+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Evaluating Objective Functions 067 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Design Variables: OrderedDict([('shapex', array([ 0.0011706283279987, 0.0011954844582298, 0.0011954838583144, 0.0011954835698261, 0.0011954834443051, -0.0011954808009162, -0.0011954772464674, -0.001195480272005 , -0.0011954840243337, 0.000030143960747 ])), ('shapey', array([-0.0011954834868121, -0.0011954843319615, -0.0011954837578356, -0.0011954839915099, -0.0011954832981755, 0.0011588894143161, 0.0011712245690339, -0.0000018096045153, -0.0011899226118486, -0.0003697617649831])), ('shapez', array([ 0.0011954851053954, 0.0011954855182303, 0.0011954837833458, 0.0011954821802316, 0.0011954816392552, -0.0011954775227288, -0.0011954814773137, -0.0011954861573091, -0.0011954872886315, -0.0011885274684662]))]) DVGeo PointSet UpToDate: False Updating DVGeo PointSet.... DVGeo PointSet UpToDate: True Warping the volume mesh.... Running Primal Solver 067 Previous solution time 10 not found and nothing deleted. Adding all faces of patches 2(inlet outlet) ... Found matching patch outlet with 0 faces. Found matching patch inlet with 258 faces. Adding all faces of patches 2(inlet outlet) ... Found matching patch outlet with 0 faces. Found matching patch inlet with 258 faces. Adding all faces of patches 1(inlet) ... Found matching patch inlet with 258 faces. Adding all faces of patches 1(blade) ... Found matching patch blade with 4992 faces. Starting time loop Checking mesh quality for time = 0 Overall domain bounding box (-0.004725249182815 -0.0499149410027 0.0009861506644058082) (0.04386813158572 -0.004373109460085852 0.04048592065991487) Mesh has 3 geometric (non-empty/wedge) directions 3{1} Mesh has 3 solution (non-empty) directions 3{1} Boundary openness (1.167661509255074e-17 7.20289744196931e-18 -6.10295232812858e-16) OK. ***High aspect ratio cells found, Max aspect ratio: 6.216772788414394e+92, number of cells 1 < 70 degrees) faces: 5. Non-orthogonality check OK. < self.warp = MExt('idwarp', [curDir], debug=debug)._module /home/dafoamuser/dafoam/packages/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/idwarp/UnstructuredMesh.py:112: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/dafoamuser/dafoam/packages/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/idwarp/idwarp.so'> self.warp = MExt('idwarp', [curDir], debug=debug)._module Optimization Problem -- opt ================================================================================ Objective Function: calcObjFuncValues Solution: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Time: 51189.0438 User Objective Time : 2126.2272 User Sensitivity Time : 49061.8731 Interface Time : 0.9362 Opt Solver Time: 0.0073 Calls to Objective Function : 68 Calls to Sens Function : 8 Objectives Index Name Value Optimum 0 CMZ 2.822422E-02 0.000000E+00 Variables (c - continuous, i - integer, d - discrete) Index Name Type Lower Bound Value Upper Bound Status 0 shapex_0 c -1.000000E-02 1.170628E-03 1.000000E-02 1 shapex_1 c -1.000000E-02 1.195484E-03 1.000000E-02 2 shapex_2 c -1.000000E-02 1.195484E-03 1.000000E-02 3 shapex_3 c -1.000000E-02 1.195484E-03 1.000000E-02 4 shapex_4 c -1.000000E-02 1.195483E-03 1.000000E-02 5 shapex_5 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195481E-03 1.000000E-02 6 shapex_6 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195477E-03 1.000000E-02 7 shapex_7 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195480E-03 1.000000E-02 8 shapex_8 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195484E-03 1.000000E-02 9 shapex_9 c -1.000000E-02 3.014396E-05 1.000000E-02 10 shapey_0 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195483E-03 1.000000E-02 11 shapey_1 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195484E-03 1.000000E-02 12 shapey_2 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195484E-03 1.000000E-02 13 shapey_3 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195484E-03 1.000000E-02 14 shapey_4 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195483E-03 1.000000E-02 15 shapey_5 c -1.000000E-02 1.158889E-03 1.000000E-02 16 shapey_6 c -1.000000E-02 1.171225E-03 1.000000E-02 17 shapey_7 c -1.000000E-02 -1.809605E-06 1.000000E-02 18 shapey_8 c -1.000000E-02 -1.189923E-03 1.000000E-02 19 shapey_9 c -1.000000E-02 -3.697618E-04 1.000000E-02 20 shapez_0 c -1.000000E-02 1.195485E-03 1.000000E-02 21 shapez_1 c -1.000000E-02 1.195486E-03 1.000000E-02 22 shapez_2 c -1.000000E-02 1.195484E-03 1.000000E-02 23 shapez_3 c -1.000000E-02 1.195482E-03 1.000000E-02 24 shapez_4 c -1.000000E-02 1.195482E-03 1.000000E-02 25 shapez_5 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195478E-03 1.000000E-02 26 shapez_6 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195481E-03 1.000000E-02 27 shapez_7 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195486E-03 1.000000E-02 28 shapez_8 c -1.000000E-02 -1.195487E-03 1.000000E-02 29 shapez_9 c -1.000000E-02 -1.188527E-03 1.000000E-02 Constraints (i - inequality, e - equality) Index Name Type Lower Value Upper Status Lagrange Multiplier (N/A) 0 TPR i 1.170000E+00 1.177553E+00 1.200000E+00 9.00000E+100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /home/dafoamuser/dafoam/packages/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/idwarp/UnstructuredMesh.py:112: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/dafoamuser/dafoam/packages/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/idwarp/idwarp.so'> self.warp = MExt('idwarp', [curDir], debug=debug)._module /home/dafoamuser/dafoam/packages/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyoptsparse/pySLSQP/pySLSQP.py:260: DeprecationWarning: np.asscalar(a) is deprecated since NumPy v1.16, use a.item() instead inform = np.asscalar(mode) /home/dafoamuser/dafoam/packages/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/idwarp/UnstructuredMesh.py:112: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/dafoamuser/dafoam/packages/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/idwarp/idwarp.so'> self.warp = MExt('idwarp', [curDir], debug=debug)._module Finalising parallel run