# rst Import import numpy as np from pyhyp import pyHyp # rst SurfMesh data = np.loadtxt("n0012Sara.dat") #insert airfoil dat x = data[:, 0].copy() y = data[:, 1].copy() ndim = x.shape[0] airfoil3d = np.zeros((ndim, 2, 3)) for j in range(2): airfoil3d[:, j, 0] = x[:] airfoil3d[:, j, 1] = y[:] # set the z value on two sides to 0 and 1 airfoil3d[:, 0, 2] = 0.0 airfoil3d[:, 1, 2] = 1.0 # write out plot3d P3D_fname = "n0012.xyz" with open(P3D_fname, "w") as p3d: p3d.write(str(1) + "\n") p3d.write(str(ndim) + " " + str(2) + " " + str(1) + "\n") for ell in range(3): for j in range(2): for i in range(ndim): p3d.write("%.15f\n" % (airfoil3d[i, j, ell])) # rst GenOptions options = { # --------------------------- # Input Parameters # --------------------------- "inputFile": P3D_fname, "unattachedEdgesAreSymmetry": False, "outerFaceBC": "farfield", "autoConnect": True, "BC": {1: {"jLow": "zSymm", "jHigh": "zSymm"}}, "families": "wall", # rst GridOptions # --------------------------- # Grid Parameters # --------------------------- "N": 129, "s0": 2e-6, "marchDist": 100.0, } # rst Run hyp = pyHyp(options=options) hyp.run() hyp.writeCGNS("n0012.cgns")