -
Pros and cons of {{jsxref("Object.create")}}
Con(s) Not supported in IE8 and below. However, as Microsoft has discontinued extended support for systems running IE8 and below, that should not be a concern for most applications. Additionally, the slow object initialization can be a performance black hole if using the second argument, because each object-descriptor property has its own separate descriptor object. When dealing with hundreds of thousands of object descriptors in the form of objects, that lag time might become a serious issue.
+ +

#3: {{jsxref("Object.setPrototypeOf")}}

 // Technique 1
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ 

#3: {{jsxref("Object.setPrototypeOf")}}

var inst = new bar; console.log(inst.foo_prop); console.log(inst.bar_prop)
- +
@@ -509,8 +509,8 @@

#3: {{jsxref("Object.setPrototypeOf")}}

- -
Pros and cons of {{jsxref("Object.setPrototypeOf")}}
Con(s) Ill-performing. Should be deprecated. Many browsers optimize the prototype and try to guess the location of the method in memory when calling an instance in advance; but setting the prototype dynamically disrupts all those optimizations. It might cause some browsers to recompile your code for de-optimization, to make it work according to the specs. Not supported in IE8 and below.
+ +

#4: Setting the {{jsxref("Object/proto","__proto__")}} property

 // Technique 1
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ 

#4: Setting the {{jsxref("Object/proto","__proto__")}} prope }; console.log(inst.foo_prop); console.log(inst.bar_prop)

- +
Pros and cons of setting the {{jsxref("Object/proto","__proto__")}} property