diff --git a/files/en-us/learn/css/css_layout/grids/index.html b/files/en-us/learn/css/css_layout/grids/index.html index 089fe52eaedd830..33597edd18e9e66 100644 --- a/files/en-us/learn/css/css_layout/grids/index.html +++ b/files/en-us/learn/css/css_layout/grids/index.html @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@

The minmax() function

Our 100-pixel tall tracks won’t be very useful if we add content into those tracks that is taller than 100 pixels, in which case it would cause an overflow. It might be better to have tracks that are at least 100 pixels tall and can still expand if more content gets into them. A fairly basic fact about the web is that you never really know how tall something is going to be; additional content or larger font sizes can cause problems with designs that attempt to be pixel perfect in every dimension.


The {{cssxref("minmax()")}} function lets us set a minimum and maximum size for a track, for example minmax(100px, auto). The minimum size is 100 pixels, but the maximum is auto, which will expand to fit the content. Try changing grid-auto-rows to use a minmax value:


The {{cssxref("minmax")}} function lets us set a minimum and maximum size for a track, for example minmax(100px, auto). The minimum size is 100 pixels, but the maximum is auto, which will expand to fit the content. Try changing grid-auto-rows to use a minmax value:

.container {
     display: grid;
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ 

The minmax() function

As many columns as will fit


We can combine some of the things we have learned about track listing, repeat notation and {{cssxref("minmax()")}} to create a useful pattern. Sometimes it is helpful to be able to ask grid to create as many columns as will fit into the container. We do this by setting the value of grid-template-columns using {{cssxref("repeat()")}} notation, but instead of passing in a number, pass in the keyword auto-fill. For the second parameter of the function we use minmax(), with a minimum value equal to the minimum track size that we would like to have, and a maximum of 1fr.


We can combine some of the things we have learned about track listing, repeat notation and {{cssxref("minmax")}} to create a useful pattern. Sometimes it is helpful to be able to ask grid to create as many columns as will fit into the container. We do this by setting the value of grid-template-columns using {{cssxref("repeat")}} notation, but instead of passing in a number, pass in the keyword auto-fill. For the second parameter of the function we use minmax(), with a minimum value equal to the minimum track size that we would like to have, and a maximum of 1fr.

Try this in your file now, using the below CSS: